Pentagon Officers: We Quit if Trump Wins


Ha. :laugh:
Taken from The Daily Beast - a liberal leftist rag pos site. The one officer who said he was retiring had put in his 20 years and eligible for full military retirement benefits. Both of my son's are officers in the Army and they and most of the enlisted personnel they work with are Trump all the way.
Taken from The Daily Beast - a liberal leftist rag pos site. The one officer who said he was retiring had put in his 20 years and eligible for full military retirement benefits. Both of my son's are officers in the Army and they and most of the enlisted personnel they work with are Trump all the way.

Yeah, i get the feeling this story is Bullshite. Most in the military despise Hussein. The ones who'll quit if Trump wins, are likely PC-appointed stooges. Hussein's incompetent lackeys. If they don't quit, Trump will have to fire them.
But isn't it nice that the military's primary goal now is fighting GLOBAL WARMING????
View attachment 64665

You poor things. You vomit memes like you are getting over a 3 day bender.

The Pentagon itself sees the seas rising and HAS to live in reality because many of its bases are at sea level.

See? I'm sure you don't, it takes open eyes and open minds. The US military is the best fighting force on Earth by a magnitude of ten. But you cons sit and cower in your basement, its what you do best.
Unfortunately, before Obama it was 20 times better than any other.

Well according to the voices right.

Obama has been an absolute disaster for the military. There's simply no disputing that.
please, tell us how

Homosexuals, women in combat, spending vast sums on "climate change," purging all the competent officers.
What say you Trump supporters?

ooooh.., come now.., that is satire.., right ? rIght ?? ha ha ha :lmao:

honestly, IF that is absolute truth rather than a rumor some one started.., he.., fuck'em, they all are where they are due a CIC who promoted inept power grabbing CIC cock:suck:ers and i will lay you odds that a large percentage are not Caucasian !!! therefore, i see it as a good thing because with a new CIC who can see who the real hard workers are and willing to do what they believe...., in, they United States of America !!!!

..................... GO TRUMP !! <-----------<<<<<
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Right-wing propaganda certainly works on right-wingers.

Jesus you poor souls, stop listening to the mindless rubes who feed you this crap through the radio and on television every day.

I honestly feel sorry for you people. The US military is second to none on all fronts. NONE.
But isn't it nice that the military's primary goal now is fighting GLOBAL WARMING????
View attachment 64665

You poor things. You vomit memes like you are getting over a 3 day bender.

The Pentagon itself sees the seas rising and HAS to live in reality because many of its bases are at sea level.

See? I'm sure you don't, it takes open eyes and open minds. The US military is the best fighting force on Earth by a magnitude of ten. But you cons sit and cower in your basement, its what you do best.
Would you be referring to that "sea level rise" that Al Gore said would already have New York under water???

God, I just LOVE your fake science!!!!

I see, you one of the lazies who needs to hear your own vomit. Here you go internet welfare queen.

Pentagon: Global Warming Poses ‘Immediate Risk’ To National Security

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