Pelosi Appoints 2nd GOP Critic Of trump To Jan. 6 Committee

Who vote 100% Democratic and their mantra of #Defund the Police. We have been on this board too long to play this game, rw. There are extremists on both sides.
Show me the Democrats that called the mob to Minneapolis
Show me the Democrats that sent the mob to the police station
Show me the Pro-Democrat signs
Show me a Democratic Leader endorsing the mob
Show me the Democrats that called the mob to Minneapolis
Show me the Democrats that sent the mob to the police station
Show me the Pro-Democrat signs
Show me a Democratic Leader endorsing the mob

BLM apparently supports the GOP?
Show me the Democrats that called the mob to Minneapolis
Show me the Democrats that sent the mob to the police station
Show me the Pro-Democrat signs
Show me a Democratic Leader endorsing the mob
Google is your friend. It’s everywhere. So


This happened on Lincoln's inauguration day.

"February 13, 1861. The city of Washington DC is waiting. Bracing itself. For weeks, there have been threats that this day is going to get violent because pro-slavery voters feel the recently elected president, Abraham Lincoln, is a threat to their way of life. Today, Lincoln is supposed to be affirmed when the electoral votes are counted in the US Capitol building, but on the morning of the count, hundreds of anti-Lincoln rioters storm the building. Their goal: to stop the electoral count. What happened when a mob of anti-Lincoln rioters tried to take over the US Capitol? And how did American democracy handle the test?"

Is that similar enough for you?
It is interesting to compare the Trump goon attack to the slavery-enthusiasts who were hysterical over the other legitimately-elected President.

The key difference between then and now is that the building was guarded by men who were prepared for the onslaught...
Virginia’s former governor Henry Wise was openly calling for an invasion, and many diary accounts and newspaper articles of the time expressed fear that some kind of takeover was imminent...
But the militias had not reckoned with the determination of Gen. Winfield Scott, an aging war hero charged with the defense of the capital... [A]bove all, he was a patriot, in the original sense of a word that has been abused in recent days...
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Scott... knew treason when he saw it. With military dispatch, he stationed soldiers around the Capitol and left no doubt what he would do to any violent miscreant who tried to come into the building to spoil the electoral count.
Colorfully, Scott warned that any such intruder would “be lashed to the muzzle of a twelve-pounder and fired out the window of the Capitol.” He added, I would manure the hills of Arlington with the fragments of his body.”...
On the morning of Feb. 13, large numbers of people streamed into Washington, determined to prevent the ceremony that would confirm Lincoln’s election. Already, they seemed dangerous, “a caldron of inflammable material,” ready for “revolution,” as one observer noted. But when they reached the Capitol, they were prevented from entering unless they had a special pass...
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Though the worst of the crowd was kept outside, tempers nonetheless flared inside the House chamber. Pro-Southern members of Congress were in a foul mood and tried to vent their unhappiness in any way they could. When a secessionist senator from Texas, Louis Wigfall, asked Scott if he would dare to arrest a senator for treason, Scott exploded: “No! I will blow him to hell!”
In 1861 as in 2021, the actual documents were important. On Wednesday, quick-thinking staffers grabbed the boxes holding the electoral certificates during the tumult. In 1861, the boxes were preserved as well, despite the fact that they were entrusted to the person most likely to benefit from their destruction.
Each of the state electoral certificates had been duly sent to the president of the Senate — the vice president of the United States, Kentucky’s John C. Breckinridge. Breckinridge was also the defeated candidate in the presidential election, and the one who had carried the hopes of the Deep South. If he had chosen to misplace the certificates, the election might have been thrown into Congress, where Lincoln, as a stranger to Washington, was at a disadvantage.
The crucial moment came when the certificates were delivered from the Senate to the House, where the ceremony was held. Several commentators mentioned how fragile democracy seemed at this moment, with two ordinary boxes holding the hopes of the nation. Many in the room were waiting for a spark — a witness felt “hot treason … seething beneath the quiet exterior.”
For hours afterward, “a howling, angry mob” prowled the streets of Washington, issuing streams of profanity. In New York, a lawyer, George Templeton Strong, confided to his diary: “This was the critical day for the peace of the capital. A foray of Virginia gents … could have done infinite mischief by destroying the legal evidence of Lincoln’s election.” Because of another Virginian, they were prevented from doing so.

[Opinion | The Capitol Takeover That Wasn’t]



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On a committee that has one more Democrat than it does Republicans, being co-chair is just as meaningless as being "the ranking member" on a committee chaired by a Democrat.

'cept that isn't true. the original deal was completely equal on both sides. 10 members total ... 5 being (D)s 5 beings (R)s & the chair & ranking member having complete equality. there was no ONE more (D).

you're wrong.
I wonder if the police officers in Minneapolis would agree? You are a foreign troll. Too easy.
You don't sound like a fellow American, but I have no evidence to confirm my suspicions.

If you wonder whether Minneapolis police cannot distinguish law enforcement around the nation from the Trump goon attack on the U.S. Capitol, you could either ask them or make up whatever pleases you.
Who vote 100% Democratic and their mantra of #Defund the Police. We have been on this board too long to play this game, rw. There are extremists on both sides.

somehow i think the ones that rioted during the BLM protests don't vote.

at all. well, except for the infiltrators from say - the boogaloo boys who deliberately wanted to incite riots ... we know who they voted for.

the peaceful protesters more than likely are (D)s; but we aren't talking about them.

somehow i think the ones that showed up at the capital voted (R) & certainly voted for trump.

the peaceful protesters did & CERTAINLY the terrorists that stormed the capital hunting down congress critters.

& donny's own DOJ said there was zero proof of antifa/BLM moles in that crowd.

like i said - a false comparison on yer part zogster.
'cept that isn't true. the original deal was completely equal on both sides. 10 members total ... 5 being (D)s 5 beings (R)s & the chair & ranking member having complete equality. there was no ONE more (D).

you're wrong.
Somebody had to break a tie vote. Of course with Pelosi having veto power over who was on her committee, she'd had no problem keeping the Trump-hater Republicans like Cheney and the other asshole voting with the Democrats.
It is interesting to compare the Trump goon attack to the slavery-enthusiasts who were hysterical over the other legitimately-elected President.

The key difference between then and now is that the building was guarded by men who were prepared for the onslaught...
Virginia’s former governor Henry Wise was openly calling for an invasion, and many diary accounts and newspaper articles of the time expressed fear that some kind of takeover was imminent...
But the militias had not reckoned with the determination of Gen. Winfield Scott, an aging war hero charged with the defense of the capital... [A]bove all, he was a patriot, in the original sense of a word that has been abused in recent days...

Scott... knew treason when he saw it. With military dispatch, he stationed soldiers around the Capitol and left no doubt what he would do to any violent miscreant who tried to come into the building to spoil the electoral count.
Colorfully, Scott warned that any such intruder would “be lashed to the muzzle of a twelve-pounder and fired out the window of the Capitol.” He added, I would manure the hills of Arlington with the fragments of his body.”...
On the morning of Feb. 13, large numbers of people streamed into Washington, determined to prevent the ceremony that would confirm Lincoln’s election. Already, they seemed dangerous, “a caldron of inflammable material,” ready for “revolution,” as one observer noted. But when they reached the Capitol, they were prevented from entering unless they had a special pass...
Though the worst of the crowd was kept outside, tempers nonetheless flared inside the House chamber. Pro-Southern members of Congress were in a foul mood and tried to vent their unhappiness in any way they could. When a secessionist senator from Texas, Louis Wigfall, asked Scott if he would dare to arrest a senator for treason, Scott exploded: “No! I will blow him to hell!”
In 1861 as in 2021, the actual documents were important. On Wednesday, quick-thinking staffers grabbed the boxes holding the electoral certificates during the tumult. In 1861, the boxes were preserved as well, despite the fact that they were entrusted to the person most likely to benefit from their destruction.
Each of the state electoral certificates had been duly sent to the president of the Senate — the vice president of the United States, Kentucky’s John C. Breckinridge. Breckinridge was also the defeated candidate in the presidential election, and the one who had carried the hopes of the Deep South. If he had chosen to misplace the certificates, the election might have been thrown into Congress, where Lincoln, as a stranger to Washington, was at a disadvantage.
The crucial moment came when the certificates were delivered from the Senate to the House, where the ceremony was held. Several commentators mentioned how fragile democracy seemed at this moment, with two ordinary boxes holding the hopes of the nation. Many in the room were waiting for a spark — a witness felt “hot treason … seething beneath the quiet exterior.”
For hours afterward, “a howling, angry mob” prowled the streets of Washington, issuing streams of profanity. In New York, a lawyer, George Templeton Strong, confided to his diary: “This was the critical day for the peace of the capital. A foray of Virginia gents … could have done infinite mischief by destroying the legal evidence of Lincoln’s election.” Because of another Virginian, they were prevented from doing so.

[Opinion | The Capitol Takeover That Wasn’t]

The difference then was that a Republican won the Presidency for the first time in our history and the Democrats attacked the Capitol to stop the inauguration.

The facts that in 1861 the Republicans were prepared to protect the Capitol and in 2021 the Democrats were NOT is quite evident. Thanks for pointing that out to other dumbass Democrats.

You asked for a comparable situation. I gave it to you in spades. You lose, sucker.

Perhaps you should study history a bit before making such a stupid challenge.
Somebody had to break a tie vote. Of course with Pelosi having veto power over who was on her committee, she'd had no problem keeping the Trump-hater Republicans like Cheney and the other asshole voting with the Democrats.
McCarthy tried to stock the committee with Jan 6 deniers and election fraud supporters.
Their job would have been to disrupt the proceedings and divert to other topics.

Pelosi slapped him down
McCarthy tried to stock the committee with Jan 6 deniers and election fraud supporters.
Their job would have been to disrupt the proceedings and divert to other topics.

Pelosi slapped him down
Pelosi does not want a comprehensive investigation of what caused the breaching and the violence. She's a chickenshit, lying, manipulative, anti-American bitch.
Pelosi does not want a comprehensive investigation of what caused the breaching and the violence. She's a chickenshit, lying, manipulative, anti-American bitch.
obviously, she did

She offered a bipartisan committee and Republicans slapped her down.
Republicans have nothing to complain about

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