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The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

Idiot rightwinger said “All kids should be ashamed of our racist history” True story.

My kids are in middle school. Why should they be ashamed of our so called racist history instead of proud of our history of innovation, pursuit of happiness, freedom and Liberty?

To me rightwinger is a Fascist asshole. But that’s just one man’s opinion. I am a lot smarter than him.

Idiot rightwinger said “All kids should be ashamed of our racist history” True story.

My kids are in middle school. Why should they be ashamed of our so called racist history instead of proud of our history of innovation, pursuit of happiness, freedom and Liberty?

To me rightwinger is a Fascist asshole. But that’s just one man’s opinion. I am a lot smarter than him.
When i was teaching my kids about history, i made sure to tell them about what the Democrats had done to black people since the forming of this country. My children who are now adults, hate Democrats because of what they did to black people and what they are still doing to black people.

KKK- Terrorizing black people by burning their businesses and murdering black families.
BLM/ANTIFA burning black businesses and murdering black families.

Nothing has changed with Democrats.
Children do or do not learn to love our nation at home. If they do, then nothing some asshole at school or anywhere else will make them change that. If they do not learn anything one way or another at home, then they will be susceptible to other influences.
Children do or do not learn to love our nation at home. If they do, then nothing some asshole at school or anywhere else will make them change that. If they do not learn anything one way or another at home, then they will be susceptible to other influences.
They are still susceptible. I have seen it firsthand.
If they are, they were not taught very well or very often at home.
They are. But kids can be rebellious. You know this. We have friends where one kid is off the rails woke and the other is pretty moderate and logical. Once was just more influenced by leftist teachers. Both parents are pragmatic and hard working.
Blacks are 14% of our culture. Americans fought and died to end slavery. Is it a coincidence in the mid sixties we get LBJ and the Great Society program coinciding with MLK and civil rights and ? So what has all that accomplished with poor blacks? NOTHING. Not a damned thing.
They are. But kids can be rebellious. You know this. We have friends where one kid is off the rails woke and the other is pretty moderate and logical. Once was just more influenced by leftist teachers. Both parents are pragmatic and hard working.
Some kids are rebellious but if so, that is what motivates them, not what any asshole in school or anywhere else tells them. They would do the same even if homeschooled and locked in their room.
It seems to me that there is an inverse relationship between a person's contentment with their life and their tendency to blame their own culture for all its real or imagined ills. Miserable people only know how to criticize.

I wish I could just pity all the losers see who see only the negative without acknowledging the positive, but there are so many of them these days that they are tearing this country apart at its seams.

Idiot rightwinger said “All kids should be ashamed of our racist history” True story.

My kids are in middle school. Why should they be ashamed of our so called racist history instead of proud of our history of innovation, pursuit of happiness, freedom and Liberty?

To me rightwinger is a Fascist asshole. But that’s just one man’s opinion. I am a lot smarter than him.

Keep your head buried in your ass.
We should be truthful about our History no matter how dark it was.

When discussing the slavery, genocide and so on we should discuss it all and have detailed discussion and not just “ White Society is Evil “ discussion.

We should discuss that Blacks also owned slaves even if it was not regular or how the Natives of the Country were Genocide.

We should also discuss about the mistreatment of Japanese-Americans in World War II, how the Irish, Germans and Italians were looked down on and treated less than human, or how Chinese were treated also less than human.

Many times we don’t want to discuss the bad with the good but we must because then we prevent a repeat of history, well hopefully…
We should be truthful about our History no matter how dark it was.

When discussing the slavery, genocide and so on we should discuss it all and have detailed discussion and not just “ White Society is Evil “ discussion.

We should discuss that Blacks also owned slaves even if it was not regular or how the Natives of the Country were Genocide.

We should also discuss about the mistreatment of Japanese-Americans in World War II, how the Irish, Germans and Italians were looked down on and treated less than human, or how Chinese were treated also less than human.

Many times we don’t want to discuss the bad with the good but we must because then we prevent a repeat of history, well hopefully…
Should we discuss why we have 45mil on a wait list to come to this racist and evil country?
Should we discuss why we have 45mil on a wait list to come to this racist and evil country?
You are no better than rightwinger with your quick dismissal of what was written.

As I stated we should discuss the truth and what you want is no discussion and what rightwinger want is just telling those like you to be ashamed!

So tell me what parts of history do you want taught to children and adults?

Do you want to ignore the Genocide that happened on the trail of tears?

Do you want to ignore the mistreatment of Irish, German, Italian, Jewish and Chinese immigrants?

Do you want to ignore the camps that FDR put Japanese-Americans in or the fact Wilson had Germans arrested for protesting World War I?

Do you want to ignore the history the Vietnam Conflict ( the true name of it back then because it was not a war then ) could have been won quickly but the Military Complex dragged it out?

See I am also a fan of history and accept the good, the bad and the truly ugly aspects of it but you seemed to be bothered by it, so tell me what part of history will you approve to be taught?
You are no better than rightwinger with your quick dismissal of what was written.

As I stated we should discuss the truth and what you want is no discussion and what rightwinger want is just telling those like you to be ashamed!

So tell me what parts of history do you want taught to children and adults?

Do you want to ignore the Genocide that happened on the trail of tears?

Do you want to ignore the mistreatment of Irish, German, Italian, Jewish and Chinese immigrants?

Do you want to ignore the camps that FDR put Japanese-Americans in or the fact Wilson had Germans arrested for protesting World War I?

Do you want to ignore the history the Vietnam Conflict ( the true name of it back then because it was not a war then ) could have been won quickly but the Military Complex dragged it out?

See I am also a fan of history and accept the good, the bad and the truly ugly aspects of it but you seemed to be bothered by it, so tell me what part of history will you approve to be taught?
We should discuss the history in its entirety in High School not in elementary school or middle school. In those years the discussions should be positive and not divisive. Yeah. That’s what I think. We have plenty of movies that kids may watch on their mobile devices regarding all the conflicts. Even dramas like Django Unchained teaches one a lot. rightwinger is a moron. Why should kids be ashamed of anything?
You are no better than rightwinger with your quick dismissal of what was written.

As I stated we should discuss the truth and what you want is no discussion and what rightwinger want is just telling those like you to be ashamed!

So tell me what parts of history do you want taught to children and adults?

Do you want to ignore the Genocide that happened on the trail of tears?

Do you want to ignore the mistreatment of Irish, German, Italian, Jewish and Chinese immigrants?

Do you want to ignore the camps that FDR put Japanese-Americans in or the fact Wilson had Germans arrested for protesting World War I?

Do you want to ignore the history the Vietnam Conflict ( the true name of it back then because it was not a war then ) could have been won quickly but the Military Complex dragged it out?

See I am also a fan of history and accept the good, the bad and the truly ugly aspects of it but you seemed to be bothered by it, so tell me what part of history will you approve to be taught?

Trying to sugar coat history and only teach “My country right or wrong” versions does not help children

Teach all the good that the US has done for the world. We deserve it.
But you can’t ignore how the US treated its citizens while proclaiming freedom and liberty.

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