Police Push 75 Year Old Man To The Ground Walk By Him As He Bleeds From His Head


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
This is very disturbing. The police push this man to the ground then just walk by as he's bleeding from the head.

The man is in the hospital. In stable but serious condition.

The police first lied about it saying he tripped and fell.

The video tells the real truth.

This is very disturbing. The police push this man to the ground then just walk by as he's bleeding from the head.

The man is in the hospital. In stable but serious condition.

The police first lied about it saying he tripped and fell.

The video tells the real truth.


How stupid? You stand in the path of a bunch of riot police, and then complain you get pushed out the way?

Are you people completely devoid of any brain functionality. GET OUT OF THE WAY.

My grand father would have beaten the crap out of that old man, for being stupid enough to be in the way.

How stupid? You stand in the path of a bunch of riot police, and then complain you get pushed out the way?

Are you people completely devoid of any brain functionality. GET OUT OF THE WAY.

My grand father would have beaten the crap out of that old man, for being stupid enough to be in the way.

You're a fucking clown and the reason why we have riots. You don't knock down a harmless 75 year old man. If they knew it was nothing wrong they wouldn't have lied about it. I don't know what's worse, that they pushed him down or the others just kept walking right on by.
More proof that the police often lie. Without the video, we would have to take their word for it that he "tripped and fell."

Yes it's just sad that the police are allowed to lie like that. They are supposed to serve and protect. Not injure people then lie about it.

These police need to be fired then prosecuted for their crime.

It's a crime to push a person to the ground causing them to bleed from the head and ending up in a hospital in serious condition.

Assault charges should be leveled at that cop. The man who he assaulted should sue that cop and the Buffalo police force.

The police need to be held to the same standards they hold civilians to.

How stupid? You stand in the path of a bunch of riot police, and then complain you get pushed out the way?

Are you people completely devoid of any brain functionality. GET OUT OF THE WAY.

My grand father would have beaten the crap out of that old man, for being stupid enough to be in the way.

You're a fucking clown and the reason why we have riots. You don't knock down a harmless 75 year old man. If they knew it was nothing wrong they wouldn't have lied about it. I don't know what's worse, that they pushed him down or the others just kept walking right on by.

GET.... OUT... OF.... THE.... WAY.... STUPID.

He was clearly getting directly in the path of the officers. That makes you the clown.

I don't care what you think. I don't care what you think of me. I don't care what you think of the officers. Your opinion doesn't mean jack to anyone.

When you see a mass of riot police walking through the area..... GET OUT OF THE WAY.

And if you don't..... then you can whine scream and cry all you want, when you get knocked out of the way. YOUR OWN FAULT.

How stupid? You stand in the path of a bunch of riot police, and then complain you get pushed out the way?

Are you people completely devoid of any brain functionality. GET OUT OF THE WAY.

My grand father would have beaten the crap out of that old man, for being stupid enough to be in the way.

You're a fucking clown and the reason why we have riots. You don't knock down a harmless 75 year old man. If they knew it was nothing wrong they wouldn't have lied about it. I don't know what's worse, that they pushed him down or the others just kept walking right on by.

GET.... OUT... OF.... THE.... WAY.... STUPID.

He was clearly getting directly in the path of the officers. That makes you the clown.

I don't care what you think. I don't care what you think of me. I don't care what you think of the officers. Your opinion doesn't mean jack to anyone.

When you see a mass of riot police walking through the area..... GET OUT OF THE WAY.

And if you don't..... then you can whine scream and cry all you want, when you get knocked out of the way. YOUR OWN FAULT.

How do you know he hadn't just been standing there awhile and happened to be in the path of the cops?

Get out of the way? If you look at the video, there was nowhere for him to go.

How stupid? You stand in the path of a bunch of riot police, and then complain you get pushed out the way?

Are you people completely devoid of any brain functionality. GET OUT OF THE WAY.

My grand father would have beaten the crap out of that old man, for being stupid enough to be in the way.

You're a fucking clown and the reason why we have riots. You don't knock down a harmless 75 year old man. If they knew it was nothing wrong they wouldn't have lied about it. I don't know what's worse, that they pushed him down or the others just kept walking right on by.
they pushed him back and he fell down because he was an old man acting like a young one,,,

being there was his fault but letting him lay there bleeding is the cops fault,,but then again they did call for a medic,,,

How stupid? You stand in the path of a bunch of riot police, and then complain you get pushed out the way?

Are you people completely devoid of any brain functionality. GET OUT OF THE WAY.

My grand father would have beaten the crap out of that old man, for being stupid enough to be in the way.

You're a fucking clown and the reason why we have riots. You don't knock down a harmless 75 year old man. If they knew it was nothing wrong they wouldn't have lied about it. I don't know what's worse, that they pushed him down or the others just kept walking right on by.
what do you think a phalanx is for? It’s not to stop and chat with some doddering old fool. The one cop was going to stop but was directed back to his position. The other guy obviously called for medical. That’s their job. Patch up the idiot that didn’t get out of the way. The job of the phalanx is to jack up the idiot that was in the way.

How stupid? You stand in the path of a bunch of riot police, and then complain you get pushed out the way?

Are you people completely devoid of any brain functionality. GET OUT OF THE WAY.

My grand father would have beaten the crap out of that old man, for being stupid enough to be in the way.

You're a fucking clown and the reason why we have riots. You don't knock down a harmless 75 year old man. If they knew it was nothing wrong they wouldn't have lied about it. I don't know what's worse, that they pushed him down or the others just kept walking right on by.

GET.... OUT... OF.... THE.... WAY.... STUPID.

He was clearly getting directly in the path of the officers. That makes you the clown.

I don't care what you think. I don't care what you think of me. I don't care what you think of the officers. Your opinion doesn't mean jack to anyone.

When you see a mass of riot police walking through the area..... GET OUT OF THE WAY.

And if you don't..... then you can whine scream and cry all you want, when you get knocked out of the way. YOUR OWN FAULT.

How do you know he hadn't just been standing there awhile and happened to be in the path of the cops?

Get out of the way? If you look at the video, there was nowhere for him to go.

He moved, in the video, to be in front of the office. If I am wrong, then I am wrong, and I apologize.

When I watched that video, he looked to me like he was confronting the officer, and moved into the way.

As soon as they pushed him out of the way, they walked passed him.

And additionally, what about the 20 minutes before the start of the video? You think those officers just magically appeared out of thin air?

No, they started lining up in formation. You think no one anywhere noticed they were doing that?

They started advancing from the far end of the street. You think no one anywhere noticed they were coming?

I would hazard a guess that this old man, saw those officers, and knew they were coming, for 20 minutes before they got to him.

I would have been off that street, before those officers finished lining up.

He should have been LONG GONE before those officers ever made it to him.

When I see a police car, or an ambulance, or a firetruck with it's lights on, flying toward me.... do I wait until I'm 5 seconds from crashing into them? No, I GET OUT OF THE WAY before they ever reach where I am at.

When you see riot police.... GO HOME. GET OUT OF THE WAY. Stop being an idiot, and crying when bad things happen to you.
Voting for Democrats/neo-communist is like voting for crime

Democrats/neo-communist literally want to defund the police. They want to turn America blue...
I would hazard a guess that this old man, saw those officers, and knew they were coming, for 20 minutes before they got to him.

I would have been off that street, before those officers finished lining up.

Just because they are lining up doesn't mean they are going to march forward. Once they started marching, there was nowhere for him to go, and he would have pretty much had to run in the opposite direction to get away. Probably not a good idea to run with so many police around.

Also, the man likely had just come out of that building, City Hall, and it was too late. You can't just guess at this. There could be many other reasons he got trapped there.

It looks like he confronted the cops, but he was trying to tell them to give him some room so he can get by.

How stupid? You stand in the path of a bunch of riot police, and then complain you get pushed out the way?

Are you people completely devoid of any brain functionality. GET OUT OF THE WAY.

My grand father would have beaten the crap out of that old man, for being stupid enough to be in the way.

You're a fucking clown and the reason why we have riots. You don't knock down a harmless 75 year old man. If they knew it was nothing wrong they wouldn't have lied about it. I don't know what's worse, that they pushed him down or the others just kept walking right on by.

GET.... OUT... OF.... THE.... WAY.... STUPID.

He was clearly getting directly in the path of the officers. That makes you the clown.

I don't care what you think. I don't care what you think of me. I don't care what you think of the officers. Your opinion doesn't mean jack to anyone.

When you see a mass of riot police walking through the area..... GET OUT OF THE WAY.

And if you don't..... then you can whine scream and cry all you want, when you get knocked out of the way. YOUR OWN FAULT.

How do you know he hadn't just been standing there awhile and happened to be in the path of the cops?

Get out of the way? If you look at the video, there was nowhere for him to go.

I find it strange that the cops can walk by him as he laid on the ground bleeding but couldn't walk by him when he was standing.


Very strange.

I also find it strange that the poster you replied to has some special psychic ability to read the minds of the police from a vide he saw on line.

How does the person know the man was in the way and the police was asking for him to move?

That is just an excuse and lie. Just like the cops lie about the man falling.

If what the police did was ok why did the police lie about it?
Quit making excuses for this kind of behavior from police.

I encourage all officers, to engage in that behavior. When riot police are patrolling, GET OFF THE STREET STUPID.

Anything that happens to you, when you make the choice to confront riot police, is your own fault.
You say all that and probably don't even consider yourself a fascist.

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