The best video I have seen in a long time.... a crowd learns they won't be playing the national anthem... so they all sing it instead.

Love it.
Look at the umpires... they stop and face the flag, the one guy takes his hat off and faces the flag.
And thanks to the one team that ran back out there and faced the flag. Apparently the other team is coached by a hater and leftist blowbag. I feel sorry for the kids on their team.
I like it.

Another example of how the American Left appears to be dead set on annoying people with PC/Identity Politics crap.

When you replace "annoying" with better terms perhaps you will have left the left for good. You're not even close, but thanks for noticing.
yall dont own the flag or the national anthem ..get over yourselves
When one group of people despises the flag and the national anthem, ignores and disrespects them, they then sound extremely hollow when they whine that another group doesn't agree with them. No one is "owning" anything, the flag and anthem are there for all to respect, and to complain that someone is doing so sounds like a child that doesn't want to play with toy cars then gets upset that another child does.
The good old days, when your anthem would receive impromptu support.


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I like it.

Another example of how the American Left appears to be dead set on annoying people with PC/Identity Politics crap.
I also like it, more than I can express. The fact that there are still patriots around this nation who believe in liberty and are willing to stand up for it gives me hope for my daughter's future.
My first vote in 1980 was for Reagan and I've since watched our friends in DC become a megalithic uniparty who serve only themselves. If this Republic is going to survive much longer, that town is going to have to be opposed by most Americans.

The media corporations are controlled by traitors who are doing the bidding of a globalist movement that wants to remove all sovereignty, everywhere, but ESPECIALLY in America. Their plans cannot succeed until they accomplish taking us down.
The aspect of this that truly puzzles me the most is that when I listen to people on the Left, instead of just jawing back and forth with them, when I LISTEN, I realize that they are totally sincere in their belief of the "other", especially Trump supporters, being a danger to the Republic. There's one guy on here who seems to have gone completely over the edge with it to the threshold of mental illness.

They express EXACTLY the same sentiments as folks on the Right, about where the dangers lie to America and are convinced that our nation can only survive if they silence or remove power permanently from that "other" who before were always recognized as neighbors and Americans who also love the country. When Trump captured the sense of patriotism in people on the Right in 2016 and defeated a terrible candidate who was so sure of victory that she didn't even try to campaign in the battleground states, those on the Left, especially the media, lost their minds over it. They did more damage to the Republic and the city in DC during his inauguration than the 1/6 crowd ever did.

They then actively fought a resistance against his administration, unlike ANYTHING I've witnessed in the last 40 years. Those 4 years drove us farther apart in every way and we've now reached the point where it isn't hyperbole to say that should Trump run and win in 2024, America may well go to war with itself. Think about that for a moment. WHO will that benefit? What actions did he take that damaged this nation's soul so much that bloodshed is necessary?

He fought back against a media complex that endlessly lied or mischaracterized his words. He had the audacity to laugh in the face of the corporate media and it drove them off the deep end. NO ONE, especially no Republican, had ever dared to stand up to them before he did. They knew their place and knew if they wanted to survive they had to please the media bosses. Trump was Trump. He refused to back down and he too often ran his mouth when it would have been better to just ignore them but he NEVER acted against this Republic or our Constitution. Those who are convinced that he did can't cite which actions he took that broke his obligation to his office. His crime was winning and having a base of support that refused to surrender to those who hated him and them.

Now, we have a growing storm of lawmakers in DC who are trying to get the Senate filibuster rule removed so they can literally grab control of nation-wide elections, pack SCOTUS, and create a couple of new states and permanent control of the Senate - which means they'd perpetually control who sits on the courts around the nation. They believe they have this as a RIGHT, as a duty to the Constitution, even. Yet they won't explain what THEY would do if the same type of power-grab was executed by the Republicans. We are at the edge of an abyss and I really hope some cooler, wiser heads get involved before we step off into violent conflict or even secession.

It has always been easier to light fires than to control them.
Ha, you are the flagbearer for the American left. And spare us with the winger deflection, you've been as much of winger as anyone on this forum over the past year.
Another one who clearly doesn't know my politics.

The fact that I think Trump is a buffoon says nothing about my positions on the issues.

Since you think it does, it makes you a sheep who is merely projecting.

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