Pete Rose

Should the lifetime ban on Pete Rose be lifted?

  • Yes, so many cheater’s in baseball it is time

  • No, he disgraced the game

  • Can someone remind me why all of you hate pineapple on your pizza?

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Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2020
From the Depths of Hell

Answer the poll…

For awhile I was dead set against lifting the ban on him but with all the cheating from steroid usage to banging on the trash cans I have changed my mind and feel Pete Rose ban should be lifted.

So what say you and should the ban be lifted or should it stay until his death?
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Answer the poll…

For awhile I was dead set against lifting the ban on him but with all the cheating from steroid usage to banging on the trash cans I have changed my mind and feel Pete Rose ban should be lifted.

So what say you and should the ban lifted or should it stay until his death?
If you lift the ban, how do you ban future offenders? Why have the sign in every MLB clubhouse that says gambling will result in a lifetime ban?

The steroid users should absolutely be banned, their records erased.

Bonds is such an idiot. He would have still been the greatest player of all time, but he threw it away.
If you lift the ban, how do you ban future offenders? Why have the sign in every MLB clubhouse that says gambling will result in a lifetime ban?

The steroid users should absolutely be banned, their records erased.

Bonds is such an idiot. He would have still been the greatest player of all time, but he threw it away.
Bonds for sure was stupid and was on a HoF path but cheating has been severely rampant, so if we ain’t punishing Bonds and today player’s then it is time to lift Pete Rose ban…
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Hard for Baseball to make money off of gambling today and ban Rose for the sin of gambling 40 years ago
Baseball wise, Rose definitely belongs in the HOF. Everyone knows he bet on baseball. He's been given multiple opportunities to admit it. Had he done so, he would have been welcome back into baseball and already be in the HOF. But his ego won't allow him to admit he bet on baseball. Therefore, he can go pound sand. He had his shot. He stays out and at this point, I wouldn't entertain inducting him even if he did recant. He had his chance. Same deal with Bonds. It's the arrogance and the ego that does men like these in.
Betting on Baseball is legal and available nationwide

Hard for Baseball to make money off of gambling today and ban Rose for the sin of gambling 40 years ago
Yes, but at the time he did it, he was the manager of a baseball team and it was not widely available..or legal except in a few states.

All he had to do was make nice and admit he screwed up. He would have been welcomed back...and be in the HOF by now.
What is comical is that there is such an easy solution and MLB hasn't adopted it.

In the Army, there is an honorable discharge as well as a general discharge as well as a dishonorable discharge.

When you graduate from college, you can graduate or graduate with honors.

Baseball should come up with a system like this and stop it with the whole ambiguity about behavior that was not acceptable for whatever reason. Ty Cobb wouldn't even be considered for the HOF today. Times change.

As for the topic at hand.

Rose should be in. Clemens should be in. Bonds should be in. Call it General Induction instead of Induction with Honors. You're acknowledging their career and also acknowledging their conduct during their career. Reserve "Induction with honors" for the Derek Jeter type players who didn't have this cloud of suspicion whether proven or not proven.
Everyone knows he bet on baseball. He's been given multiple opportunities to admit it. Had he done so, he would have been welcome back into baseball and already be in the HOF

I think he is damned if he did, damned if he didn’t
Banned either way

Rose was involved in recreational gambling using the cash he got from autographs.

He never cheated

Steroid users cheated and management profited off it
Absent evidence that he ever threw a single game for his gambling purposes (or for any other reason, for that matter) his record speaks for itself.

It’s clear he belongs in the Baseball Hall of Fame.

It’s not as though he cheated — by juicing with PEDs or anything.

And I never understood pineapples on pizza
Yes, but at the time he did it, he was the manager of a baseball team and it was not widely available..or legal except in a few states.

All he had to do was make nice and admit he screwed up. He would have been welcomed back...and be in the HOF by now.

I don’t think Baseball was in a forgiving mood back then.

He has been punished enough
I think he is damned if he did, damned if he didn’t
Banned either way

Rose was involved in recreational gambling using the cash he got from autographs.

He never cheated

Steroid users cheated and management profited off it
I don't think so. I think he would have been welcomed back had he just made nice with the commissioner and his peeps.
Kissing the ring and groveling?...yes. But it would have been forgotten and he'd be in the HOF.
Yes he was a gambling addict. I wouldn't hold that against him. But he bet on games while he was a manager.

Bud Selig was welcomed into the HOF
So were Managers who looked the other way to obvious cheating

Rose never cheated.
Oh you're not going to get any argument from me there. The owners, manager, and baseball executives profited from the rampant roid era.
McGwire admitted he used steroids and I believe he was welcomed back. Bonds and Sosa have not.
Rose...has run out his clock...ego driven.
He never threw any games as a manager that I know of. So what does it matter? Didn't he bet on his teams to win?
Good to see that. Pete was an important part of that Phillies World Series team in 1980. Mike Schmidt:
No gimmes. That was the bottom line on Philadelphia Phillies playoff games in 1976, 1977 and 1978. The baseball gods seemed to mock Danny Ozark and his troops with an unending series of numbing, bizarre and cruel finishes.
Each choke, gag, frustration increased the pressure on the veteran corps of Phillies.

Schmidt was smack dab in the middle of all that. Yeah, 1980 was when Michael Jack finally learned how to knock down the gimme, thanks to the help of Pete Rose.

"Before, we always seemed to find a way to fall down even though I thought we were the best team in baseball from 1975 on. We had the best talent. That's why we won. You could look up the numbers. No one won more than we did," Schmidt acknowledged. "I don't think we could have faced the Philadelphia fans if we hadn't won in 1980. That would have been the last straw. Maybe that's why we battled tooth and nail to the end."

"The only difference in 1980 was Pete. He was insurance that we weren't going to lose, not so much that we were going to win," Schmidt said.

"He had always guided his team," Schmidt said. "We'd seen his magic against Boston, against the Yankees, against us in 1976. He'd always come up big. He'd always come out a winner. We'd never had anyone with that kind of winning experience. He was a security blanket for all of us.
"It's kind of strange to describe," Schmidt said. "He couldn't beat you by himself. He couldn't carry a team. He needed help. But, he continually made the situation right for guys around him by pumping them up, giving encouragement. It was never, 'If we win' it was 'When we win' with Pete. There was never a doubt with Pete. He erased our doubts. We all had our doubts because of the way we'd lost them in the three playoffs before."
"I've said it a billion times over the years, he was the most positive influence on my career from the first day I met him," Schmidt said........................................................

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