Zone1 Paul told all women to shut up. Paul was not a nice person.

The ancient teachings of the Christian Church were often tangled up between the admonition that "faith without works is dead" and "salvation is by grace alone." But there was a strong belief in Heaven and Hell. In the same period covered by our New Testament, the Jewish Pharisees did believe in an afterlife while the Sadducees did not.

With those I've had any discussion about it my current Jewish friends and colleagues seem to be equally divided between those who do believe in an afterlife and those who do not or aren't sure. Some say they don't give it a lot of thought but focus on living here and now which isn't a bad choice in my opinion.

But believing in an afterlife, though I have no idea what it might be like, I am comforted and much less anxious about aging and time running out.

The Roman Catholic Church that evolved from the early Christian groups and dominated the Middle Ages taught then and to some extent even now that salvation was within the Church itself. If you are in good standing in the Church you are automatically heaven bound. The Priesthood had the power to forgive sins and set conditions for forgiveness and also the power to excommunicate a person from the Church which would consign that person to Hell. There were certain dictates and rules Catholics were expected/required.

In the 16th Century a German priest, Martin Luther, departed from RCC theology and returned to salvation by grace to the extreme, i.e. there was NOTHING a person could do to merit the grace of God and be admitted to Heaven but it was God's prerogative along.

And evolving out of that we have a gazillion different Christian denominations, some demanding strict adherence to rules and regulations, some allowing total liberty, and everything in between. Some believe they're the only ones who will go to Heaven, some believe only a relatively small number of people predestined to Heaven will get there, and others do not believe in Hell at all. And other religions have their own point of view about it all.

And in all that, I think those who love the Lord God and their neighbors may get some tweaking now and then, but I am pretty sure they will be okay.

You are basically reiterating Jesus' high command, which is never a bad thing: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, and you shall love your neighbor as yourself.
That's nothing

Paul once told a man he was a sinner so he could watch him cry and repent.

What a heel he was.


But just think, before his conversion he would stone people to death.

I think Jesus did him a world of good, what do you think?
paul really stoned people to death?

you must differ between belief and people

I don’t get what you mean.

can somebody understand and explain?
Paul was a faithful Jew and he absolutely loved his fellow Jews. He saw the fulfillment of God's promises in Jewish scripture in Jesus. He wanted his fellow Jews to see what he saw. He did not hate them, he was not antisemitic--very much the opposite. Paul's beliefs are what put him--and continues to put him--at odds with those of the Jewish faith. It is these opposing beliefs, not the man himself, that block people from seeing the love and caring Paul always retained for the Jewish people.
Paul was a faithful Jew and he absolutely loved his fellow Jews. He saw the fulfillment of God's promises in Jewish scripture in Jesus. He wanted his fellow Jews to see what he saw. He did not hate them, he was not antisemitic--very much the opposite. Paul's beliefs are what put him--and continues to put him--at odds with those of the Jewish faith. It is these opposing beliefs, not the man himself, that block people from seeing the love and caring Paul always retained for the Jewish people.
That is NOT true, I am sorry to say. I saw the language he used to describe Jews who would not abandon Judaism and worship Jesus.

I only have about 15 minutes before I leave for shul - it’s the 8th day of Passover - and I want to do this topic justice. Later, I will research his letters and quote the phrases he used when referring to Jews. Utter contempt.
That I believe at once.

He was not married.
And he says: "Women should shut up!"

This Paul was not a nice person.
Nice. If you don't like the message...kill the messenger. :omg:

Paul instructed that women should be silent in the churches, so there would be no confusion.

1 Corinthians 14:33-35​

33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.​

34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.
35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
Nice. If you don't like the message...kill the messenger. :omg:

Paul instructed that women should be silent in the churches, so there would be no confusion.

1 Corinthians 14:33-35​

33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.​

34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.
35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
Correct. The shame wasn't a woman speaking. The shame was speaking during the teachings and causing confusion. Nonbelievers love to twist that verse.
That is NOT true, I am sorry to say. I saw the language he used to describe Jews who would not abandon Judaism and worship Jesus.

I only have about 15 minutes before I leave for shul - it’s the 8th day of Passover - and I want to do this topic justice. Later, I will research his letters and quote the phrases he used when referring to Jews. Utter contempt.


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