Democrat Justice In Post-Modern America


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Post-Modern, Post-Christian, Post-Justice… could be called all of these, but the theme of all is that there is no right or wrong, no societal ethics…..only winning and losing.

1.There certainly is a Wuhan Red Death, and it is incapacitating and often fatal…..but only to the elderly ore those with morbidities that probably would have resulted in death at some point. Other than those, the chances of dying from this version of the seasonal flu is essentially zero.

2.The poster boy for the troubling times through which we are living is NYS Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo. The events attached to Cuomo this last year are a microcosm of America, especially in the way rectitude is assigned.

3. “On March 25, Cuomo, saying he feared that an onslaught of COVID victims would overwhelm hospitals, issued an order that required nursing homes to accept COVID-19 patients being discharged from hospitals, so long as they were “medically stable.” Under the policy, the nursing homes receiving the patients were barred from testing the patients to see if they might still be contagious.” Andrew Cuomo’s Report on Controversial Nursing Home Policy for COVID Patients Prompts More Controversy

4. “…Gov. Andrew Cuomo and his administration argue that the controversial policy is not to blame for the tragic figure.” Gov. Cuomo sent 6,300 COVID-19 patients to nursing homes during pandemic

5. Keep in mind that Cuomo has several better options, but chose to travel the path that Democrat tin-pot dictators have trod throughout the ‘crisis’….mandate, and the Devil take the hindmost.

Trump had sent the naval hospital, with 1,000 beds to NY.
“Trump: Hospital Ship Comfort to go to New York City”

And Trump had 3,000 beds ready here:

“Army helps make temporary hospital at New York's Javits Center one of the largest in the country

There will be nearly 3,000 beds available at the Javits Center.” Army helps make temporary hospital at New York's Javits Center one of the largest in the country

6. “Justice Department is Investigating Andrew Cuomo’s Nursing Home Order That Killed 15,000 People

Officially, New York reported 6,722 deaths at nursing homes due to the coronavirus this year. However, the state tally only includes people who died at the facility; nursing home residents who were transferred to hospitals and died there are not included in the total.” Justice Department is Investigating Andrew Cuomo’s Nursing Home Order That Killed 15,000 People

Now, we are under the pressure of a post-modern Democrat owned America. Keep that in mind when you hear the ….’punishment’ Democrat Governor Cuomo received.
Here's a is the same sort of 'punishment' all Democrats get in this troubling time.
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Democrats hate America and want to manage America's decline into a 3rd world country. Democrats dream of a post America world.

If a Democrat tells you otherwise, they are either just a useful idiot or lying to your face.
Republicans, (rhetoric doesn't count), stand for the same destination with a different rate of descent- hitting a brick wall at 99mph will make you as dead as hitting it at 100mph- the Republican side of the Duopoly Party has had ample opportunity to introduce course corrections to a misguided ship- they failed. They want to tweak the course with their ineptitude- which is as inept as the other side of the Duopoly Party- results speak for themselves-
Democrats hate America and want to manage America's decline into a 3rd world country. Democrats dream of a post America world.

If a Democrat tells you otherwise, they are either just a useful idiot or lying to your face.
Republicans, (rhetoric doesn't count), stand for the same destination with a different rate of descent- hitting a brick wall at 99mph will make you as dead as hitting it at 100mph- the Republican side of the Duopoly Party has had ample opportunity to introduce course corrections to a misguided ship- they failed. They want to tweak the course with their ineptitude- which is as inept as the other side of the Duopoly Party- results speak for themselves-
There are many bad Republicans who sell out to democrats, but democrats aren't even Americans anymore. They've become something else.
Democrats hate America and want to manage America's decline into a 3rd world country. Democrats dream of a post America world.

If a Democrat tells you otherwise, they are either just a useful idiot or lying to your face.

Not just America......all of Western Civilization.

For them, the Bible and the Judeo-Christian basis of same are anathema.
Democrats hate America and want to manage America's decline into a 3rd world country. Democrats dream of a post America world.

If a Democrat tells you otherwise, they are either just a useful idiot or lying to your face.
Republicans, (rhetoric doesn't count), stand for the same destination with a different rate of descent- hitting a brick wall at 99mph will make you as dead as hitting it at 100mph- the Republican side of the Duopoly Party has had ample opportunity to introduce course corrections to a misguided ship- they failed. They want to tweak the course with their ineptitude- which is as inept as the other side of the Duopoly Party- results speak for themselves-

"Republicans, (rhetoric doesn't count), stand for the same destination..."

That's false.

If you'd say that the Republican Party doesn't fight with the same intensity, the same ignoring of the rules on which society is bases, that could be the case. Perhaps even 'inept.'

The Republicans are not as good at politics because it is not their religion. It is for Democrats: the religion of Militant Secularism and it shares the fanaticism of the Islamofascists.

But you have been challenged time and again to produce a similar indictment of Republicans to this:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
There are many bad Republicans who sell out to democrats, but democrats aren't even Americans anymore. They've become something else.
Can you point out to me the requirement for American?

Now, jot this down:

The Founders, classical liberals, conservatives....Americans
a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists....Democrats
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

None of the totalitarian forms of political plague have the slightest concern for human life: not communism (gulags), not Nazism (concentration camps), not Liberalism (abortion), not Progressivism (eugenics), not socialism (theft), not fascism (murder).

They only differ in the final outcome: slavery, serfdom, or death.

They all follow Trotsky: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
Now, jot this down:
I don't believe that's "official"- I'm pretty sure it isn't- I'm also real sure there are no requirements if you're born here- I know there is a test administered, to immigrants, but, having never seen it, I can't speak to those answers being a part of it- I believe there is a bumper sticker slogan or two much more meaningful- land of the free, home of the brave comes to mind- something about a statue of liberty comes to mind too- give us what, who?
Now, jot this down:
I don't believe that's "official"- I'm pretty sure it isn't- I'm also real sure there are no requirements if you're born here- I know there is a test administered, to immigrants, but, having never seen it, I can't speak to those answers being a part of it- I believe there is a bumper sticker slogan or two much more meaningful- land of the free, home of the brave comes to mind- something about a statue of liberty comes to mind too- give us what, who?

If I say it, it becomes official.

The best hope for the Republican party would be to Queen of All Things.
I would be a sort of modern Draco......

I kinda like this view:
“We should forgive our enemies, but not before they are hanged”― Heinrich Heine
15,000 elderly died due to Democrat Cuomo’s mishandling of the Chinese virus…..but:

7. “Cuomo gets book deal to write on Covid-19, leadership

The state’s response efforts to the Covid-19 pandemic have been all consuming of Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s time the past five months.

But he still managed to find the hours to write a book – and narrate its audio version – that will detail how he believes he handled the Covid-19 crisis and the importance of government leadership in such challenging times.

Financial terms of the deal for the book, "American Crisis," were not released Tuesday by the Cuomo administration or Crown, the Random House Publishing Group imprint that is publishing the book.” Cuomo gets book deal to write on Covid-19, leadership

Being a Democrat in post-modern America means never having to say you’re sorry.
Or deal with consequences of your actions.
8. Not only did the media hide Democrat Cuomo’s culpability, but they and the Democrat Party did everything they could to cover for Communist China:

“Gov. Andrew Cuomo Calls Wuhan Coronavirus the ‘European Virus’”
Gov. Andrew Cuomo Calls Chinese Coronavirus the 'European Virus'

"Adam Schiff Begs Trump to Stop Blaming China and the WHO for the Wuhan Coronavirus Pandemic” Adam Schiff Begs Trump to Stop Blaming China and the WHO for the Wuhan Coronavirus Pandemic”

“Another Democrat Protecting Communist China”

“Dem Rep Spreads Chinese Propaganda While Blaming Coronavirus Deaths on Trump”

When America is under attack, Democrats rush to the aid of the enemy. Not to go too Jesse Jackson, but the Democrats are enemies of our allies, and allies of our enemies.
Now…..about the ‘justice’ being observed in Democrat America today, Democrat Governor Cuomo is faces the results of his responsibility for the deaths of some 15,000 elderly in NYS nursing homes.

9. “Andrew Cuomo To Receive International Emmy For 'Masterful' COVID-19 Briefings
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is being honored his daily coronavirus briefings earlier this year.

"The Governor's 111 daily briefings worked so well because he effectively created television shows, with characters, plot lines, and stories of success and failure," the academy's president and CEO, Bruce Paisner, explained in a statement announcing the decision. "People around the world tuned in to find out what was going on, and New York tough became a symbol of the determination to fight back." Andrew Cuomo To Receive International Emmy For 'Masterful' COVID-19 Briefings

We have truly become Bizarro world.
10. Democrat Cuomo's escape from due retribution is but a small part of the problem.

Bigger picture….. we are under the pressure of a post-modern Democrat owned America. The cosseting of Andrew Cuomo by the media and the political system, multiplied a thousand times, is reflected in how a proven bought-and-paid-for asset of Communist China is being handled by the very same media and political system.

Here is the big picture post-modernism having its greatest effect: only the totally clueless and those deeply subservient to their party actually believe that Joe Biden accrued more votes than the Democrat they called god, Jesus and the messiah. Or than one of the most successful and accomplished Presidents America has ever seen.

“… the mass media bias giving even some Biden supporters post-election heartburn is the most coordinated media blackout of any political corruption story in history. I am referring, of course, to the Leftmedia/social media cover-up of Biden's corrupt ChiCom pay-to-play political-influence scheme two weeks before the election.

There is no question that, by any objective journalistic standard, the Biden corruption charges should have been investigated.” Biden Buyer's Remorse?

Yet… a world where right and wrong don’t apply any longer, Democrat Cuomo and Democrat Biden are rewarded.

The same media that makes excuses for Cuomo, made certain that the Hunter Biden Laptop story was censored and hidden before the election.
11. Give the man an Emmy!!!

"As ProPublica noted in their June 16th report excoriating Cuomo’s policy:

In the weeks that followed the March 25 order, COVID-19 tore through New York state’s nursing facilities, killing more than 6,000 people — about 6% of its more than 100,000 nursing home residents.

States that issued orders similar to Cuomo’s recorded comparably grim outcomes. Michigan lost 5 percent of roughly 38,000 nursing home residents to COVID-19 since the outbreak began. New Jersey lost 12 percent of its more than 43,000 residents.

In Florida, where such transfers were barred, just 1.6 percent of 73,000 nursing home residents died of the virus.

Meanwhile, the Republican County Executive of Rensselaer County rightly saw Cuomo’s advice as absurd and defied it. The only nursing home run by the county saw a total of zero coronavirus deaths."
Bigger picture….. we are under the pressure of a post-modern Democrat owned America.
Since this young generation of workers is by far the best this nation has ever seen...far better than the generation and n brokaw's book, the nation is simply on the rise.

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