Poll: 17% of Biden Voters Would Have Abandoned Him if They Knew About Stories the Media Censored


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
As many as 17 percent of those who voted for Democrat Joe Biden might have chosen differently at the polls, had they been given fair media coverage of the candidates in the weeks leading up to the election, according to a report.

Alleged election malfeasance aside, the establishment media, as expected, played a large part in interfering with the 2020 election, as was concluded by Newbusters.

BJ's Pull Quote

Newsbusters noted that the media’s decision to openly run interference for Biden “meant millions of voters cast their ballots knowing only what the media permitted them to know about the candidates.”

BJ - Their Motto - The Democratic Media keeping Bubblecultists ignorant -
No matter what the media says....TRUMP won the election in a landslide.
There are black people testifying that they personally saw tens of thousands of votes stolen in Detroit, Atlanta, Philadelphia.
She specifically detailed how they did it. The media is hiding thousands of these incidents from you.
If you resign yourself to a Biden Presidency, you are accepting PURE, UNABASHED TYRANNY
What the FUCK people ?????? What the hell do you think the 2nd amendment is FOR ??

Why aren't 10 million patriots descending on DC to stop this obvious Coup ?
The corrupt Big Tech combined with Fake News.. I wonder if they will at all feel badly for being such a larger part of America's destruction, if the fight truly is over.

Your worship of corruption is disgusting

Probably a Chinese troll.
Some folks just want to watch the world burn... until it gets them.
You guys need to get a grip at some point.

Right, the laptop was just a fake and Hunter was hired and over-paid for his pretty smile. You can’t be this gullible, can you?
No matter what the media says....TRUMP won the election in a landslide.
There are black people testifying that they personally saw tens of thousands of votes stolen in Detroit, Atlanta, Philadelphia.
She specifically detailed how they did it. The media is hiding thousands of these incidents from you.
If you resign yourself to a Biden Presidency, you are accepting PURE, UNABASHED TYRANNY
What the FUCK people ?????? What the hell do you think the 2nd amendment is FOR ??

Why aren't 10 million patriots descending on DC to stop this obvious Coup ?

Waiting for the Court system to work, before blowing up the system.
As many as 17 percent of those who voted for Democrat Joe Biden might have chosen differently at the polls, had they been given fair media coverage of the candidates in the weeks leading up to the election, according to a report.

Alleged election malfeasance aside, the establishment media, as expected, played a large part in interfering with the 2020 election, as was concluded by Newbusters.

BJ's Pull Quote

Newsbusters noted that the media’s decision to openly run interference for Biden “meant millions of voters cast their ballots knowing only what the media permitted them to know about the candidates.”

BJ - Their Motto - The Democratic Media keeping Bubblecultists ignorant -
Lemmings have to learn not to watch the communist news. Now there is no more toilet paper again because of how the news lies about the leftyflu hoax.
No matter what the media says....TRUMP won the election in a landslide.
There are black people testifying that they personally saw tens of thousands of votes stolen in Detroit, Atlanta, Philadelphia.
She specifically detailed how they did it. The media is hiding thousands of these incidents from you.
If you resign yourself to a Biden Presidency, you are accepting PURE, UNABASHED TYRANNY
What the FUCK people ?????? What the hell do you think the 2nd amendment is FOR ??

Why aren't 10 million patriots descending on DC to stop this obvious Coup ?
So what the hell do you think the 2nd amendment is for and how is that applicable to the election?

BTW get a grip. You are obviously hysterical. Trump lost because 80 million strong had enough of that fraud.
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Maybe you didn't understand the Story
The Democratic Media created a Cult - they put a bubble around it,
They sealed it up pretty tight around the Time that Obama was running.
The story detailed how the Democratic Media only lets stories that are Cult Approved into the bubble,
You're in a cult
Your leaders have instructed you (like all cult leaders) not to trust anyone outside of your cult.
It really is that simple.
So what the hell do you think the 2nd amendment is for and how is applicable to the election?

BTW get a grip. You are obviously hysterical. Trump lost because 80 million strong had enough of that fraud.

Honestly who cares if 10 million people voted 8 times, as long as we removed this troglodyte that prevented all global progress in favor of the world's bankers.
Maybe you didn't understand the Story
The Democratic Media created a Cult - they put a bubble around it,
They sealed it up pretty tight around the Time that Obama was running.
The story detailed how the Democratic Media only lets stories that are Cult Approved into the bubble,
You're in a cult
Your leaders have instructed you (like all cult leaders) not to trust anyone outside of your cult.
It really is that simple.

The media is comprised of educated people, so of course they hate trump, he undermined so many of President Obama's accomplishments and through electoral fiat prevented Hillary from completing the agenda.

Now that he is going away it will take a couple more elections and the world will be back in equilibrium.

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