Poll shows more Americans want Black Lives Matter riots investigated than Jan. 6 Capitol riot — and it's not close

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Daily Wire ^

As Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi picks members of a select committee to investigate the riots of January 6, a new poll finds that many Americans believe she’s focusing on the wrong riots.

One-third more Americans believe Congress should hold investigative hearings about last summer’s “Black Lives Matter protests that sparked violence” than think lawmakers ought to probe the riot at the capitol on January 6.

In all, two out of three likely U.S. voters say they believe Congress should open an official investigation into “the violent protests” which blazed a trail of arson and looting through major and mid-sized cities nationwide. On the other hand, fewer than half (49%) of Americans support Pelosi’s investigation of the D.C. riot in which rioters protesting the 2020 presidential election results stormed the capitol.

Support for a federal inquiry into the riots that engulfed U.S. cities after the death of George Floyd cut deep across racial and political lines. “Sixty-seven percent (67%) of whites, 64% of black voters, 66% of Hispanics and 62% of other minorities think Congress should investigate the 2020 riots in U.S. cities,” reported Rasmussen Reports. “Seventy-five percent (75%) of Republicans, 60% of Democrats and 63% of voters not affiliated with either major party say Congress should investigate last year’s violent protests.”

The Speaker’s controversial select committee stands on shakier ground. Americans were almost evenly divided on whether members of Congress should launch another examination of the Capitol riot, which Pelosi and her fellow Democrats label an “insurrection”: 42% of respondents told pollsters that the event does not merit a national inquest, with 49% in favor. By contrast, only 21% of Americans said Congress should not investigate the riots surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement.

The riots were the most expensive in U.S. history, costing insurance companies an estimated $1 billion to $2 billion, according to Property Claim Services. That estimate only includes the share of the damage insurance companies cover.

The riots also left hundreds of policemen and civilians injured, and dozens killed, in their wake. “Approximately, 72% of major city law enforcement agencies had officers harmed” during last summer’s riots, according to the Major Cities Chiefs Association. A single police agency “reported that 462 of [its] officers were injured during the protests in [its] jurisdiction.”

Tragically, at least 27 people died during the riots.

“Many elected officials of both parties and at all levels followed up, not by apologizing to their citizens for failing to uphold the law, but by accusing police officers of systemic racism, being in need of reform, reimagining and defunding,” said Sgt. Betsy Brantner Smith (Ret), a spokesperson for the National Police Association, in a statement.

The poll also found:

62% of voters believe politicians who downplayed the riots should be criticized, 11 points higher than those who believe politicians should be called out for minimizing the importance of the D.C. riot; 63% believe looters and rioters who broke the law last summer should be charged and criminally prosecuted; 65% say President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris should meet with the family of former St. Louis Police captain David Dorn, who was slain by rioters; 68% believe failing to prosecute “quality of life” crimes like shoplifting make criminals more likely to reoffend; and 76% of likely voters say young people ought to be taught to obey police officers’ lawful commands instead of resisting or fleeing arrest. The results, which come from a poll released by Rasmussen and the National Police Association last Wednesday, follow a poll in April that found 55% of likely voters believe anti-police rhetoric makes police officers’ jobs more dangerous.


NOT Good Enough, I want EVERY Elected Official that Collaborated with them Charged Accordingly

"According to a study of 68 cities by the Major Cities Chiefs Association, in the summer of 2020, there were at least 574 protests that involved acts of violence, including assaults on police officers, looting and arson. More than 2,000 police officers sustained injuries in the line of duty. Should congress investigate the 2020 violent protests that occurred in these cities?"

Really, it's not a loaded question meant to skew the result of the survey..........
I'm starting to get a bad impression of government investigations. That's because the ones that get the most media coverage are all bogus and anti conservative. Russiagate, 2 fabricated impeachments, 2 SC nominees and Trump's taxes are a few. Other government investigations which target liberals and have plenty of proof against them seem to always get swept under the rug. Some examples are the Clintons, the DOJ-FBI, Hunters laptop, Biden bribing Ukraine - selling influence and stolen elections. You know how the investigation will go just based on the party of the person being investigated. That's a given.
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"According to a study of 68 cities by the Major Cities Chiefs Association, in the summer of 2020, there were at least 574 protests that involved acts of violence, including assaults on police officers, looting and arson. More than 2,000 police officers sustained injuries in the line of duty. Should congress investigate the 2020 violent protests that occurred in these cities?"

Really, it's not a loaded question meant to skew the result of the survey..........
Move to NYC and we'll see how brave you are.
I'm starting to get a bad impression of government investigations. That's because the ones that get the most media coverage are all bogus and anti conservative. Russiagate, 2 fabricated impeachments, 2 SC nominees and Trump's taxes are a few. Other government investigations which target liberals and have plenty of proof against them seem to get swept under the rug. Some examples are the Clintons, the DOJ-FBI, Hunters laptop, Biden bribing Ukraine and selling influence and stolen elections. You know how the investigation will go just based on the party of the person being investigated. That's a given.

And let's not forget the gun Hunter purchased illegally because he lied on a federal firearms application. Then his girlfriend took the gun and tossed it into a dumpster near a school. Not even a slap on the hand.

"According to a study of 68 cities by the Major Cities Chiefs Association, in the summer of 2020, there were at least 574 protests that involved acts of violence, including assaults on police officers, looting and arson. More than 2,000 police officers sustained injuries in the line of duty. Should congress investigate the 2020 violent protests that occurred in these cities?"

Really, it's not a loaded question meant to skew the result of the survey..........
Investigate all you want, it's not going to change the fact that the protests (that have actually went on for years now) have made great strides to address our unjust justice system.

Investigate all you want but we are still going to hold officers accountable. not give up on expanding body camera's. We are no longer going to simply take the word of police officers.

Investigate all you want.
Investigate all you want, it's not going to change the fact that the protests (that have actually went on for years now) have made great strides to address our unjust justice system.

Investigate all you want but we are still going to hold officers accountable. not give up on expanding body camera's. We are no longer going to simply take the word of police officers.

Investigate all you want.

Thank you leftists. You know, our police department wants to hire more police officers. I had a meeting with our chief a few weeks ago and we discussed the problem for about an hour. He told me thanks to you leftists, nobody is interested in being a police officer anymore. It's not just our city, it's a plague stretching nationwide. We have money for additional officers, the police vehicles, but can't find anybody qualified to do the job anymore.

Now that Satan is winning this battle thanks to you and his other disciples, evil will spread with more crime, assaults and murders, and we law abiding citizens will only have our guns for protection.
Another rasmussen poll. Next time you should find a more credible source, like Alex Jones, or that crazy guy on the street corner who says he gets all his information from coded messages sent to him in a can of alphabet soup.
Thank you leftists. You know, our police department wants to hire more police officers. I had a meeting with our chief a few weeks ago and we discussed the problem for about an hour. He told me thanks to you leftists, nobody is interested in being a police officer anymore. It's not just our city, it's a plague stretching nationwide. We have money for additional officers, the police vehicles, but can't find anybody qualified to do the job anymore.

Now that Satan is winning this battle thanks to you and his other disciples, evil will spread with more crime, assaults and murders, and we law abiding citizens will only have our guns for protection.
Seems that when you tell the cops they can't kill innocent people, and get away with it any more, it just takes all the fun out of the job.
Thank you leftists. You know, our police department wants to hire more police officers. I had a meeting with our chief a few weeks ago and we discussed the problem for about an hour. He told me thanks to you leftists, nobody is interested in being a police officer anymore. It's not just our city, it's a plague stretching nationwide. We have money for additional officers, the police vehicles, but can't find anybody qualified to do the job anymore.

Now that Satan is winning this battle thanks to you and his other disciples, evil will spread with more crime, assaults and murders, and we law abiding citizens will only have our guns for protection.

And then your alarm went off.
as the scum demonRATS see it, they don't give 2 shits what AMERICANS want...they need to keep pushing----TRUMP bad---and then there sheep get hypnotized and repeat the same lies for years and years...
the fiasco PIG-lousi has going now, is 1 sided LIES, so the scum demonRATS don't get the blame on them, where it really belongs
as the scum demonRATS see it, they don't give 2 shits what AMERICANS want...they need to keep pushing----TRUMP bad---and then there sheep get hypnotized and repeat the same lies for years and years...
the fiasco PIG-lousi has going now, is 1 sided LIES, so the scum demonRATS don't get the blame on them, where it really belongs
Seems the world is just so mean to you. You should just run away from home. That'll show them.
Another rasmussen poll. Next time you should find a more credible source, like Alex Jones, or that crazy guy on the street corner who says he gets all his information from coded messages sent to him in a can of alphabet soup.
As you know, the Rasmussen polls have been the most accurate since well before the failed Obama administration.

If you don't want to continue showing your ignorance, about this topic, prove the FACTS are wrong rather than whining about the source. All that does is confirm that you have nothing and can only wail in anger.
Strangely the GOP didn't want to do the investigating in the Summer of 2020, Fall fo 2020, Winter of 2020.... They did control the Senate...didn't they?

Hmmm... go figure.
That can't make sense, even to you.

Even you know that's another of your desperate lies. None of the out of control Democrat run cities would allow the Feds in to help. Go figure.

Specifically, why would Democrats WANT murder, riots, looting, and arson destroying their cities?

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