People Are Hiding That Their Unvaccinated Loved Ones Died of COVID

  1. biden: “You’re Not Going To Get COVID If You Have These Vaccinations.”
  2. fauci: “You Become A Dead End To The Virus.”
  3. rochelle walensky: “Vaccinated People Do Not Carry The Virus — They Don’t Get Sick.”
  4. albert bourla: “[O]ur COVID-19 vaccine was 100% effective in preventing #COVID19 cases in South Africa. 100%!”
  5. bill gates: “A key goal [of the vaccination program] is to stop transmission.”
  6. rachel maddow: “Now we know that the virus stops with every vaccinated person.”
  7. francis collins: “‘[R]eason to be pretty optimistic’ that the available COVID-19 vaccines will be effective against the omicron variant; All of the other variants that have emerged during this COVID-19 pandemic have shown response to the vaccine, including Delta
  8. brian steltzer: “The newspaper [USA Today] describes ‘America’s fourth Covid-19 surge,’ noting this ‘didn’t have to happen,’ since vaccinations are so widely available. The headlines are followed by a call to action: ‘Let’s end it now.’”
The left is a death cult.


Abortion, of course is at the very summit. Thousands of innocent children murdered in cold blood, every day. More than a million each year.

The #CoronaHoax2020 is another. Much of their death, here, is illusory, fraudulently attributing to this hoax deaths that, in truth, had nothing to do with it, in order to produce massively-inflated death tolls to fuel their fearmongering. But enough genuine deaths from the mRNA poison that they are pushing on us, as well as from various adverse effects of all the disastrously policies that they have enacted under the fraudulent guise of “protecting” us from what is, in reality, a routine cold/flu outbreak.

And, of course, there's all the crime that the left wrong deliberately, maliciously enables and supports; from the organized Black LIES Matter/Antifa riots to the failure to prosecute or contain less organized criminals.

There's more, than this, of course, but this is a start.
Nahhh, it's been proven!
You are either sadly mistaken are a bald faced liar. I've read on the CDC website myself that there is no immunity provided by the vax--NONE. You can also spread the virus after being vaxxed.
He said the unvaccinated are dying from covid, (dying is a rarity in the vaccinated)
Thank you. So by your own statement ^^^^ Vaccinated people ARE dying. Extrapolate that thinking out and you are also saying Vaccinated people ARE contracting covid and since they ARE contracting covid--they ARE spreading covid. Kind of shoots holes the size of a howitzer in your argument.

oh look, actual facts about how the vaccinated and unvaccinated are actually faring across the entire country. it's unfortunate how the unvaxxed are driving this pandemic.


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