Patriot Woman shot by DC Police - Video

Storming the capital is a good way to get shot. The DC police and capital security has shown amazing restraint already.
It's all a win for the democrats

1. Damage done to Capital requires more spending

2. News coverage will all paint them as loons threatening democracy

3. One of them is dead.

This is a loss for the country, it's not about Democrat or Republican.
its specifically about dems and repubes,, what did they expect after yrs of their boots on our necks,,,,

Please had this been a group of black or brown folks who would have stormed the Capitol you would be on here claiming that they deserved to be shot.
it all depends on why they were there,, and for your info there were a lot of black people there today,,,

You call about 10 alot, there is always a few boot lickers in the crowd.
She should have armed herself if she was going to storm the Capitol while they are in session
You dont shoot thru a door when your life isnt directly threatened. Your African double standard is hard to deal with

You mean if there is a chance someone white may be shot, had this been BLM you would be pinning a medal on this officer.
Storming the capital is a good way to get shot. The DC police and capital security has shown amazing restraint already.
It's all a win for the democrats

1. Damage done to Capital requires more spending

2. News coverage will all paint them as loons threatening democracy

3. One of them is dead.

This is a loss for the country, it's not about Democrat or Republican.
its specifically about dems and repubes,, what did they expect after yrs of their boots on our necks,,,,

Please had this been a group of black or brown folks who would have stormed the Capitol you would be on here claiming that they deserved to be shot.
it all depends on why they were there,, and for your info there were a lot of black people there today,,,

You call about 10 alot, there is always a few boot lickers in the crowd.
She should have armed herself if she was going to storm the Capitol while they are in session
You dont shoot thru a door when your life isnt directly threatened. Your African double standard is hard to deal with

You mean if there is a chance someone white may be shot, had this been BLM you would be pinning a medal on this officer.
I counted thousands,,
That's what she gets.

She travelled all the way from wherever the hell she came from to get that bullet.

Stupid is as stupid does.
I’m sure you say the same about blacks who ignore orders from cops and get shot.
Was that rioter breaking in our Capitol wearing a Trump flag?

It's not "our" Capitol anymore. Try to assert your First Amendment right and you will be murdered.

Go ahead and try if you don't believe me.

And by '1st amendment rights', you mean attacking police and trashing the capitol building?
but its mostly peaceful,,,
Peaceful protest is the right of every American but this attack on our Capitol will not be tolerated and those involved will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

But tell us more about the "Law and Order" party again?
you cant blame everyone for a few bad apples when their numbers are so few,,,

and when the damage costs reach 2 billion you let me know,,,

I can certainly blame your ilk for trying to justify violence against cops at the Capitol building.

Your 'whataboutry' doesn't mean shit anymore. Your ilk are attacking cops. So much for the 'law and order' party.
all I can think to say is laughing,,,

But you couldn't think to condemn the violence against cops in the Capitol, could you?

As I've said before, conservatives don't give a shit about the constitution. And openly collaborate and justify attempts to thwart it.

Go take your bullshit somewhere else. They shot an unarmed female protester. And that was after all the leftist riots, arson, and looting from last year in which hardly anyone was shot by the police. They didn't shoot the looters, they didn't shoot the arsonists who were burning down the neighborhoods, but they shot an unarmed a woman who was protesting a stolen election in a government building that she owned.

So go fuck yourself, dickhead. I will see you Marxist pieces of shit on the field when this all comes to a head. Be ready for it.

The broke windows , fired guns and rushed the legislators. One rappelled down into to the chamber.. Gas masks were deployed by the legislators.

Pence evacuated, Capitol locked down as protesters push ...
Protesters walk as U.S. Capitol Police officers watch in a hallway near the Senate chamber at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, near the Ohio Clock.

No protester fired a weapon. They weren't even allowed to posess weapons, as per DC law.

A woman died after being shot in the Capitol on Wednesday as violent and armed supporters of President Donald Trump stormed and occupied the building, law enforcement officials told NBC News and DC police told the Washington Post.
Woman shot dead after armed Trump supporters stormed the Capitol as lawmakers gathered to certify Biden's win (

I thought white, conservatives were NEVER violent that is only what others do.
We know the cops were armed

but I dont think the woman was
Was that rioter breaking in our Capitol wearing a Trump flag?

It's not "our" Capitol anymore. Try to assert your First Amendment right and you will be murdered.

Go ahead and try if you don't believe me.

And by '1st amendment rights', you mean attacking police and trashing the capitol building?
but its mostly peaceful,,,
Peaceful protest is the right of every American but this attack on our Capitol will not be tolerated and those involved will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

But tell us more about the "Law and Order" party again?
you cant blame everyone for a few bad apples when their numbers are so few,,,

and when the damage costs reach 2 billion you let me know,,,

I can certainly blame your ilk for trying to justify violence against cops at the Capitol building.

Your 'whataboutry' doesn't mean shit anymore. Your ilk are attacking cops. So much for the 'law and order' party.
all I can think to say is laughing,,,

But you couldn't think to condemn the violence against cops in the Capitol, could you?

As I've said before, conservatives don't give a shit about the constitution. And openly collaborate and justify attempts to thwart it.

Go take your bullshit somewhere else. They shot an unarmed female protester. And that was after all the leftist riots, arson, and looting from last year in which hardly anyone was shot by the police. They didn't shoot the looters, they didn't shoot the arsonists who were burning down the neighborhoods, but they shot an unarmed a woman who was protesting a stolen election in a government building that she owned.

So go fuck yourself, dickhead. I will see you Marxist pieces of shit on the field when this all comes to a head. Be ready for it.

The broke windows , fired guns and rushed the legislators. One rappelled down into to the chamber.. Gas masks were deployed by the legislators.

Pence evacuated, Capitol locked down as protesters push ...
Protesters walk as U.S. Capitol Police officers watch in a hallway near the Senate chamber at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, near the Ohio Clock.

No protester fired a weapon. They weren't even allowed to posess weapons, as per DC law.

A woman died after being shot in the Capitol on Wednesday as violent and armed supporters of President Donald Trump stormed and occupied the building, law enforcement officials told NBC News and DC police told the Washington Post.
Woman shot dead after armed Trump supporters stormed the Capitol as lawmakers gathered to certify Biden's win (

I thought white, conservatives were NEVER violent that is only what others do.
We know the cops were armed

but I dont think the woman was

There you go thinking again, does it matter if she was armed or not. Was the cop supposed to wait until she took a shot at him first? Funny how you justified a cop killing a 12yr old with a toy gun though.
Was that rioter breaking in our Capitol wearing a Trump flag?

It's not "our" Capitol anymore. Try to assert your First Amendment right and you will be murdered.

Go ahead and try if you don't believe me.

And by '1st amendment rights', you mean attacking police and trashing the capitol building?
but its mostly peaceful,,,
Peaceful protest is the right of every American but this attack on our Capitol will not be tolerated and those involved will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

But tell us more about the "Law and Order" party again?
you cant blame everyone for a few bad apples when their numbers are so few,,,

and when the damage costs reach 2 billion you let me know,,,

I can certainly blame your ilk for trying to justify violence against cops at the Capitol building.

Your 'whataboutry' doesn't mean shit anymore. Your ilk are attacking cops. So much for the 'law and order' party.
all I can think to say is laughing,,,

But you couldn't think to condemn the violence against cops in the Capitol, could you?

As I've said before, conservatives don't give a shit about the constitution. And openly collaborate and justify attempts to thwart it.

Go take your bullshit somewhere else. They shot an unarmed female protester. And that was after all the leftist riots, arson, and looting from last year in which hardly anyone was shot by the police. They didn't shoot the looters, they didn't shoot the arsonists who were burning down the neighborhoods, but they shot an unarmed a woman who was protesting a stolen election in a government building that she owned.

So go fuck yourself, dickhead. I will see you Marxist pieces of shit on the field when this all comes to a head. Be ready for it.

The broke windows , fired guns and rushed the legislators. One rappelled down into to the chamber.. Gas masks were deployed by the legislators.

Pence evacuated, Capitol locked down as protesters push ...
Protesters walk as U.S. Capitol Police officers watch in a hallway near the Senate chamber at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, near the Ohio Clock.

No protester fired a weapon. They weren't even allowed to posess weapons, as per DC law.

A woman died after being shot in the Capitol on Wednesday as violent and armed supporters of President Donald Trump stormed and occupied the building, law enforcement officials told NBC News and DC police told the Washington Post.
Woman shot dead after armed Trump supporters stormed the Capitol as lawmakers gathered to certify Biden's win (

I thought white, conservatives were NEVER violent that is only what others do.
We know the cops were armed

but I dont think the woman was

There you go thinking again, does it matter if she was armed or not. Was the cop supposed to wait until she took a shot at him first? Funny how you justified a cop killing a 12yr old with a toy gun though.

Pence Should Invoke 25th Amendment to Remove Trump From Office Immediately
By Paul Campos


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