Pentagon Officers: We Quit if Trump Wins

Listen to America, the far rightcuck who says silly things of no merit.

The American military officers are thinking "either Trump is bozo or hitler and we want neither."
Taken from The Daily Beast - a liberal leftist rag pos site. The one officer who said he was retiring had put in his 20 years and eligible for full military retirement benefits. Both of my son's are officers in the Army and they and most of the enlisted personnel they work with are Trump all the way.

Yeah, i get the feeling this story is Bullshite. Most in the military despise Hussein. The ones who'll quit if Trump wins, are likely PC-appointed stooges. Hussein's incompetent lackeys. If they don't quit, Trump will have to fire them.
Where do you get that piece of information?
Taken from The Daily Beast - a liberal leftist rag pos site. The one officer who said he was retiring had put in his 20 years and eligible for full military retirement benefits. Both of my son's are officers in the Army and they and most of the enlisted personnel they work with are Trump all the way.

Yeah, i get the feeling this story is Bullshite. Most in the military despise Hussein. The ones who'll quit if Trump wins, are likely PC-appointed stooges. Hussein's incompetent lackeys. If they don't quit, Trump will have to fire them.
Where do you get that piece of information?

The military loathes Hussein. He's especially loathed on the Vet issue. They view him like so many other Americans view him... An Anti-American Communist Muslim foreigner. They can't wait till he's no longer their Commander in Chief. So these Hussein lackeys threatening to quit, will probably be fired by Trump anyway. They're useless.
Every time I hear Barry speak, I have to take a dump...

That's one thing about the faux professor - he is most definitely a pussy.

Yup and all you had to see is that photo of

King Abdullah of Jordan, Bibi Netanyahu, Putin and Barry on his bike.

Damn near LMAO when I saw that one.

King Abudullah in battle gear, Netanyahu in battle gear, Putin on a horse and Barry on his bike.

The photo was on a thread here and I can't remember who had posted it or I'd put on here.

No doubt who the pussy in that photo was. LOL
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You poor things. You vomit memes like you are getting over a 3 day bender.

The Pentagon itself sees the seas rising and HAS to live in reality because many of its bases are at sea level.

See? I'm sure you don't, it takes open eyes and open minds. The US military is the best fighting force on Earth by a magnitude of ten. But you cons sit and cower in your basement, its what you do best.
Unfortunately, before Obama it was 20 times better than any other.

Well according to the voices right.

Obama has been an absolute disaster for the military. There's simply no disputing that.
please, tell us how

Homosexuals, women in combat, spending vast sums on "climate change," purging all the competent officers.
lol. you are a sad man.

purging competent officers? really? where's the proof for that? don't bother, we all know you're bullshitting.
the rest of it doesn't even come close to showing that obama is a 'disaster' for the military.
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Taken from The Daily Beast - a liberal leftist rag pos site. The one officer who said he was retiring had put in his 20 years and eligible for full military retirement benefits. Both of my son's are officers in the Army and they and most of the enlisted personnel they work with are Trump all the way.

Yeah, i get the feeling this story is Bullshite. Most in the military despise Hussein. The ones who'll quit if Trump wins, are likely PC-appointed stooges. Hussein's incompetent lackeys. If they don't quit, Trump will have to fire them.
Where do you get that piece of information?

The military loathes Hussein. He's especially loathed on the Vet issue. They view him like so many other Americans view him... An Anti-American Communist Muslim foreigner. They can't wait till he's no longer their Commander in Chief. So these Hussein lackeys threatening to quit, will probably be fired by Trump anyway. They're useless.
Where do you get that piece of information?

Oh, and : The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are about Veterans | PolitiFact
Taken from The Daily Beast - a liberal leftist rag pos site. The one officer who said he was retiring had put in his 20 years and eligible for full military retirement benefits. Both of my son's are officers in the Army and they and most of the enlisted personnel they work with are Trump all the way.

Yeah, i get the feeling this story is Bullshite. Most in the military despise Hussein. The ones who'll quit if Trump wins, are likely PC-appointed stooges. Hussein's incompetent lackeys. If they don't quit, Trump will have to fire them.
Where do you get that piece of information?

The military loathes Hussein. He's especially loathed on the Vet issue. They view him like so many other Americans view him... An Anti-American Communist Muslim foreigner. They can't wait till he's no longer their Commander in Chief. So these Hussein lackeys threatening to quit, will probably be fired by Trump anyway. They're useless.
Where do you get that piece of information?

Oh, and : The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are about Veterans | PolitiFact

Keep on dreaming. The Military can't wait till he's gone. These whiners threatening to quit, will likely be fired by Trump anyway. Their behavior is very unprofessional. They're out.
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Taken from The Daily Beast - a liberal leftist rag pos site. The one officer who said he was retiring had put in his 20 years and eligible for full military retirement benefits. Both of my son's are officers in the Army and they and most of the enlisted personnel they work with are Trump all the way.

Yeah, i get the feeling this story is Bullshite. Most in the military despise Hussein. The ones who'll quit if Trump wins, are likely PC-appointed stooges. Hussein's incompetent lackeys. If they don't quit, Trump will have to fire them.
Where do you get that piece of information?

The military loathes Hussein. He's especially loathed on the Vet issue. They view him like so many other Americans view him... An Anti-American Communist Muslim foreigner. They can't wait till he's no longer their Commander in Chief. So these Hussein lackeys threatening to quit, will probably be fired by Trump anyway. They're useless.
Where do you get that piece of information?

Oh, and : The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are about Veterans | PolitiFact

Keep on dreaming. The Military can't wait till he's gone. These whiners threatening to quit, will likely be fired by Trump anyway. Their behavior is very unprofessional. They're out.
Actually, by "going political", they can be put out of the military anyway...
What Can Military Members Do and Not Do in Politics

What Active Duty Members Can and Cannot Do


Cannot - Use official authority or influence to interfere with an election, affect the course or outcome of an election, solicit votes for a particular candidate or issue, or require or solicit political contributions from others.

Cannot -Allow or cause to be published partisan political articles, letters, or endorsements signed or written by the member that solicits votes for or against a partisan political party, candidate, or cause. However, letters to the editor are allowed.

Taken from The Daily Beast - a liberal leftist rag pos site. The one officer who said he was retiring had put in his 20 years and eligible for full military retirement benefits. Both of my son's are officers in the Army and they and most of the enlisted personnel they work with are Trump all the way.

Yeah, i get the feeling this story is Bullshite. Most in the military despise Hussein. The ones who'll quit if Trump wins, are likely PC-appointed stooges. Hussein's incompetent lackeys. If they don't quit, Trump will have to fire them.
Where do you get that piece of information?

The military loathes Hussein. He's especially loathed on the Vet issue. They view him like so many other Americans view him... An Anti-American Communist Muslim foreigner. They can't wait till he's no longer their Commander in Chief. So these Hussein lackeys threatening to quit, will probably be fired by Trump anyway. They're useless.
Where do you get that piece of information?

Oh, and : The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are about Veterans | PolitiFact

Keep on dreaming. The Military can't wait till he's gone. These whiners threatening to quit, will likely be fired by Trump anyway. Their behavior is very unprofessional. They're out.
when did 'the military' appoint you as spokesman?
Taken from The Daily Beast - a liberal leftist rag pos site. The one officer who said he was retiring had put in his 20 years and eligible for full military retirement benefits. Both of my son's are officers in the Army and they and most of the enlisted personnel they work with are Trump all the way.

Yeah, i get the feeling this story is Bullshite. Most in the military despise Hussein. The ones who'll quit if Trump wins, are likely PC-appointed stooges. Hussein's incompetent lackeys. If they don't quit, Trump will have to fire them.
Where do you get that piece of information?

The military loathes Hussein. He's especially loathed on the Vet issue. They view him like so many other Americans view him... An Anti-American Communist Muslim foreigner. They can't wait till he's no longer their Commander in Chief. So these Hussein lackeys threatening to quit, will probably be fired by Trump anyway. They're useless.
Only a few dopes, like you, view Obama as such. Trump if elected will bounce the teabaggers on their head in the military.
Yeah, i get the feeling this story is Bullshite. Most in the military despise Hussein. The ones who'll quit if Trump wins, are likely PC-appointed stooges. Hussein's incompetent lackeys. If they don't quit, Trump will have to fire them.
Where do you get that piece of information?

The military loathes Hussein. He's especially loathed on the Vet issue. They view him like so many other Americans view him... An Anti-American Communist Muslim foreigner. They can't wait till he's no longer their Commander in Chief. So these Hussein lackeys threatening to quit, will probably be fired by Trump anyway. They're useless.
Where do you get that piece of information?

Oh, and : The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are about Veterans | PolitiFact

Keep on dreaming. The Military can't wait till he's gone. These whiners threatening to quit, will likely be fired by Trump anyway. Their behavior is very unprofessional. They're out.
Actually, by "going political", they can be put out of the military anyway...
What Can Military Members Do and Not Do in Politics

What Active Duty Members Can and Cannot Do


Cannot - Use official authority or influence to interfere with an election, affect the course or outcome of an election, solicit votes for a particular candidate or issue, or require or solicit political contributions from others.

Cannot -Allow or cause to be published partisan political articles, letters, or endorsements signed or written by the member that solicits votes for or against a partisan political party, candidate, or cause. However, letters to the editor are allowed.

Very low class unprofessional behavior. But that sums up this entire current Administration. So no surprise there. They'll have to be fired. And there's this guy who can handle that very well. ;)
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Taken from The Daily Beast - a liberal leftist rag pos site. The one officer who said he was retiring had put in his 20 years and eligible for full military retirement benefits. Both of my son's are officers in the Army and they and most of the enlisted personnel they work with are Trump all the way.

Yeah, i get the feeling this story is Bullshite. Most in the military despise Hussein. The ones who'll quit if Trump wins, are likely PC-appointed stooges. Hussein's incompetent lackeys. If they don't quit, Trump will have to fire them.
Where do you get that piece of information?

The military loathes Hussein. He's especially loathed on the Vet issue. They view him like so many other Americans view him... An Anti-American Communist Muslim foreigner. They can't wait till he's no longer their Commander in Chief. So these Hussein lackeys threatening to quit, will probably be fired by Trump anyway. They're useless.
Only a few dopes, like you, view Obama as such. Trump if elected will bounce the teabaggers on their head in the military.
Barry is viewed as a fuck up to most military folk...
Where do you get that piece of information?

The military loathes Hussein. He's especially loathed on the Vet issue. They view him like so many other Americans view him... An Anti-American Communist Muslim foreigner. They can't wait till he's no longer their Commander in Chief. So these Hussein lackeys threatening to quit, will probably be fired by Trump anyway. They're useless.
Where do you get that piece of information?

Oh, and : The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are about Veterans | PolitiFact

Keep on dreaming. The Military can't wait till he's gone. These whiners threatening to quit, will likely be fired by Trump anyway. Their behavior is very unprofessional. They're out.
Actually, by "going political", they can be put out of the military anyway...
What Can Military Members Do and Not Do in Politics

What Active Duty Members Can and Cannot Do


Cannot - Use official authority or influence to interfere with an election, affect the course or outcome of an election, solicit votes for a particular candidate or issue, or require or solicit political contributions from others.

Cannot -Allow or cause to be published partisan political articles, letters, or endorsements signed or written by the member that solicits votes for or against a partisan political party, candidate, or cause. However, letters to the editor are allowed.

Very low class unprofessional behavior. But that sums up this entire current Administration. So no surprise there. They'll have to be fired. And i think Trump can handle that very well. ;)
That was the rule under Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan as well.
Conservatives think America is not great because 'trump' says so and they think the US military is weak.

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