Pentagon gave millions to EcoHealth Alliance for weapons research program

Should our Pentagon fund bioweapon technology in China?

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Diamond Member
May 17, 2013

The Defense Department doled out millions of dollars to the same nonprofit that funneled federal grant money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for bat coronavirus research — with most of the Pentagon money going toward murky research on countering biological weapons.

New York City-based EcoHealth Alliance has already come under scrutiny for redirecting funds from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to the Chinese lab, from where many believe COVID-19 leaked to set off the worst pandemic in a century.

But federal spending data shows that EcoHealth has a long and profitable relationship with the Pentagon, receiving $41.91 million in awards since fiscal year 2008. That’s more than three times the next-largest amount awarded to it by any other agency over the same period ($13.17 million from the Department of Health and Human Services).

Of the $41.91 million, $37.61 million was awarded to EcoHealth Alliance by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), which describes its mission as “to protect the United States and its allies by enabling the DoD and international partners to detect, deter, and defeat WMD and threat networks.”

Bioweapons research by the United States via the Pentagon IN CHINA. Why the hell was the Pentagon funding bioweapons research in a country that is basically our enemy. This is INSANE on too many levels.
Now add in this other article with the CDC, the WHO, NIH, BILL GATES FOUNDATION.......ALL in bed with ECO Health Alliance conducting BIOWEAPONS RESEARCH and Gain of Function Research.



Ernst explained during the Tuesday press conference that EcoHealth Alliance violated multiple federal laws that require the group to disclose how much taxpayer money goes to the Wuhan lab. For instance, with the Steven’s Amendment, all HHS recipients must acknowledge federal funding when issuing statements; they also must disclose the percentage and dollar amounts of the total program or projects associated with federal money.

When NIH requested information about the WIV and the viruses being studied and the safety conditions there, EcoHealth called the questioning “inappropriate” and “heinous” and even organized an effort to taint the scientific investigation, calling the theory of a lab leak a “conspiracy theory.”

The Senate unanimously approved Ernst’s amendment to the Endless Frontier Act to ban any future U.S. funding to the WIV.

Corruption in this country runs deep. Everyone had their slimy hands into this organization. DID WE USE TAXPAYERS MONEY TO FUND THE CREATION OF THIS PLANNEDEMIC.???
Bioweapons research by the United States via the Pentagon IN CHINA. Why the hell was the Pentagon funding bioweapons research in a country that is basically our enemy. This is INSANE on too many levels.
not really Eagle, we farm out everything we can't pull off domestically...
Now add in this other article with the CDC, the WHO, NIH, BILL GATES FOUNDATION.......ALL in bed with ECO Health Alliance conducting BIOWEAPONS RESEARCH and Gain of Function Research.
sure, and for the most part, we're talkin' a global community
Corruption in this country runs deep. Everyone had their slimy hands into this organization. DID WE USE TAXPAYERS MONEY TO FUND THE CREATION OF THIS PLANNEDEMIC.???
Yes, and you familiar with some of the early whistleblowers???

Q~ how many bio-warfare labs are there on this rock????

In this particular research area, NIH and Pentagon are both, total dumbasses. Benefits are easily seen, but the drawback are easily seen also. Probably why there are regulations preventing it done here. China is a communist country. I view all communist countries as rogue nations, never to be trusted. I suspect most normal responsible countries have regulations against it within their borders also. Gain of function viral research is dangerous, no matter where it is done, but to offshore it to a communist rogue nation is the height of stupidity.
Enjoy your shots. I have had mine, and will get the next between now and early December. We live in a new paradigm, humanity plus a few varieties of enhanced Covid viral pathogens. There is no going back. Everybody is going to have to deal with it, one way or another. Pretending it does not exist or poses no personal hazard is a reality denying, non-starter. Good luck, everybody!:)
Americans... I double dog dare Democrats to stand up against bio weapons research.

Democrats... okay
‘The word voyou has a history in the French language, and it is necessary to recall it. The notion of a Etat voyou first appears as the recent and ambiguous translation of what the American administration has been denouncing for several decades now under the name “rogue state,” that is, a state that respects neither its obligations as a state before the law of the world community nor the requirements of international law, a state that flounts the law and scoffs at the constitutional state or state of law [etat de droit].‘
(Derrida, Rogues)

And the Chinese have certainly been arrogant about their virus, which can only intelligently be called communist.
What do you consider quaint about it?
well W6, not to be a *d*ck* , but it's the same old black hat / white hat we've both been brought up on......the real truth is, there's a lotta grey hats in-between

Look at it this way, the modern world's biz is global, globalists dominate it all. These are sorts that only have allegiance to their coffers, further only feign allegiance to any given country when it behooves them to do so

This includes the MIC, who's wuhan biz partners merely did the dirty work for them.....

Further, that members of Congress, who are up to their eyeballs in said collusive enterprises, should pin the tail on Fauci is so pot/ kettle for him>>>

well W6, not to be a *d*ck* , but it's the same old black hat / white hat we've both been brought up on......the real truth is, there's a lotta grey hats in-between

Look at it this way, the modern world's biz is global, globalists dominate it all. These are sorts that only have allegiance to their coffers, further only feign allegiance to any given country when it behooves them to do so

This includes the MIC, who's wuhan biz partners merely did the dirty work for them.....

Further, that members of Congress, who are up to their eyeballs in said collusive enterprises, should pin the tail on Fauci is so pot/ kettle for him>>>


Understood, but I have room on the list of people, countries and organizations that I do not trust and always will have. I see no rational reason to change my thinking, or benefit for doing so. It is not like it keeps me up at night.

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