Parents Take Aim At D.C. Law That Lets Minors Get Vaccinated Without Permission

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
D.C. parents are suing city officials over a new law that allows children 11 and older to acquire vaccines without permission from parents.

Four parents of students at several public schools — both traditional and charter — said giving children the autonomy to get immunized on their own violates parents' rights and religious freedom, according to a July 12 lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court in Washington.

"All parents have a right to be directly involved in medical decision-making about their children," said James Mason, an attorney representing the parents.

DC...lots of blacks .Jesus n3gros !the progressives really hate you .theyre trying to off ya at every turn

When I was a kid they would send me up to the mountains for the summer
I wiped on a lil Suzuki 80 ...I couldn't of been older than 12

The hospital sit!they wouldn't touch me till they got my mother or father on the phone .
And I was with my uncle father's brother ....nope !get the parents on the phone ..I had to wait
Mom was I can't even remember where ...probably spending dad's money...derp was at work and wasn't in office ....

Broken arm and a burn on my leg ....friggin crisp ...
kid you're not dying ..we'll keep trying
My dad called back ..... full arm cast and a sweet stinging burn .summer OVER !

Man did this nation go off the rails .....really
D.C. parents are suing city officials over a new law that allows children 11 and older to acquire vaccines without permission from parents.

Four parents of students at several public schools — both traditional and charter — said giving children the autonomy to get immunized on their own violates parents' rights and religious freedom, according to a July 12 lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court in Washington.

"All parents have a right to be directly involved in medical decision-making about their children," said James Mason, an attorney representing the parents.

DC...lots of blacks .Jesus n3gros !the progressives really hate you .theyre trying to off ya at every turn

When I was a kid they would send me up to the mountains for the summer
I wiped on a lil Suzuki 80 ...I couldn't of been older than 12

The hospital sit!they wouldn't touch me till they got my mother or father on the phone .
And I was with my uncle father's brother ....nope !get the parents on the phone ..I had to wait
Mom was I can't even remember where ...probably spending dad's money...derp was at work and wasn't in office ....

Broken arm and a burn on my leg ....friggin crisp ...
kid you're not dying ..we'll keep trying
My dad called back ..... full arm cast and a sweet stinging burn .summer OVER !

Man did this nation go off the rails .....really

It is beyond obvious that the Vaccines are not a medical treatment but a Sacrament in the Covid Religion.

And You Will Be Made to Submit or be among the great unwashed

These people are strange and spooky
The headline should read "Negligent Parents Who Don't Care About Their Kids Take Aim". These parents most likely are not vaccinated themselves and want to bring the disease home to their children as well as spreading it around their community.
The headline should read "Negligent Parents Who Don't Care About Their Kids Take Aim". These parents most likely are not vaccinated themselves and want to bring the disease home to their children as well as spreading it around their community.

Their kids are at greater risk from terrible side effects from the vaccine than they are from Covid.

The headline should read "Negligent Parents Who Don't Care About Their Kids Take Aim". These parents most likely are not vaccinated themselves and want to bring the disease home to their children as well as spreading it around their community.

There are a lot of those parents out there, who must know there is not much benefit to the vaccines for kids. Only 33% of kids ages 12-15 have had one shot. Only 25% are fully vaccinated. If they approve them for younger kids, it will probably be even less than that.

This kind of totalitarian, liberty confiscating bullshit always originates with Democrats, who think they know better than anyone else, bigots that they are. In this case, they've obviously been paid off by big Pharma to push the shots. I can't even imagine how much bribe money is floating around the Democrat halls of congress. But it's like Sweet Sue said. The vaccine probably does more harm to children than the virus ever could.
This kind of totalitarian, liberty confiscating bullshit always originates with Democrats, who think they know better than anyone else, bigots that they are. In this case, they've obviously been paid off by big Pharma to push the shots. I can't even imagine how much bribe money is floating around the Democrat halls of congress. But it's like Sweet Sue said. The vaccine probably does more harm to children than the virus ever could.

Funny how things have changed. When it was Polio and such, it was the Conservatives that were dictating to the liberals that everyone were to get the vaccinations. Could it be that we had sane Consvatives back then that didn't drink the Kookaid? I think the real Conservatives still think the vaccinations are a good thing while the fruitcakes that claim to be conservatives are just insane completely. And your bunch also is joined by a bunch of insane liberals as well. The Sooner we handle it like we did Polio, Small Pox and such the sooner we can get a handle on it.
Funny how things have changed. When it was Polio and such, it was the Conservatives that were dictating to the liberals that everyone were to get the vaccinations. Could it be that we had sane Consvatives back then that didn't drink the Kookaid? I think the real Conservatives still think the vaccinations are a good thing while the fruitcakes that claim to be conservatives are just insane completely. And your bunch also is joined by a bunch of insane liberals as well. The Sooner we handle it like we did Polio, Small Pox and such the sooner we can get a handle on it.

Vaccines are a good thing as a general rule. My kids had almost all their vaccinations and so did I. However, I do a lot of research--maybe this is obvious. And this is what the studies say about most people who have not taken the Covid vaccines. We are informed. It's not that most of us are opposed to ALL vaccines (some are) but that we do not trust THIS vaccine. And as you can see there have been no small number of issues with myocarditis and blood clots. And they're not really working all that well. They're already losing effectiveness.
Funny how things have changed. When it was Polio and such, it was the Conservatives that were dictating to the liberals that everyone were to get the vaccinations. Could it be that we had sane Consvatives [sic] back then that didn't drink the Kookaid? I think the real Conservatives still think the vaccinations are a good thing while the fruitcakes that claim to be conservatives are just insane completely. And your bunch also is joined by a bunch of insane liberals as well. The Sooner we handle it like we did Polio, Small Pox and such the sooner we can get a handle on it.

There's a big difference between supporting the use of traditional vaccines, based on sound, proven science, against a serious disease, and supporting a risky, unproven “vaccine” against a bullshit disease that, itself, poses no credible threat to the overwhelming vast majority.

It's the same distinction as between genuine science compared to the LIbEral mockery of “science” that asserts that Bruce Jenner is a woman.
SweetSue92 I was never vaccinated. I did allow my children to be vaccinated in the seventies but today knowing what I have personally study extensively about what they are putting into these vaccines, the reactions, studies and such I would not let anything coming out of big pharma touch them. I do not vaccinate my furbabies and haven't for more than twenty years on advice from my vet; she is actually the one who peaked my interest in kowing and understanding what these evil bastards are doing.

Prion disease, Guillain-Barré and what else?

COVID shots are far from the only vaccines adversely affecting the nervous system. Among the nearly 400 adverse reactions profiled in the package inserts for U.S. childhood vaccines, symptoms considered red flags for neurological problems abound. These symptoms include dizziness, headaches, numbness, balance disorders, muscle weakness, paralysis, seizures, visual changes, disturbed sleep and tremors.

And well before COVID-19, the inserts for at least 20 other vaccines listed Guillain-Barré syndrome (a disorder in which the immune system attacks the nerves) as an adverse event reported either in clinical trials or post-marketing.

Some individuals recover from the weakness, tingling and paralysis characteristic of Guillain-Barré — but in 4% to 7% of cases, the syndrome leads to death. Thus, when the FDA added its Guillain-Barré warning for the J&J COVID-19 vaccine in mid-July, the agency was grudgingly letting the world know some COVID vaccine recipients can expect serious or fatal neurological outcomes.

FDA will announce new warning on J&J’s COVID vaccine saying shot has been linked to Guillain–Barré syndrome, a “serious but rare” autoimmune disorder.
SUBSCRIBE #TheDefender: Sign Up for our Free News and Updates!FDA to Add Warning to J&J Vaccine of ‘Serious But Rare’ Autoimmune Disorder
— Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) July 13, 2021
Nearly one-fourth (23%) of COVID vaccine recipients responding to a July Economist/YouGov survey (Table 13) reported experiencing “negative reactions to the vaccine,” adding to the cascade of evidence showing COVID injections are an unprecedented train wreck.

Was this why White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, who recently urged young people to get COVID shots, slipped up and stated “these vaccines … can still kill you even if you are under the age of 27?”

As Pfizer gears up to ask for authorization to roll out its experimental injection to 5-11 year-olds, while getting a priority review from FDA for full U.S. licensure, it would behoove us to pay attention to Classen’s urgent warning about short-term and longer-term adverse neurological impacts.

As Classen states, the politicians and public health officials who are heavy-handedly pushing COVID vaccines have “a dismal record of protecting the health of the public.”

more at link Scientist Sounds Alarm: COVID Vaccines Producing Symptoms of Parkinson’s, Other Neurodegenerative Disorders
There's a big difference between supporting the use of traditional vaccines, based on sound, proven science, against a serious disease, and supporting a risky, unproven “vaccine” against a bullshit disease that, itself, poses no credible threat to the overwhelming vast majority.

It's the same distinction as between genuine science compared to the LIbEral mockery of “science” that asserts that Bruce Jenner is a woman.
They are using stuff they know will cause damage in almost all the vaccines. Simply put they have found being liability free they can experiment til their hearts desires are filled and like any worm it never gets full.
There are a lot of those parents out there, who must know there is not much benefit to the vaccines for kids. Only 33% of kids ages 12-15 have had one shot. Only 25% are fully vaccinated. If they approve them for younger kids, it will probably be even less than that.

Answer why you want to spread this disease to your family and out in your society. When I was a child, I was fully vaccinated against polio, and polio was eradicated in the United States. I don't understand why you people want to spread this disease. Do you hate your family and humanity this much?
SweetSue92 I was never vaccinated. I did allow my children to be vaccinated in the seventies but today knowing what I have personally study extensively about what they are putting into these vaccines, the reactions, studies and such I would not let anything coming out of big pharma touch them. I do not vaccinate my furbabies and haven't for more than twenty years on advice from my vet; she is actually the one who peaked my interest in kowing and understanding what these evil bastards are doing.

Prion disease, Guillain-Barré and what else?

COVID shots are far from the only vaccines adversely affecting the nervous system. Among the nearly 400 adverse reactions profiled in the package inserts for U.S. childhood vaccines, symptoms considered red flags for neurological problems abound. These symptoms include dizziness, headaches, numbness, balance disorders, muscle weakness, paralysis, seizures, visual changes, disturbed sleep and tremors.

And well before COVID-19, the inserts for at least 20 other vaccines listed Guillain-Barré syndrome (a disorder in which the immune system attacks the nerves) as an adverse event reported either in clinical trials or post-marketing.

Some individuals recover from the weakness, tingling and paralysis characteristic of Guillain-Barré — but in 4% to 7% of cases, the syndrome leads to death. Thus, when the FDA added its Guillain-Barré warning for the J&J COVID-19 vaccine in mid-July, the agency was grudgingly letting the world know some COVID vaccine recipients can expect serious or fatal neurological outcomes.

Nearly one-fourth (23%) of COVID vaccine recipients responding to a July Economist/YouGov survey (Table 13) reported experiencing “negative reactions to the vaccine,” adding to the cascade of evidence showing COVID injections are an unprecedented train wreck.

Was this why White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, who recently urged young people to get COVID shots, slipped up and stated “these vaccines … can still kill you even if you are under the age of 27?”

As Pfizer gears up to ask for authorization to roll out its experimental injection to 5-11 year-olds, while getting a priority review from FDA for full U.S. licensure, it would behoove us to pay attention to Classen’s urgent warning about short-term and longer-term adverse neurological impacts.

As Classen states, the politicians and public health officials who are heavy-handedly pushing COVID vaccines have “a dismal record of protecting the health of the public.”

more at link Scientist Sounds Alarm: COVID Vaccines Producing Symptoms of Parkinson’s, Other Neurodegenerative Disorders

So I was the busy parents appox 20-25 years ago saying yeah yeah of course my kids will get vaccinated. They did, they were fine, I read some cursory information, etc. I refused some but got most.


The very unintended consequence of these disastrous Covid vaccines is that a LOT of eyes are going to be open now. Not only the vaccines themselves but the absolute propaganda surrounding them and about the way reactions have been buried. Now I'm looking back at my experiences as a teacher, with students, and saying "hmmmm". Mind and eyes opened. I have to be FAR from the only one.

So much of "Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind" going on here. But this one not in a bad way. Unless you're the pharma companies
Answer why you want to spread this disease to your family and out in your society. When I was a child, I was fully vaccinated against polio, and polio was eradicated in the United States. I don't understand why you people want to spread this disease. Do you hate your family and humanity this much?

I hate to tell you this but you can still transmit Covid after you have been fully vaccinated

So why do yOu HaTE YoUr FaMiLY?
They are using stuff they know will cause damage in almost all the vaccines. Simply put they have found being liability free they can experiment til their hearts desires are filled and like any worm it never gets full.

There's a lot of batshit-crazy conspiracy theory bullshit going around about vaccinations in general, but the science behind traditional vaccination is very sound and very well-proven.

This new mRNA “vaccination” technology is something very new, and very different from traditional vaccination. It is possible that in time, it will be proven to be as safe and effective as traditionally vaccination, but as of this time, it has never before been used on humans, and it has never been subject to the level of testing that is necessary to establish that it is safe or effective. If there was really a disease going around that was as contagious, and as deadly as we have been lied to in order to scare us into thinking that the #CoronaHoax2020 disease is, then it might be worth the risk to take this “vaccine” to protect against it. But we all know that the #CoronaHoax disease has been massively exaggerated, and that in reality, it is nothing at all compared to what it has been made out to be, nothing much more than a common cold. I think it is much more rational to take my chances with it, than with this risky, unproven “vaccine”.
So I was the busy parents appox 20-25 years ago saying yeah yeah of course my kids will get vaccinated. They did, they were fine, I read some cursory information, etc. I refused some but got most.


The very unintended consequence of these disastrous Covid vaccines is that a LOT of eyes are going to be open now. Not only the vaccines themselves but the absolute propaganda surrounding them and about the way reactions have been buried. Now I'm looking back at my experiences as a teacher, with students, and saying "hmmmm". Mind and eyes opened. I have to be FAR from the only one.

So much of "Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind" going on here. But this one not in a bad way. Unless you're the pharma companies
Research the hydrasol gel that they are putting in the vaccines. A few links but a lot more that is being tested and used.

There's a lot of batshit-crazy conspiracy theory bullshit going around about vaccinations in general, but the science behind traditional vaccination is very sound and very well-proven.

This new mRNA “vaccination” technology is something very new, and very different from traditional vaccination. It is possible that in time, it will be proven to be as safe and effective as traditionally vaccination, but as of this time, it has never before been used on humans, and it has never been subject to the level of testing that is necessary to establish that it is safe or effective. If there was really a disease going around that was as contagious, and as deadly as we have been lied to in order to scare us into thinking that the #CoronaHoax2020 disease is, then it might be worth the risk to take this “vaccine” to protect against it. But we all know that the #CoronaHoax disease has been massively exaggerated, and that in reality, it is nothing at all compared to what it has been made out to be, nothing much more than a common cold. I think it is much more rational to take my chances with it, than with this risky, unproven “vaccine”.
Tell that to the thousands of parents with vaccine damaged children.
I hate to tell you this but you can still transmit Covid after you have been fully vaccinated

So why do yOu HaTE YoUr FaMiLY?
You people not only hate your own family, you hate me and mine. Explain please. I do not wish disease and death on you and your family, but you wish it on me and mine.
Vaccines are a good thing as a general rule. My kids had almost all their vaccinations and so did I. However, I do a lot of research--maybe this is obvious. And this is what the studies say about most people who have not taken the Covid vaccines. We are informed. It's not that most of us are opposed to ALL vaccines (some are) but that we do not trust THIS vaccine. And as you can see there have been no small number of issues with myocarditis and blood clots. And they're not really working all that well. They're already losing effectiveness.

Let's see. 99.5% of the people that are contracting the Covid 19 lately have NOT been vaccinated while less than .5% have been vaccinated. Then, when dealing with the two major types of Covid Vaccines, they are 94%+ and 97% effective on the first shot and almost 100% after the second. For those that got both shots, you have such a small chance of contracting Covid that a percentage can't even be assigned to it (yes, it can and does happen but so does a lightning strike on a given person). You would have to do a lot of research to find the exceptions to the rules or percentages. Then you erroneously present them as common place. We had lighting last night. Using your figures, at least 20 people would have been hit by lightning instead of the zero. BTW, my Grand Father was hit by lightning and left him deaf in one ear. But that was in the 1930s. For the percentage chance for a family, that would be just about right. But according to you, that would mean that the rest of us would be getting hit by lightning on a regular basis.

Or, could it be, that I can duplicate your percentages in lightning strikes by standing on tall buildings holding a lighting bolt over my head during a lightning storm with the grounding wire shoved up my ass?
There's a big difference between supporting the use of traditional vaccines, based on sound, proven science, against a serious disease, and supporting a risky, unproven “vaccine” against a bullshit disease that, itself, poses no credible threat to the overwhelming vast majority.

It's the same distinction as between genuine science compared to the LIbEral mockery of “science” that asserts that Bruce Jenner is a woman.

Infamous last words in an over packed ICU. Russian Roulette means you have a better chance of surviving each time the trigger is pulled. But the chance adds up as time goes by. You have no friggin idea if you are immune or not just because you haven't gotten it yet. It just means the hammer has fallen on an empty chamber.

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