Peter was married- if he was the first pope why cant priests be married in the RCC?

No, Jesus did found a Church, the Catholic Church

"I will build My Church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it"

and the gates of Hell have not prevailed, despite all the stupid humans throughout history who attacked Christ's Church. They never let up... I guess they think they will like Hell...

they won't but you can't convince them...

Religion and church is not the same. The church is an universal (=catholic) church. I make sometimes the joke to say "God is a Catholic" what some people see as an unbelievable arrogance from me - but indeed god is "universal" - even a little more universal than only universal. Catholics are able to be very different - but in all this differences we are unified in the love and logos of god.

I remember in this context now in the moment for example when on a deep cold winter evening in a Catholic church Catholics and other Christians from three different denominations, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and perhaps also some Atheists came together to ask god for peace against a threatening war in a very concrete situation. On whatever reason he had not been able to do us the favor and this war came - nevertheles I'm sure everyone who was in this church in this night got from god peace for the own life.
Religion and church is not the same. The church is an universal (=catholic) church. I make sometimes the joke to say "God is a Catholic" what some people see as an unbelievable arrogance from me - but indeed god is "universal" - even a little more universal than only universal. Catholics are able to be very different - but in all this differences we are unified in the love and logos of god.

I remember in this context now in the moment for example when on a deep cold winter evening in a Catholic church Catholics and other Christians from three different denominations, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and perhaps also some Atheists came together to ask god for peace against a threatening war in a very concrete situation. On whatever reason he had not been able to do us the favor and this war came - nevertheles I'm sure everyone who was in this church in this night got from god peace for the own life.
I'm not sure I really get you...

the war came? etc...
I'm not sure I really get you...

the war came? etc...

Let me say it more simple: Everyone of all religions is welcome in the Holy Church who respects our most important values which are rationality and love. All serios spiritual traditions on this planet are on the way to god. We are able to explain the very most of our standpoints very well. And there is really not any reason to have to live in fear of Catholics. Catholicism on its own is a very very wide spectrum offering many ways to god. Even if someone likes not to be a Catholic we are perhaps able to give an impulse for a better way to live.
that is so bogus.

I've lived w/o it for some 27 or more years and I RARELY even think of sex.. and when I do bc I see some unwanted image or whatever, it doesn't interest me .

it's like any beast (your sexuality) feed it and it lives

starve it and it doesn't..

True, when I first started out being celibate, it wasn't always easy but Today I couldn't care less about such things.. and I am glad I am at this place.. (celibacy)

This is what's wrong w/ society, the constant focus on sex.. What's so great about sex?

When you were a child, you lived without it (we hope).. and frankly people should stay virgins.. more trouble than its worth.. We are all being lied to... brainwashed

I didnt say in every case a lack of sex could cause it. But there are many who feed their minds on porn and wicked thinking, and have no control. Even those called clergy obviously.
What has to do with "belief" what I said? Only about 1/3 of sexual abuse has by the way do with the motivator "sexual desire" or libido. And what you say here means our priests would rape women. This never was a point on the global nonsense discussion "All priests of the Catholic monster church are child molesting monsters". Indeed married men (without and also with own children!) are 25-36 times more dangerous than priests who live as singles.

Priests have sex with nuns. its a well known fact. No not all of them are monsters like that. Yes satan rules this system, 99% are wicked in Gods view.
Jesus was a Jew and never a Christian. Not Jesus founded any new religion - because of Jesus was founded a new religion and the followers of Jesus - the children of god - had been called "Christians" one day and today we - better to say I do so and also many others - call every human being a child of god.


Nice empty phrases. The bible was made centuries after Christians existed on reason to avoid confusion - and today the bible is often used to produce confusions. And I fear in the USA often a kind of "Satanalogy" seems to like to replace the Christian religion and to poison the happy hearts of the children of god.

The pharisees saw Jesus new religion-Acts 24:5
Priests have sex with nuns.

Should I be shocked now even if it would be true?

its a well known fact.


No not all of them are monsters like that.

One moment: You call a priest and a nun who have sex with each other "monster"? I call them "human beings" or "children of god" who fell in love with each other. I'm sure we will have a job for them and a lot of joy to see them and their children be happy.

Yes satan rules this system, 99% are wicked in Gods view.

If I would take away your anti-Catholicism what would survive?

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The pharisees saw Jesus new religion-Acts 24:5

They accused Paulus to be a leader of the [Jewish] sect of the Nazarenes. If they had been convinced "the Nazarenes" had been an own religion than they had not had any problem at all. The pharisees also not accused someone because he believed in Jupiter for example.
Should I be shocked now even if it would be true?


One moment: You call a priest and a nun who have sex with each other "monster"? I call them "human beings" or "children of god" who fell in love with each other. I'm sure we will have a job for them and a lot of joy to see them and their children be happy.

If I would take away your anti-Catholicism what would survive?

Catholicism own translating exposes them as false. The monster i refer to are paedophiles, Having sex out of marriage is wicked to Gods view, thus those that practice that are wicked in Gods view.
They accused Paulus to be a leader of the [Jewish] sect of the Nazarenes. If they had been convinced "the Nazarenes" had been an own religion than they had not had any problem at all. The pharisees also not accused someone because he believed in Jupiter for example.

Jesus started that religion. He told the Israelite spiritual leaders off at Matt 23, he told them they were cut off as Gods chosen in verse 38--Thus a new religion began. They gathered in houses. Paul set up congregations after Jesus was murdered. But the rest didnt attend the Israelite places of worship once they were cut off. They were apostocised, God doesnt like apostates. All can clearly see, even though Jesus came for Israel, They were under Roman rule. No mortal govts could defeat Israel if God was with them. He wasnt with them. They lacked LOVE.
Catholicism own translating exposes them as false. The monster i refer to are paedophiles,

Concrete name of one of this "monsters"? Concrete deed of this monster?

Having sex out of marriage is wicked to Gods view,

I don't think I would survive this - my wife studies since a long time all possible forms of murder on reason of jealousy in books, TV and cinema. But I would not live in fear of god in such a context. He warns us - that's all. With the consequences we have to live on our own.

thus those that practice that are wicked in Gods view.

Or he is amused sometimes. Specially also about all of this people who speak in his name but not with him and their partners and comrades.

And by the way: Nuns are "married" with Jesus (a symbol, because the bride of Jesus is the whole church) and priests are not married at all. When a nun and a priest have sex with each other on reason of genuine love then they decide to be married with each other - what means they have to take the consequences not to be a nun and a priest any longer. But this is not the end of a Christian life. And whether a priest who likes to be married has not to be a priest any longer is a point which is again in discussions in the moment.

And, undear preacher of hate, to say "Priests have sex with nuns." is in your way a generalized propagandistic 'speech of hate'-attack against all Catholics and the whole Catholic church. You should perhaps slowly start to think about what Jesus really said once.

John said to him, “Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he was not following us.” But Jesus said, “Do not stop him, for no one who does a mighty work in my name will be able soon afterward to speak evil of me. For the one who is not against us is for us. For truly, I say to you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ will by no means lose his reward.

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Concrete name of one of this "monsters"? Concrete deed of this monster?

I don't think I would survive this - my wife studies since a long time all possible forms of murder on reason of jealousy in books, TV and cinema. But I would not live in fear of god in such a context. He warns us - that's all. With the consequences we have to live on our own.

Or he is amused sometimes. Specially also about all of this people who speak in his name but not with him and their partners and comrades.

And by the way: Nuns are "married" with Jesus (a symbol, because the bride of Jesus is the whole church) and priests are not married at all. When a nun and a priest have sex with each other on reason of genuine love then they decide to be married with each other - what means they have to take the consequences not to be a nun and a priest any longer. But this is not the end of a Christian life. And whether a priest who likes to be married has not to be a priest any longer is a point which is again in discussions in the moment.

And, undear preacher of hate, to say "Priests have sex with nuns." is in your way a generalized propagandistic 'speech of hate'-attack against all Catholics and the whole Catholic church. You should perhaps slowly start to think about what Jesus really said once.

John said to him, “Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he was not following us.” But Jesus said, “Do not stop him, for no one who does a mighty work in my name will be able soon afterward to speak evil of me. For the one who is not against us is for us. For truly, I say to you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ will by no means lose his reward.


Actually in revelation it is clear-fornicators will go into the place of fire and brimstone. If you dont know truth about priests and nuns its not my fault.
Actually in revelation it is clear-fornicators will go into the place of fire and brimstone.

No one undertands the revelation - what is perhaps with the person who wrote it - one of the ... hmmm ... one of the greatest unnecessary challenges. Satan means by the way "the challenger" and is not an evil anti-god how the most members of the partially extreme strange sects of the USA seem to think. He's not god-like - he's creation like everything else.

I guess really to understand what's written in the revelation - or better to say why is written what's written there and what this really means in the end - is impossible. It are mighty pictures of a deeply suffering soul - but also of a soul with an unbelievable optimism.

If you dont know truth about priests and nuns its not my fault.

For a layman I knew once astonishing many priests and monks. And my mother knew many nuns. One of the monks came one day not back from his holidays to the monastery. It was said he met a female farmer who he liked to marry. He had been an excellent farmer on his own. A good choice, everyone thought. He had always been the first hard worker in the fields - and the last well dressed monk celebrating in the church.

And one of the nuns my mother knew had a terrible fear to say to the other nuns that she is not able to make the last "profess" - a last solemn promise for to become forever a nun. My mother helped her. Some years later she sent a picture. She had also married a farmer and they had three wonderful nice children. We all were very happy about this loveful "end".

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Peter was married- if he was the first pope why cant priests be married in the RCC?​

Because the R.C.C. makes its own rules and believes whatever it wants to, despite whatever reality others recognize. The only problem arises when it insists that others join its "reality". This is similar to other situations where minorities demand confirmation of beliefs that have no objective basis.
No one undertands the revelation - what is perhaps with the person who wrote it - one of the ... hmmm ... one of the greatest unnecessary challenges. Satan means by the way "the challenger" and is not an evil anti-god how the most members of the partially extreme strange sects of the USA seem to think. He's not god-like - he's creation like everything else.

I guess really to understand what's written in the revelation - or better to say why is written what's written there and what this really means in the end - is impossible. It are mighty pictures of a deeply suffering soul - but also of a soul with an unbelievable optimism.

For a layman I knew once astonishing many priests and monks. And my mother knew many nuns. One of the monks came one day not back from his holidays to the monastery. It was said he met a female farmer who he liked to marry. He had been an excellent farmer on his own. A good choice, everyone thought. He had always been the first hard worker in the fields - and the last well dressed monk celebrating in the church.

And one of the nuns my mother knew had a terrible fear to say to the other nuns that she is not able to make the last "profess" - a last solemn promise for to become forever a nun. My mother helped her. Some years later she sent a picture. She had also married a farmer and they had three wonderful nice children. We all were very happy about this loveful "end".

The teachers who have Jesus understand it by holy spirit guiding them at the proper time-Matt 24:45-- 2Cor 4:4 calls satan god of this system of things-1John 5:19--the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one--that is godlike qualities obviously, used wrong.
The teachers who have Jesus understand it by holy spirit guiding them at the proper time-Matt 24:45-- 2Cor 4:4 calls satan god of this system of things-1John 5:19--the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one--that is godlike qualities obviously, used wrong.

Aha ... better to say "anti-Aha"! Now the same please without bible and in words everyone is able understand - as for example how Jesus spoke in very most cases on his own.
Let me say it more simple: Everyone of all religions is welcome in the Holy Church who respects our most important values which are rationality and love. All serios spiritual traditions on this planet are on the way to god. We are able to explain the very most of our standpoints very well. And there is really not any reason to have to live in fear of Catholics. Catholicism on its own is a very very wide spectrum offering many ways to god. Even if someone likes not to be a Catholic we are perhaps able to give an impulse for a better way to live.
yes... It's amazing how few seem to want to admit (that last thing)

The anticatholics a lot of times act like there is nothing at all redeemable about the Catholic Church... which is about as bizarre as u can get... What? A Church that teaches all human life is sacred from cradle to grave AND practices it by fighting abortion and euthanasia... that's a bad thing? I'll bet it isn't so bad when their own lives are at stake.. (and the day will come...)

reminds me of that Scirpture: Woe unto them who call good evil and evil good

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