Pedophilia not a crime Rutgers law professor says


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Pedophilia Is Not a Crime Says Rutgers Prof Margo Kaplan News Philadelphia Magazine

She writes that pedophiles don’t necessarily turn out to be child molesters and that pedophilia is not a choice, i.e. a pedophile might be born that way. We reached her in her office in Camden to discuss.
Where have we heard that before!? give it 20 years max and its legalized and then parents will start being thrown in prison for killing pedophiles trying to rape their kids.
It's not, it's a diagnoses. No different than a heterosexual isn't necessarily sexually active, a pedophile may not also be a child sexual abuser. Nor is every child sexual abuser by virtue of that crime also then a pedophile.

Pedophilia is someone sexually attracted to prepubescent-aged children (generally about 12 in law, though biologically more typically 9 to 11.)

Pedophilia just as with heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. isn't illegal. Having unlawful sexual contact with those below your local juridiction's age of consent is illegal. That it might involve a pedophile is beside the case. Many CSAs aren't in fact clinical pedophiles but 'opportunistic offenders.'
"Where have we heard that before!? give it 20 years max and its legalized"

children need laws to protected them from harm caused by sexual predators... consenting adults do not.
Pedophilic relationships have already been legal in the US, they just aren't now. First state age of consent was 7, rest were 10.
"Where have we heard that before!? give it 20 years max and its legalized"

children need laws to protected them from harm caused by sexual predators... consenting adults do not.
This is the same way legalizing homosexual marriage etc started.
A word of warning for the pedos, touch one of ours and I'll take my chances with a jury. Understand this
titillate yourself with these types of discussions all day long, but pedophiles have always been harmful predators we should have laws against...
A word of warning for the pedos, touch one of ours and I'll take my chances with a jury. Understand this
Damn right.
titillate yourself with these types of discussions all day long, but pedophiles have always been harmful predators we should have laws against...
I agree. But when more and more people come out saying its "normal" and they are "born that way" its EXACTLY like homosexuality. Same shit different sexual deviant act.
titillate yourself with these types of discussions all day long, but pedophiles have always been harmful predators we should have laws against...

We do. They're called rape, statutory rape, child molestation, unlawful sexual contact, etc.

But a rapist who's straight isn't commiting rape because they're straight.
It's sickening reading comments from people trying to justify pedophiles. The first time they are caught harming a child they should be castrated
A word of warning for the pedos, touch one of ours and I'll take my chances with a jury. Understand this
Damn right.
titillate yourself with these types of discussions all day long, but pedophiles have always been harmful predators we should have laws against...
I agree. But when more and more people come out saying its "normal" and they are "born that way" its EXACTLY like homosexuality. Same shit different sexual deviant act.

It's not that they're "born that way" as goes the homosexual claims, but there is evidence convicted child molesters' brain are different than non-offenders. They're smaller is certain regions. See if I can find that link...
Here it is:


Pedophilic perpetrators showed a significant decrease of right amygdalar volume, compared with healthy controls (P = .001). We observed reduced gray matter in the right amygdala, hypothalamus (bilaterally), septal regions, substantia innominata, and bed nucleus of the striae terminalis. In 8 of the 15 perpetrators, enlargement of the anterior temporal horn of the right lateral ventricle that adjoins the amygdala could be recognized by routine qualitative clinical assessment. Smaller right amygdalar volumes were correlated with the propensity to commit uniform pedophilic sexual offenses exclusively (P = .006) but not with age (P = .89).

Pedophilic perpetrators show structural impairments of brain regions critical for sexual development. These impairments are not related to age, and their extent predicts how focused the scope of sexual offenses is on uniform pedophilic activity. Subtle defects of the right amygdala and closely related structures might be implicated in the pathogenesis of pedophilia and might possibly reflect developmental disturbances or environmental insults at critical periods."

Brain pathology in pedophilic offenders evidence of volume reducti... - PubMed - NCBI
A word of warning for the pedos, touch one of ours and I'll take my chances with a jury. Understand this

titillate yourself with these types of discussions all day long, but pedophiles have always been harmful predators we should have laws against...

I agree. But when more and more people come out saying its "normal" and they are "born that way" its EXACTLY like homosexuality. Same shit different sexual deviant act.

as far as any conscientious discussion about legality, it's simply apples and orangutans.

clinicians speak in clinical terms and simpletons tend to get confused...
It's not, it's a diagnoses. No different than a heterosexual isn't necessarily sexually active, a pedophile may not also be a child sexual abuser. Nor is every child sexual abuser by virtue of that crime also then a pedophile.

Pedophilia is someone sexually attracted to prepubescent-aged children (generally about 12 in law, though biologically more typically 9 to 11.)

Pedophilia just as with heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. isn't illegal. Having unlawful sexual contact with those below your local juridiction's age of consent is illegal. That it might involve a pedophile is beside the case. Many CSAs aren't in fact clinical pedophiles but 'opportunistic offenders.'

Long ago ----when I was young (and beautiful) and still a student-----I lecturer of high academic status---delivering a lecture on sexuality ----said
"there are no thoughts which are
perverse------only ACTIONS can be
termed perverse"

(I believe the person was lecturing in
psychiatry---the standard psychiatry
of that medieval day-----I believe that--
if I remember correctly, the lesson
was >>jerk off fantasies are never
"abnormal" I concluded that
perverts should be encouraged to
jerk off lots-------using any fantasy
that TURNS THEM ON. The real
problem in today's society is the
puritanical approach to wanking---
would anyone out there object if
a doctor encouraged your kid to
jerk off?)
A word of warning for the pedos, touch one of ours and I'll take my chances with a jury. Understand this
Damn right.
titillate yourself with these types of discussions all day long, but pedophiles have always been harmful predators we should have laws against...

I agree. But when more and more people come out saying its "normal" and they are "born that way" its EXACTLY like homosexuality. Same shit different sexual deviant act.

as far as any conscientious discussion about legality, it's simply apples and orangutans.

clinicians speak in clinical terms and simpletons tend to get confused...

I usually say apples and eggplants, but 'tans is good too. :)
It's not, it's a diagnoses. No different than a heterosexual isn't necessarily sexually active, a pedophile may not also be a child sexual abuser. Nor is every child sexual abuser by virtue of that crime also then a pedophile.

Pedophilia is someone sexually attracted to prepubescent-aged children (generally about 12 in law, though biologically more typically 9 to 11.)

Pedophilia just as with heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. isn't illegal. Having unlawful sexual contact with those below your local juridiction's age of consent is illegal. That it might involve a pedophile is beside the case. Many CSAs aren't in fact clinical pedophiles but 'opportunistic offenders.'

Long ago ----when I was young (and beautiful) and still a student-----I lecturer of high academic status---delivering a lecture on sexuality ----said
"there are no thoughts which are
perverse------only ACTIONS can be
termed perverse"

(I believe the person was lecturing in
psychiatry---the standard psychiatry
of that medieval day-----I believe that--
if I remember correctly, the lesson
was >>jerk off fantasies are never
"abnormal" I concluded that
perverts should be encouraged to
jerk off lots-------using any fantasy
that TURNS THEM ON. The real
problem in today's society is the
puritanical approach to wanking---
would anyone out there object if
a doctor encouraged your kid to
jerk off?)

His/Her point is the same point which differentiates Judaism from Christianity (and why they're mutually exclusive.) In Judaism, thoughts aren't sinful, only actions are. In Christianity, when Jesus said 'looking on a woman with lust in your heart is the same as commiting adultery with her.'

As with sexuality and the law, what you fantasize about is your business. What you DO is the law's.
Back in the day pedos were not tolerated by communities, I recall stories from my grandparents how if it was found out a pedo was molesting a child a court of law wasn't needed, the community dispensed their own justice

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