Please prove to me that blacks are our equals?

Please prove with real data that blacks are our equals in intellect. The link within my sig has all the SAT, ACT, IQ data to show that I have a solid case.

Please show me how I am wrong??? If not then show me how it isn't genetic?:eusa_boohoo:

This is kinda the problem with racism. It has no real place in the liberal society America was designed to be. No citizen has to prove their "worth" to other citizens under our current Constitution. That's why it's so important. Once you are a citizen, that comes with a plethora of rights, which, cannot be challenged or taken away by the capricious whims of other citizens.

No one has to "prove" their worth, equality or anything else. To anyone.
Matthew, when you say things like this you're as guilty of racism as Whoopie Goldberg saying that only blacks understand racism. This assumes that only blacks feel the pain of bigotry because of their genetics. This is closed minded at best.

Maybe if you realized that people are people you wouldn't feel this way. Sure the black community may have their share of idiots but I feel that this is because of stereotypes rather than learning potential. Due to peer pressure blacks have huge roadblocks within their own race preventing them from succeeding or even trying to succeed. Some believe that "The Man" won't let you succeed so why even try. Negativity permeates black society, especially in inner-cities.

I hope they succeed as I'm not holding them down. It is up to them.

I pray to god they do as we have taken the responsibility as a civilization.

The problem, Matthew, is that you are using mis-interpreted 'science' to justify your fear of black people. That's pathetic. Anyone with any intellectual honesty, and a modicum of the understanding of research methodology, knows that - without a concrete definition of IQ - one cannot draw any conclusions from the results of such research. However, by researching your posts on USMB, we can - with some confidence - state that you are a fucking idiot.
insulting him is not proving him wrong. At least attack his source as I did.
He's insulting every American in this country and taking one big shit on our American heritage.

American's believe "all men are created equal", that's part of what made this country great.

All men are created equal in the eyes of God. People are not equal. Can you plumb a new hospital to code and pass like I can?
Matthew, when you say things like this you're as guilty of racism as Whoopie Goldberg saying that only blacks understand racism. This assumes that only blacks feel the pain of bigotry because of their genetics. This is closed minded at best.

Maybe if you realized that people are people you wouldn't feel this way. Sure the black community may have their share of idiots but I feel that this is because of stereotypes rather than learning potential. Due to peer pressure blacks have huge roadblocks within their own race preventing them from succeeding or even trying to succeed. Some believe that "The Man" won't let you succeed so why even try. Negativity permeates black society, especially in inner-cities.

I hope they succeed as I'm not holding them down. It is up to them.

I pray to god they do as we have taken the responsibility as a civilization.

The major impediment on blacks in America is it's not popular to succeed unless it's sports, and maybe now politics.

Getting an education and applying it is frowned upon. Getting straight As is made fun of. Having children out of wedlock is encouraged, which is the number one reason for poverty among blacks.
Please prove with real data that blacks are our equals in intellect. The link within my sig has all the SAT, ACT, IQ data to show that I have a solid case.

Please show me how I am wrong??? If not then show me how it isn't genetic?:eusa_boohoo:

This is kinda the problem with racism. It has no real place in the liberal society America was designed to be. No citizen has to prove their "worth" to other citizens under our current Constitution. That's why it's so important. Once you are a citizen, that comes with a plethora of rights, which, cannot be challenged or taken away by the capricious whims of other citizens.

No one has to "prove" their worth, equality or anything else. To anyone.

I don't agree. Some people's primary motivation is to prove themselves. This causes ether failure or success. If you take away the need to prove yourself you take away competition and also take away the need or desire for excellence.......and any society that takes away that starts to deteriorate and crumble. Greece for example......Rome for an earlier example.
insulting him is not proving him wrong. At least attack his source as I did.
He's insulting every American in this country and taking one big shit on our American heritage.

American's believe "all men are created equal", that's part of what made this country great.

All men are created equal in the eyes of God. People are not equal. Can you plumb a new hospital to code and pass like I can?

Exactly right. Incompetent people think society runs on magic rather than knowledge and planning.

Everybody wants a good job, nice house, etc but the incompetent ones seem to think that they deserve it without actually producing anything.
The major impediment on blacks in America is it's not popular to succeed unless it's sports, and maybe now politics.

Getting an education and applying it is frowned upon. Getting straight As is made fun of. Having children out of wedlock is encouraged, which is the number one reason for poverty among blacks.

So in essence, their culture embraces failure and shuns achievement?
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The major impediment on blacks in America is it's not popular to succeed unless it's sports, and maybe now politics.

Getting an education and applying it is frowned upon. Getting straight As is made fun of. Having children out of wedlock is encouraged, which is the number one reason for poverty among blacks.

So in essence, their culture embraces failure and shuns achievement?

Stupid incompetent people? Yes

Especially when they can survive by being supported by successful people. It is much easier to mock productive work than attempt it when past experience has shown that it is out of their reach.
Please prove with real data that blacks are our equals in intellect. The link within my sig has all the SAT, ACT, IQ data to show that I have a solid case.

Please show me how I am wrong??? If not then show me how it isn't genetic?:eusa_boohoo:

This is kinda the problem with racism. It has no real place in the liberal society America was designed to be. No citizen has to prove their "worth" to other citizens under our current Constitution. That's why it's so important. Once you are a citizen, that comes with a plethora of rights, which, cannot be challenged or taken away by the capricious whims of other citizens.

No one has to "prove" their worth, equality or anything else. To anyone.

I don't agree. Some people's primary motivation is to prove themselves. This causes ether failure or success. If you take away the need to prove yourself you take away competition and also take away the need or desire for excellence.......and any society that takes away that starts to deteriorate and crumble. Greece for example......Rome for an earlier example.

Shallow is filled with rage and hatred. I wouldn't worry about 'agreeing' with his shit. It's a good thing not to agree with him, he's quite stupid.
We have seen several incoherent posts from several extremist righties that demonstrate they are not the emotional or intellectual equals of most Americans from responsible right to responsible left.
You're just spamming the board for no reason, Fakey. Everyone knows you are a far-left liberal democrat. EVERYONE.
Look up spamming, Unko, because you get it wrong again.

Several of the far extremist righties, just like you, are posting stupidly yet once again.

The only Everyone you speak for are the multiple voices in your head.
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Please prove with real data that blacks are our equals in intellect. The link within my sig has all the SAT, ACT, IQ data to show that I have a solid case.

Please show me how I am wrong??? If not then show me how it isn't genetic?:eusa_boohoo:

Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

The Holy Bible

I am new to this board, I have skimmed through this thread. You clearly have a case to prove. What I want to know is what your proposed solution is? You've done a good deal of research, you have a clear opinion on the matter, so what is your plan? I don't want to invoke Godwin's Law here and take the easy path, so I'll leave it up to you to explain what we are to do about this apparent problem. It does not do to have as strong an opinion as you do without a solution. Please enlighten us.
Unkotare is acting stupidly again. Oh, well, I have my own little stalker.

Come on, stalker, squeak.

Seems like it's ALWAYS white people who look like this calling blacks stupid who look like that:


I am new to this board, I have skimmed through this thread. You clearly have a case to prove. What I want to know is what your proposed solution is? You've done a good deal of research, you have a clear opinion on the matter, so what is your plan? I don't want to invoke Godwin's Law here and take the easy path, so I'll leave it up to you to explain what we are to do about this apparent problem. It does not do to have as strong an opinion as you do without a solution. Please enlighten us.

He hasn't done a 'good deal of research', he's read a few bullshit articles that he believes represent academic research. They don't. He's a fucking idiot.

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