Please terminate my account and ban me


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
My time is valuable and I waste too much of it here. I admit I have a problem. Do it. I have asked y'all before and you gave me a temp. I came back and started again. No more fucking around. Ban me, forever.

possum lookin' at ya...

... with a lil' tear in his eye...

... like dat lil' boy in Shane.


Why would I care?

OP is right, this site is a time sponge. However, with baseball and everything else being cancelled, what else is there to do?
All the best to you in life, Confounding. You’re one of the good eggs. Cheers!
My time is valuable and I waste too much of it here. I admit I have a problem. Do it. I have asked y'all before and you gave me a temp. I came back and started again. No more fucking around. Ban me, forever.


That's a cowardly way to go out. A manly man would suicide his account by posting a shitload of girlfriend's titties pictures, and go out with a bang.

The greatest trick Confounding ever pulled was to convince the world he didn't exist.

Looks like he went through with it, after all. He was actually one of the better posters on here.
Btw I always read from the hierarchy on this site that if you wanted to terminate you just stopped posting.

Along comes this guy and he gets special privileges. WTF?

Well I don't know about that, USMB. I think the site should just go ahead and ban everybody. Equal protection under the law and all that.
My time is valuable and I waste too much of it here. I admit I have a problem. Do it. I have asked y'all before and you gave me a temp. I came back and started again. No more fucking around. Ban me, forever.


Can I have your ratings?
I wonder what happened that made him do that, and why he couldn't just stop on his own?

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