Paul Ryan says Republicans need to focus on 'principles' and not individuals as Trump remains a force in the party


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The RINOs are surrounding the wagons.

Except for decades they referred to the Republican Party as the Party of Lincoln.

They did the same to Reagan after he left office, privately bashing Reaganism. That gave us Bush I and Bush II and a whole lot of nothing.

"No party should revolve around a single person," said Ryan, who on Thursday starts the new series sponsored by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute.

Amid GOP election losses and in-fighting over Trump's role, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute – a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the legacy of the nation's 40th president – is sponsoring the project it says is designed "to address critical questions facing the future of the Republican Party."

Ryan, who clashed repeatedly with Trump when both were in office, told USA TODAY that the volatile ex-president is an "enormous force" in American politics and in the Republican Party, but "I think our party will find its greatest success by rallying around principles rather specific people."


Ryan, who clashed repeatedly with Trump when both were in office, told USA TODAY that the volatile ex-president is an "enormous force" in American politics and in the Republican Party, but "I think our party will find its greatest success by rallying around principles rather specific people."
what Ryan means is a return to the good old days of mealy mouth GOP swamp rats at election time reciting bromides that wise voters know they have no intention of following through on
The RINOs are surrounding the wagons.

Except for decades they referred to the Republican Party as the Party of Lincoln.

They did the same to Reagan after he left office, privately bashing Reaganism. That gave us Bush I and Bush II and a whole lot of nothing.

"No party should revolve around a single person," said Ryan, who on Thursday starts the new series sponsored by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute.
Amid GOP election losses and in-fighting over Trump's role, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute – a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the legacy of the nation's 40th president – is sponsoring the project it says is designed "to address critical questions facing the future of the Republican Party."
Ryan, who clashed repeatedly with Trump when both were in office, told USA TODAY that the volatile ex-president is an "enormous force" in American politics and in the Republican Party, but "I think our party will find its greatest success by rallying around principles rather specific people."

Paul Ryan types are the reason the GOP had lost it's position and would have been smoked by Hillary if not for Trump. If Paul Ryan think he has the answers, he should run himself for GOP candidate.
Paul Ryan was as bad as Hastert if not worse.

Just add him to the same list of the W 911 crowd... Because that is where he is from. Ryan openly endorsed Hillary in 2016, and then blocked trump's wall funding, and refused to cut any of w and homO's wasteful and treasonous spending, not a dime.

It would not be the slightest bit surprising if the American tax dollars that ended up in a Chinese bio weapons lab orinigated from Paul Ryan's desk....

Ryan and Romney, both were long gold, oil, defense stocks and the long bond on 910
Paul Ryan was as bad as Hastert if not worse.

Just add him to the same list of the W 911 crowd... Because that is where he is from. Ryan openly endorsed Hillary in 2016, and then blocked trump's wall funding, and refused to cut any of w and homO's wasteful and treasonous spending, not a dime.

It would not be the slightest bit surprising if the American tax dollars that ended up in a Chinese bio weapons lab orinigated from Paul Ryan's desk....

Ryan and Romney, both were long gold, oil, defense stocks and the long bond on 910
Ryan endorsed Trump, even wrote an op-ed in his local paper. I mean why do you have to make shit up?
Trump Derangement Syndrome is strong in right-wingers.
He's gone...time to move on.
Wasting years and seeing the nation move so far left that we are on the cusp of talking about legitimizing pedophilia is not good.
The RINOs are surrounding the wagons.

Except for decades they referred to the Republican Party as the Party of Lincoln.

They did the same to Reagan after he left office, privately bashing Reaganism. That gave us Bush I and Bush II and a whole lot of nothing.

"No party should revolve around a single person," said Ryan, who on Thursday starts the new series sponsored by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute.
Amid GOP election losses and in-fighting over Trump's role, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute – a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the legacy of the nation's 40th president – is sponsoring the project it says is designed "to address critical questions facing the future of the Republican Party."
Ryan, who clashed repeatedly with Trump when both were in office, told USA TODAY that the volatile ex-president is an "enormous force" in American politics and in the Republican Party, but "I think our party will find its greatest success by rallying around principles rather specific people."

Ryan is no prize, but even a loser like Ryan knows the GOP needs to bet back to focusing on principles and he is correct, no party should revolve around a single person. Remember how the Dem revolved around Hillary. That was as stupid as the Republicans rolling over for everything trump says, while the party takes it up the ass as being the party that supports overthrow of elections, attacks on the capital and thinks any made up story with no proof what so ever is fine and beneficial if it helps win something, even if against the constitution and conservative values. You guys are lost and not even trying to find your way.
Democrats are making a big mistake by trashing Donald Trump and Marjorie Taylor Greene. Republican voters (some new to the party) are excited to support these two candidates.
Paul Ryan is a remnant of a Republican Party that no longer exists. He is irrelevant. The party of Reagan, which Paul Ryan was a part, is dead and buried.
Paul Ryan is a remnant of a Republican Party that no longer exists. He is irrelevant. The party of Reagan, which Paul Ryan was a part, is dead and buried.
And thank god for that. Fuck Racist Ronnie and his gun-grabbing spend-thrift self.

oh, and fuck Paul Ryan too.
Paul Ryan is a remnant of a Republican Party that no longer exists. He is irrelevant. The party of Reagan, which Paul Ryan was a part, is dead and buried.

That is a complete and total lie. Paul Ryan as speaker did absolutely nothing at all that was even remotely conservative, fiscally conservative, or libertarian. Paul Ryan found out in 2015 that homO had hidden the FBI file on climate fraud, and could have impeached homO on that basis.

Paul Ryan wrote no op Ed supporting trump. Paul Ryan said"I'm done with him" and sucked up to Hillary.

Paul Ryan is exhibit a of the Zionist fraud that is the post 1998 GOP leadership - 100% about Israel, 0% fiscally conservative, 100% for big government and endless us wars in the Middle East over lies solely to help Israel. Ryan's a fraud of a Catholic, just like pence...
The RINOs are surrounding the wagons.

Except for decades they referred to the Republican Party as the Party of Lincoln.

They did the same to Reagan after he left office, privately bashing Reaganism. That gave us Bush I and Bush II and a whole lot of nothing.

"No party should revolve around a single person," said Ryan, who on Thursday starts the new series sponsored by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute.
Amid GOP election losses and in-fighting over Trump's role, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute – a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the legacy of the nation's 40th president – is sponsoring the project it says is designed "to address critical questions facing the future of the Republican Party."
Ryan, who clashed repeatedly with Trump when both were in office, told USA TODAY that the volatile ex-president is an "enormous force" in American politics and in the Republican Party, but "I think our party will find its greatest success by rallying around principles rather specific people."


Better watch out – the GOP is going to run out of ‘real’ Republicans.
The RINOs are surrounding the wagons.

Except for decades they referred to the Republican Party as the Party of Lincoln.

They did the same to Reagan after he left office, privately bashing Reaganism. That gave us Bush I and Bush II and a whole lot of nothing.

"No party should revolve around a single person," said Ryan, who on Thursday starts the new series sponsored by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute.
Amid GOP election losses and in-fighting over Trump's role, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute – a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the legacy of the nation's 40th president – is sponsoring the project it says is designed "to address critical questions facing the future of the Republican Party."
Ryan, who clashed repeatedly with Trump when both were in office, told USA TODAY that the volatile ex-president is an "enormous force" in American politics and in the Republican Party, but "I think our party will find its greatest success by rallying around principles rather specific people."

Ryan is no prize, but even a loser like Ryan knows the GOP needs to bet back to focusing on principles and he is correct, no party should revolve around a single person. Remember how the Dem revolved around Hillary. That was as stupid as the Republicans rolling over for everything trump says, while the party takes it up the ass as being the party that supports overthrow of elections, attacks on the capital and thinks any made up story with no proof what so ever is fine and beneficial if it helps win something, even if against the constitution and conservative values. You guys are lost and not even trying to find your way.

What principles would those be? Say one thing and do another, pander to the msm, allow the democrats to win every time, not sticking up for the very people who put them in office, whine to the msm about TRUMP's style while attacking him in private?
Honestly what can republicans run on, they fought TRUMP on border security, immigration reform, big tech censorship, trade deals, obidencare, ending wars, stop getting screwed by countries we give money to, politicization within the fbi/cia, military....TRUMP did more to diversify and grow the party then anyone.
The RINOs are surrounding the wagons.

Except for decades they referred to the Republican Party as the Party of Lincoln.

They did the same to Reagan after he left office, privately bashing Reaganism. That gave us Bush I and Bush II and a whole lot of nothing.

"No party should revolve around a single person," said Ryan, who on Thursday starts the new series sponsored by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute.
Amid GOP election losses and in-fighting over Trump's role, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute – a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the legacy of the nation's 40th president – is sponsoring the project it says is designed "to address critical questions facing the future of the Republican Party."
Ryan, who clashed repeatedly with Trump when both were in office, told USA TODAY that the volatile ex-president is an "enormous force" in American politics and in the Republican Party, but "I think our party will find its greatest success by rallying around principles rather specific people."

Ryan is no prize, but even a loser like Ryan knows the GOP needs to bet back to focusing on principles and he is correct, no party should revolve around a single person. Remember how the Dem revolved around Hillary. That was as stupid as the Republicans rolling over for everything trump says, while the party takes it up the ass as being the party that supports overthrow of elections, attacks on the capital and thinks any made up story with no proof what so ever is fine and beneficial if it helps win something, even if against the constitution and conservative values. You guys are lost and not even trying to find your way.

What principles would those be? Say one thing and do another, pander to the msm, allow the democrats to win every time, not sticking up for the very people who put them in office, whine to the msm about TRUMP's style while attacking him in private?
Honestly what can republicans run on, they fought TRUMP on border security, immigration reform, big tech censorship, trade deals, obidencare, ending wars, stop getting screwed by countries we give money to, politicization within the fbi/cia, military....TRUMP did more to diversify and grow the party then anyone.
I notice you don't mention "We the people", Republicans don/t mention them anymore. Not part of their principles. People not important. Power is important. Now, for power's sake by any means is part of their principle. It is about their only principle. You ever thought the democrats win due to being more of them and they still at least say they have principles that support "we the people"? Your betters always take care of themself, like Donny. That is a big part of why Donny and those of his ilk are attacked, and not in private, but in public, loudly, and last November at the polls, defeating him and his "Power First" top down unified power theory to take over the country and institute a more autocratic "power" control structure, so you would not have to listen to "we the people". If you got the power, you don't have to listen, right?
Country was founded on "we the people", putting together a more perfect union, guided by representatives of the majority of "we the people" and founded on a constitution that guaranteed, selecting our representatives and head of government would be selected by votes reflecting the choices of "we the people", not whoever was last in the chief executive chair. Support for the constitution we are founded on is an important principle of this county, our founding statement of principle. This is why our chief executive, our representatives, our military Officers and Enlisted service members take an oath to support, because without it we are at them mercy of some person or group gone rogue from our principles might parish from the face of the earth. Indeed, anybody in a position of trust that cannot swear an oath to support it above all else is an enemy of the republic that adopt the core principles of our land. This is where the trumpian ilk that used to be the Republican party find themselves now, an enemy of constitutional representative rule.
Your last paragraph reflect such little understanding on your part that it is harder to address neatly. You use the term "border security" when you should be addressing immigration. They are not the same, yet it is really immigration you fear, that might allow foreigners (at least ones you do not like, lacking in funds and in many cases skills) to become part of this nation of immigrants, founded by immigrants.
This xenophobic reaction is typical and we have seen it as a country before throughout our history. Yet, the downtrodden immigrants have alway started out filling a labor niche and helping move the country forward as was the case with the Irish, the Poles, the Chinese, etc starting out scorned and filling the menial labor needs at a cheaper price for the labor resource that the money men and captains of industry wanted to pay full American citizens to do their hard dirty work. It is the same today, with every tomato you eat or leaf of lettuce on your US grain fed burger. Immigration and border security were different back in the framers days. When they said secure our borders, it was about preventing the incursions and attacks of armed troops as had been attempted by the England, France and others that would have taken what they want by force and subjugated the new country.
True. there has to be a balance approach on immigration, and I don't know what that is exactly, nor does anyone else, that being the reason only with xenophobia and demagoguery of the issue.
I do not know what the Republicans can run on, at this point in time, having lost (or actually thrown away) all relation or support for "we the people" or the document upon which it was founded. They must find themselves again on the side of liberty and justice for all sooner or later, or wander in the desert of political scorn for their beliefs, enemies of the constitution, a party name bereft of meaning, as no longer supporting the thing that that brought us together as the United States of American in the first place.
The RINOs are surrounding the wagons.

Except for decades they referred to the Republican Party as the Party of Lincoln.

They did the same to Reagan after he left office, privately bashing Reaganism. That gave us Bush I and Bush II and a whole lot of nothing.

"No party should revolve around a single person," said Ryan, who on Thursday starts the new series sponsored by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute.
Amid GOP election losses and in-fighting over Trump's role, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute – a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the legacy of the nation's 40th president – is sponsoring the project it says is designed "to address critical questions facing the future of the Republican Party."
Ryan, who clashed repeatedly with Trump when both were in office, told USA TODAY that the volatile ex-president is an "enormous force" in American politics and in the Republican Party, but "I think our party will find its greatest success by rallying around principles rather specific people."

Paul Ryan types are the reason the GOP had lost it's position and would have been smoked by Hillary if not for Trump. If Paul Ryan think he has the answers, he should run himself for GOP candidate.
Paul Ryan types are the same folks GOP voters nominated to be president and vice president just 8 years ago.....

Now in that short time, GOP voters all claim to hate the last 4 or 5 presidential tickets....

Hell, even the most recent GOP presidential ticket, yall hate the VP for that one too....seems like everything really is boiled down to the worship of one person.....

So yea, focusing on principles instead of individuals would be a great idea....
The RINOs are surrounding the wagons.

Except for decades they referred to the Republican Party as the Party of Lincoln.

They did the same to Reagan after he left office, privately bashing Reaganism. That gave us Bush I and Bush II and a whole lot of nothing.

"No party should revolve around a single person," said Ryan, who on Thursday starts the new series sponsored by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute.
Amid GOP election losses and in-fighting over Trump's role, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute – a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the legacy of the nation's 40th president – is sponsoring the project it says is designed "to address critical questions facing the future of the Republican Party."
Ryan, who clashed repeatedly with Trump when both were in office, told USA TODAY that the volatile ex-president is an "enormous force" in American politics and in the Republican Party, but "I think our party will find its greatest success by rallying around principles rather specific people."

A small clique of has-beens gather to hear their last loser snivel and wring his hands about how his team of kayfabe jobbers has lost the party.


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