Perry (R) bailing on S.C. forum/debate

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Is this any surprise really? The fires have been raging for some time now BUT he decides now that he's needed back in the Republic of Texas :rolleyes: He skipped the first debate and now he bails on this one. :clap2: Whats up bruh? I think he KNEW he was going to be asked some tough questions. The Forum was set-up for participants to be individually questioned by three people and he could'nt take the heat apparently ;)

Gov. Rick Perry to Skip Labor Day Forum, Return to Texas to Address Wildfires - Summerville, SC Patch
Perry was scheduled to attend Senator Jim DeMint's forum of Republican presidential contenders in Columbia at 3 p.m.
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People can and will say that it's the right thing for the Governor of the state to address these problems, and I agree. Having said that, I wish it wasn't someone that gives me the impression that debating probably isn't his forte.
People can and will say that it's the right thing for the Governor of the state to address these problems, and I agree. Having said that, I wish it wasn't someone that gives me the impression that debating probably isn't his forte.

Yeah. He conveniently entered the race AFTER the 1st debate and now this? :doubt: :eusa_shhh:
Being 20% ahead in the polls in an 8 person race provides for some flexibility.

He's 8% ahead in the lastest Fox News poll and 6% in the latest Quinnipiac poll. Predictably, after an initial surge, the gap is closing.

Maybe he felt he wasn't ready yet. I don't think this helps him unless he thought he'd really suck in the debate.
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I think Perry should visit Iceland to take control of the hurricane Irene disaster relief effort.
He's the governor of Texas.

He has responsibilities there.

But, I hope the liberals and other candidates play this up as much as possible...

It will only serve to highlight that Perry is the only sitting governor in the race. :thup:
hes in a bind, if he doesn't go back, he'll be slammed as to self involved in his own future to do the job he is currently elected to do and in a curious twist folks how here to fore have defended obamas being out to do this or that instead of in DC, will now beat up on Perry for doing exactly that, by returning to his capital to attend to the affairs of state, spinning this as an embarrassment or weakness....:lol:so it goes.
And if he hadn't gone back then people would criticize him for campaigning while his state is burning to the ground. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Are the fires that bad in Texas?

If so, then he probably has to be there. He still is the governor, after all.

The drought is pretty bad here, red flag warnings all over the state.
Maybe he ought to avoid all debates and all scrutiny?

In 2003 he got Texas $1.2 billion in temporary Meidicaid funds;

In 2005 he successfully restored $200 million in No Child Left Behind funding;

He has pushed for an annual boost of $47.5 million in federal funds to pay for undocumented-immigrant health care.

Source: Time Magazine, Aug 29, 2011, pg. 36

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