Political Weaponization of Labels: How Americans Become Unwitting "Domestic Terrorists"


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Political Weaponization of Labels:
How Americans Become Unwitting "Domestic Terrorists"

Domestic Extremism-Terrorism-Interconnectivity-CSG-BOARD | United States Department Of Homeland Security | Counter Terrorism (scribd.com)

Below is some of the text extrapolated from the Documents:
See Scrib.com for complete documentation.....

"Labels (i.e. domestic extremist, white supremacist, right-wing, etc) are being dubiously applies by certain non-profits, media, academics, social media, businesses and law enforcement, as well as Federal, State and Local legislation, which target proponents of the precedent doctrine, known as 'dual' federalism. Additionally, legislation has been proposed, the result of which will be to silence, marginalize, imprison, and kill the political opponents of the modern doctrine known as 'cooperative' federalism.
This matter is of extreme concern to our organization, our students, and, we believe, to the nation at large - that is, the elimination of a 'dual' federal system and the conversion to an exclusive 'cooperative' federal system.
Our non-profit organization teaches both 'cooperative' and 'dual' federalism as part of our public efforts to advance systematic politics through civics education. We have publicly stated we do not support, advocate or practice racial supremacy or sovereign citizen (common law); nor do we advocate violence of ay kind for political gain for any reason. And yet, we have been labeled, without due process, both 'extremist,' 'white supremacist,' and 'right-wing' by several non-profit and media entities - a result of our support for and promotion of 'dual' federalism."
"To be clear, it is not our intention to disrupt or undermine legitimate national safety and security concerns, but we believe implementation of the suggestions below would help prevent labels being used as weapons against political opponents and ordinary citizens.
A. Definition of 'Domestic Terrorism' is too broad B. 'Domestic Extremism' lexicons need reform C. Law Enforcement 'Terrorism' and 'Extremism' Training need checks & balances D. Intergovernmental Cooperation Protocols, for 'Extremism' and 'Terrorism' need checks & balances E. Non-governmental participation in 'countering extremism' needs public-private restrictions and liability reevaluation.
Our report, The Political Weaponization of Labels - How U.S. Citizens Unwittingly Become 'Domestic Terrorists,' further outlines the suggestions and is available upon request.
We ask that Federal, State, and Local investigations, hearings, and reforms are vigorously pursued to ensure civil rights are safe-guarded, political discourse and education is respected and protected, law enforcement is not politically weaponized, and that 'government of more stability,' one that balances 'dual' and 'cooperative' federalism, is guaranteed for all partisans, religions, races, sexes, etc., for many generations to come."

Any time “Domestic Terrorism “ is mentioned, it is, going forward, strictly to reference to Antifa and BLM. They say domestic terrorism, you say Antifa/BLM. Don’t back down.
Those "terrorized" on January 6th (Congress persons and Deep State) by so called "insurrection" need to understand thatt they DO Not govern this nation... The PEOPLE do...
Indeed.... They do not govern “in the fear and admonition of the Lord”, they must eventually live under the fear and admonition of the governed.
Suddenly everyone is worried about the definition of terrorism lol

I'll tell you guys a secret there is no way to properly define it and we should just do away with it as a concept recognized by the state.
While you are trying to normalize white hate as a legitimate part of American politics us real Americans are going to stomp on it until it crawls back under it's rock. If you feel threatened by that the problem is with you.
While you are trying to normalize white hate as a legitimate part of American politics us real Americans are going to stomp on it until it crawls back under it's rock. If you feel threatened by that the problem is with you.
I can't tell from your post if I agree with you or not.
1. WTF is "white hate"? I assume you mean the urban MSM's "in vogue" criticism of "white privilege"? Which causes "super predators" to attack old white folks, so you are against the "white hate" that causes violence?
2. In politics, the democrats constantly trying to play the race card, I assume that is "white hate"? So we want to stomp out the democrat's constantly trying to play the race card?

I don't like white hate, but am not sure from your post what you define it as.
Liberal stupidity has no bounds. This nonsense will end just like 'racism', overused and useless words that have no meaning to anyone but woke morons. Nobody cares what those losers think anyway.
Liberal stupidity has no bounds. This nonsense will end just like 'racism', overused and useless words that have no meaning to anyone but woke morons. Nobody cares what those losers think anyway.
Yep. Like when they use terms like "Moscow Mitch" or Qanon, or now "white hate", most of us have no clue WTF they are whining about. Maybe I need a better urban plantation dictionary?
Liberal stupidity has no bounds. This nonsense will end just like 'racism', overused and useless words that have no meaning to anyone but woke morons. Nobody cares what those losers think anyway.
Yep. Like when they use terms like "Moscow Mitch" or Qanon, or now "white hate", most of us have no clue WTF they are whining about. Maybe I need a better urban plantation dictionary?

I mean if you don't understand what moscow mitch or qanon is you're just dumb

Literally 1/3rd minimum of the republican party takes q related shit seriously

Understanding moscow mitch required watching a few minutes of news

WHat fucking rock do you live under?
Any time “Domestic Terrorism “ is mentioned, it is, going forward, strictly to reference to Antifa and BLM. They say domestic terrorism, you say Antifa/BLM. Don’t back down.

I'm going with Timothy McVey. Followed by Trumpybears neo-fascist gang that attacked on Jan 6 in the attempt to overthrow our Constitution.
Any time “Domestic Terrorism “ is mentioned, it is, going forward, strictly to reference to Antifa and BLM. They say domestic terrorism, you say Antifa/BLM. Don’t back down.

I'm going with Timothy McVey. Followed by Trumpybears neo-fascist gang that attacked on Jan 6 in the attempt to overthrow our Constitution.

In 2021 mcvey had a lot more in common with the left than right lol

he'd be with the luddites on the left
Any time “Domestic Terrorism “ is mentioned, it is, going forward, strictly to reference to Antifa and BLM. They say domestic terrorism, you say Antifa/BLM. Don’t back down.

I'm going with Timothy McVey. Followed by Trumpybears neo-fascist gang that attacked on Jan 6 in the attempt to overthrow our Constitution.

In 2021 mcvey had a lot more in common with the left than right lol

he'd be with the luddites on the left

Based on what? He was an an anti-government loser, off his nut, seeking revenge for Ruby Ridge and Waco.
While you are trying to normalize white hate as a legitimate part of American politics us real Americans are going to stomp on it until it crawls back under it's rock. If you feel threatened by that the problem is with you.
Well it's not like they attacked the capitol to assault congress people or the VP. I mean.... sheesh.
Yeah, they "attacked" while making sure to stay behind the velvet ropes.

So were they behind the ropes when they crushed that one girl to death while beating the shit out of the cops with the weapons they brought?
When some republicans ARE terrorists, and the rest choose not to call them out on it because it will make the terrorists mad, imo its ok to lump them all into the at best not to be taken seriously and at worst view their social media postings.
Liberal stupidity has no bounds. This nonsense will end just like 'racism', overused and useless words that have no meaning to anyone but woke morons. Nobody cares what those losers think anyway.
Yep. Like when they use terms like "Moscow Mitch" or Qanon, or now "white hate", most of us have no clue WTF they are whining about. Maybe I need a better urban plantation dictionary?

I mean if you don't understand what moscow mitch or qanon is you're just dumb

Literally 1/3rd minimum of the republican party takes q related shit seriously

Understanding moscow mitch required watching a few minutes of news

WHat fucking rock do you live under?
"Moscow Mitch" and "Qanon" are democrat bullshit just like what preceded it:

Remember FBI Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, then the overblown Mueller Investigation Hoax, the MSM's and democrats' constant whining about Russian Collusion and Trump is a Russian asset, aka "Putin's puppy", add to all that bullshit the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news" about Trump and Republicans, and now its the "insurrection" nonsense, trying to tar all Republicans as "insurrectionists" and Nazis or Qanon, which is total nonsense. Someone is winding democrats up and they took the bait hook-line-and-sinker, enjoy being played.

I don't watch the MSM partisan bullshit and fake news and wokeness, or any of the other network propaganda.

So don't think that your bullshit matters outside your democrat urban plantations, it doesn't.
Well it's not like they attacked the capitol to assault congress people or the VP. I mean.... sheesh.

Well, they actually didn't but the capitol police sure were quick to allow the leftists to come in and destroy the property. But then again, we've seen the left play out that rodeo over and over for over a year. Make no mistake. This country is divided and will fall fast now.
Political Weaponization of Labels:
How Americans Become Unwitting "Domestic Terrorists"

Domestic Extremism-Terrorism-Interconnectivity-CSG-BOARD | United States Department Of Homeland Security | Counter Terrorism (scribd.com)

Below is some of the text extrapolated from the Documents:
See Scrib.com for complete documentation.....

"Labels (i.e. domestic extremist, white supremacist, right-wing, etc) are being dubiously applies by certain non-profits, media, academics, social media, businesses and law enforcement, as well as Federal, State and Local legislation, which target proponents of the precedent doctrine, known as 'dual' federalism. Additionally, legislation has been proposed, the result of which will be to silence, marginalize, imprison, and kill the political opponents of the modern doctrine known as 'cooperative' federalism.
This matter is of extreme concern to our organization, our students, and, we believe, to the nation at large - that is, the elimination of a 'dual' federal system and the conversion to an exclusive 'cooperative' federal system.
Our non-profit organization teaches both 'cooperative' and 'dual' federalism as part of our public efforts to advance systematic politics through civics education. We have publicly stated we do not support, advocate or practice racial supremacy or sovereign citizen (common law); nor do we advocate violence of ay kind for political gain for any reason. And yet, we have been labeled, without due process, both 'extremist,' 'white supremacist,' and 'right-wing' by several non-profit and media entities - a result of our support for and promotion of 'dual' federalism."
"To be clear, it is not our intention to disrupt or undermine legitimate national safety and security concerns, but we believe implementation of the suggestions below would help prevent labels being used as weapons against political opponents and ordinary citizens.
A. Definition of 'Domestic Terrorism' is too broad B. 'Domestic Extremism' lexicons need reform C. Law Enforcement 'Terrorism' and 'Extremism' Training need checks & balances D. Intergovernmental Cooperation Protocols, for 'Extremism' and 'Terrorism' need checks & balances E. Non-governmental participation in 'countering extremism' needs public-private restrictions and liability reevaluation.
Our report, The Political Weaponization of Labels - How U.S. Citizens Unwittingly Become 'Domestic Terrorists,' further outlines the suggestions and is available upon request.
We ask that Federal, State, and Local investigations, hearings, and reforms are vigorously pursued to ensure civil rights are safe-guarded, political discourse and education is respected and protected, law enforcement is not politically weaponized, and that 'government of more stability,' one that balances 'dual' and 'cooperative' federalism, is guaranteed for all partisans, religions, races, sexes, etc., for many generations to come."

Any time “Domestic Terrorism “ is mentioned, it is, going forward, strictly to reference to Antifa and BLM. They say domestic terrorism, you say Antifa/BLM. Don’t back down.
Those "terrorized" on January 6th (Congress persons and Deep State) by so called "insurrection" need to understand thatt they DO Not govern this nation... The PEOPLE do...
Indeed.... They do not govern “in the fear and admonition of the Lord”, they must eventually live under the fear and admonition of the governed.

So... are you saying that kidnapping governors and attempting to execute federal legislators is not terrorism?

But that protests and protecting minority owned busnesses from Proud Boys/Patriot Front IS terrorism?

have I got that correct?
Any time “Domestic Terrorism “ is mentioned, it is, going forward, strictly to reference to Antifa and BLM. They say domestic terrorism, you say Antifa/BLM. Don’t back down.

I'm going with Timothy McVey. Followed by Trumpybears neo-fascist gang that attacked on Jan 6 in the attempt to overthrow our Constitution.

In 2021 mcvey had a lot more in common with the left than right lol

he'd be with the luddites on the left

Based on what? He was an an anti-government loser, off his nut, seeking revenge for Ruby Ridge and Waco.
Just like BLM wanting justice for all them thugs gunned down by the police. Definitely fits the modern lefty mold.
Liberal stupidity has no bounds. This nonsense will end just like 'racism', overused and useless words that have no meaning to anyone but woke morons. Nobody cares what those losers think anyway.

I agree...for the Communists in this Fake Government now, these are terrorists.

What a travesty! What a freaking joke.:mad:


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