Patriot Woman shot by DC Police - Video

That's what she gets.

She travelled all the way from wherever the hell she came from to get that bullet.

Stupid is as stupid does.
I couldnt agree more. Now if only you guys would be consistent with your positions and agree that Kyle in Kenosha had the right to shoot those people who were being FAR more violent than this woman ever was, but we already know you people dont have that kind of integrity.

This woman should be shot, but Mike Brown shouldnt?
This woman should be shot, but Trayvon shouldnt?
This woman should be shot, but George Floyd shouldnt?
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Was that rioter breaking in our Capitol wearing a Trump flag?

It's not "our" Capitol anymore. Try to assert your First Amendment right and you will be murdered.

Go ahead and try if you don't believe me.

Do we know she was shot by the capitol police? I have a strong suspicion that the police shot her....Trump supporters are not violent........odds are it was a capitol police officer who lost control.
The woman was an unarmed protester, condition is unknown.

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Do we know who pulled the trigger?

It came from inside. She was on the other side of the door in this picture. She is deceased.

View attachment 438214
That isnt actually the same door. You can see in this video that those triangle panes arent in the door where she was shot.

Was that rioter breaking in our Capitol wearing a Trump flag?

It's not "our" Capitol anymore. Try to assert your First Amendment right and you will be murdered.

Go ahead and try if you don't believe me.

Do we know she was shot by the capitol police? I have a strong suspicion that the police shot her....Trump supporters are not violent........odds are it was a capitol police officer who lost control.

Yea because when they stormed the Capitol today they were so polite and nice.
What would you like for them to say?
Investigate how she got killed
“As the suspect lunged at the officer, he feared for his safety and discharged his service weapon”

The end.
She didnt lunge at anyone. Did you not see the video?
Wrong place at the wrong time then. I guess she shouldn’t have broke into the building

I agree. All rioters should be shot on sight. Wouldnt you agree?
Was that rioter breaking in our Capitol wearing a Trump flag?

It's not "our" Capitol anymore. Try to assert your First Amendment right and you will be murdered.

Go ahead and try if you don't believe me.

And by '1st amendment rights', you mean attacking police and trashing the capitol building?
but its mostly peaceful,,,
Peaceful protest is the right of every American but this attack on our Capitol will not be tolerated and those involved will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

But tell us more about the "Law and Order" party again?
you cant blame everyone for a few bad apples when their numbers are so few,,,

and when the damage costs reach 2 billion you let me know,,,

I can certainly blame your ilk for trying to justify violence against cops at the Capitol building.

Your 'whataboutry' doesn't mean shit anymore. Your ilk are attacking cops. So much for the 'law and order' party.
all I can think to say is laughing,,,

But you couldn't think to condemn the violence against cops in the Capitol, could you?

As I've said before, conservatives don't give a shit about the constitution. And openly collaborate and justify attempts to thwart it.

Go take your bullshit somewhere else. They shot an unarmed female protester. And that was after all the leftist riots, arson, and looting from last year in which hardly anyone was shot by the police. They didn't shoot the looters, they didn't shoot the arsonists who were burning down the neighborhoods, but they shot an unarmed a woman who was protesting a stolen election in a government building that she owned.

So go fuck yourself, dickhead. I will see you Marxist pieces of shit on the field when this all comes to a head. Be ready for it.

The broke windows , fired guns and rushed the legislators. One rappelled down into to the chamber.. Gas masks were deployed by the legislators.

Pence evacuated, Capitol locked down as protesters push ...
Protesters walk as U.S. Capitol Police officers watch in a hallway near the Senate chamber at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, near the Ohio Clock.

No protester fired a weapon. They weren't even allowed to posess weapons, as per DC law.
If true, then why does Skyler want to lie so bad ??? Their are those here that are nothing but haters and baiters, where as they live to cause virtual anarchy, controversy, and mayhem with their lying or fake narratives. All the Trump supporter wanted is a fair shake by the courts or congress to take up the evidence, and then give it a fair public hearing just like we see when congress call's for different CEOs and such to come to a hearing on capital hill.

If the American people could see a congressional hearing on the alledged election fraud, where both sides get their say, and present their evidence, then a determination could be made..... Then maybe we wouldn't be seeing what we are seeing today.
What would you like for them to say?
Investigate how she got killed
“As the suspect lunged at the officer, he feared for his safety and discharged his service weapon”

The end.
She didnt lunge at anyone. Did you not see the video?
Wrong place at the wrong time then. I guess she shouldn’t have broke into the building

I agree. All rioters should be shot on sight. Wouldnt you agree?
He walked right into your trap.. lol
What would you like for them to say?
Investigate how she got killed
“As the suspect lunged at the officer, he feared for his safety and discharged his service weapon”

The end.
She didnt lunge at anyone. Did you not see the video?
Wrong place at the wrong time then. I guess she shouldn’t have broke into the building

I agree. All rioters should be shot on sight. Wouldnt you agree?
No, I wouldn’t agree to that. But I will say this — if a person willingly engages in unlawful behavior, they’re putting themselves at risk.
How noble of the DC police.

If they were tolkd not to go beyond a certain pioint & they did, then according to Trumpettes, they can be shot & killed for not obeying a polivce order. Right?

They had to protect illuminati by shooting down an unarmed protester who got in the way of a shoot to kill order by the heartless House leader's punitive order to extinguish any Trump protester.

fuck off.

Eat shit and die. I'd be more than happy to help you do that, ya cocksucker. Just name the place and time.

what? did i insult your retarded grandma? sorry for that.

munich, Viktualienmarkt, wildstand. january 10 2021, noon.

What would you like for them to say?
Investigate how she got killed
“As the suspect lunged at the officer, he feared for his safety and discharged his service weapon”

The end.
She didnt lunge at anyone. Did you not see the video?
Wrong place at the wrong time then. I guess she shouldn’t have broke into the building

I agree. All rioters should be shot on sight. Wouldnt you agree?
No, I wouldn’t agree to that. But I will say this — if a person willingly engages in unlawful behavior, they’re putting themselves at risk.
Then why are you fine with HER getting shot? Your beliefs are inconsistent.
What would you like for them to say?
Investigate how she got killed
“As the suspect lunged at the officer, he feared for his safety and discharged his service weapon”

The end.
She didnt lunge at anyone. Did you not see the video?
Wrong place at the wrong time then. I guess she shouldn’t have broke into the building

I agree. All rioters should be shot on sight. Wouldnt you agree?
No, I wouldn’t agree to that. But I will say this — if a person willingly engages in unlawful behavior, they’re putting themselves at risk.
Then why are you fine with HER getting shot? Your beliefs are inconsistent.
I didn’t say I was fine with it. It’s beyond my control. She took that chance. I don’t agree with her actions, but I take no joy in seeing someone killed, and I don’t fault the police for using lethal force in a situation like this.
What would you like for them to say?
Investigate how she got killed
“As the suspect lunged at the officer, he feared for his safety and discharged his service weapon”

The end.
She didnt lunge at anyone. Did you not see the video?
Wrong place at the wrong time then. I guess she shouldn’t have broke into the building

I agree. All rioters should be shot on sight. Wouldnt you agree?
No, I wouldn’t agree to that. But I will say this — if a person willingly engages in unlawful behavior, they’re putting themselves at risk.
Then why are you fine with HER getting shot? Your beliefs are inconsistent.
I didn’t say I was fine with it. It’s beyond my control. She took that chance. I don’t agree with her actions, but I take no joy in seeing someone killed, and I don’t fault the police for using lethal force in a situation like this.
Your post doesnt paint that picture. You seem to be waffling now that youre under pressure.
What would you like for them to say?
Investigate how she got killed
“As the suspect lunged at the officer, he feared for his safety and discharged his service weapon”

The end.
She didnt lunge at anyone. Did you not see the video?
Wrong place at the wrong time then. I guess she shouldn’t have broke into the building

I agree. All rioters should be shot on sight. Wouldnt you agree?
No, I wouldn’t agree to that. But I will say this — if a person willingly engages in unlawful behavior, they’re putting themselves at risk.
Ok, so would you think the same thing when they were attempting to burn, commit mayhem, and anarchy in Kenosha, and a few people got their butt's shot off by Kyle Rittenhouse trying to defend against buisnesses being burned until he was attacked, and had to defend himself ??

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