Palin chances in 2012 are over

The longer Gabrielle Giffords remains a sympathetic figure in the public eye, the more it weakens Palin and the Tea Party.

Right or wrong, the map with the rifle scope targeting Giffords' district in the crosshairs will link the 2 women forever in the public's consciousness.

Palin, like Obama, had a golden opportunity to rise above the criticisms and appear "presidential" in her remarks to the nation, but chose to lecture her opponents on "blood libel" instead.
The facts are simple..

Palin put her crosshairs on Giffords

Giffords objected to the violence themed rhetoric

Palin laughed and said "Don't retreat....RELOAD"

Whether she likes it or not, Palin is tied to Giffords. Her callous response will come back to haunt her. Her facebook response after the shooting showed she does not have what it takes to be president. Making the Giffords shooting about the further victimization of Palin will not bode well with the voters

Good post, thank you. Why is it so hard for some people to grasp what you said above?? It's just amazing.

Maybe because it's horseshit?

Do you have any proof that Jared Loughner ever even SAW that map, Miss Cleo, or did you just divine it in your psychic connection to him?

And that's leaving aside the PAINFULLY obvious - to anyone with the emotional maturity of a ten-year-old, anyway - that psychos don't run out and shoot someone because they're targeted FOR ELECTION DEFEAT. While we're talking about things that some people find hard to grasp, which amazes other people, why do you and your pustulent ilk find it so hard to grasp the concept of "metaphors"? What, your mommy skipped the lecture everyone else got on literal and figurative?

By the way, as everyone except you and your friends in the psych ward dayroom knows by now, that little map you consider such a heinous smoking gun was actually a copy of a similar one put out by DEMOCRATS. If my Congresswoman, whose wounded body you are so eager to use as a human shield for your repugnant filth attacks, had been a Republican and gotten shot, would you be rushing in to indict the Democrats as co-conspirators for THEIR map? In a fucking pig's eye, and don't even try to say otherwise.

What Jared Loughner did to my Congresswoman and my neighbors was horrific, but at least HE had the excuse of being insane. What excuse do YOU have for the horror YOU are perpetrating on my community and the rest of the nation? And how do you look yourself in the mirror without wanting to vomit?

It isn't about whether or not Jared Loughner was motivated to do what he did in Tucson by Sarah Palin. It doesn't matter whether he was motivated by her or not. The point is that there are plenty of other cuckoos out there that take what they hear from people like Palin very seriously. And Beck and Limbaugh, too. It's just a matter of time.

And nobody really knows why Loughner did what he did. Why did he pick on a member of Congress??? If it was not political, he could have gone anywhere and started shooting off his stupid gun. I hope that eventually we will know the reason.

In any case, it's common sense that things Palin says are inappropriate and do incite violence in the minds of the crazies:

"Your leaders will be in the enemy’s crosshairs. You never win playing defense, get on offense! The crossfire is intense, so penetrate enemy territory. Use your weapons. Shoot with accuracy; aim high and remember it takes blood, sweat and tears to win. No matter how tough it gets, never retreat, instead reload!"

- Sarah Palin's Biography, America by Heart

If that's not a good example, I don't know what is. How much clearer can she make her true feelings known???
She had nothing to do with the shooting in Tuscon. Try and grasp simple facts.

The facts are simple..

Palin put her crosshairs on Giffords

Giffords objected to the violence themed rhetoric

Palin laughed and said "Don't retreat....RELOAD"

Whether she likes it or not, Palin is tied to Giffords. Her callous response will come back to haunt her. Her facebook response after the shooting showed she does not have what it takes to be president. Making the Giffords shooting about the further victimization of Palin will not bode well with the voters

Good post, thank you. Why is it so hard for some people to grasp what you said above?? It's just amazing.

Its a stupid post, how could something affect someone if they never heard of it? Would it affect someone in another country?
Good post, thank you. Why is it so hard for some people to grasp what you said above?? It's just amazing.

Maybe because it's horseshit?

Do you have any proof that Jared Loughner ever even SAW that map, Miss Cleo, or did you just divine it in your psychic connection to him?

And that's leaving aside the PAINFULLY obvious - to anyone with the emotional maturity of a ten-year-old, anyway - that psychos don't run out and shoot someone because they're targeted FOR ELECTION DEFEAT. While we're talking about things that some people find hard to grasp, which amazes other people, why do you and your pustulent ilk find it so hard to grasp the concept of "metaphors"? What, your mommy skipped the lecture everyone else got on literal and figurative?

By the way, as everyone except you and your friends in the psych ward dayroom knows by now, that little map you consider such a heinous smoking gun was actually a copy of a similar one put out by DEMOCRATS. If my Congresswoman, whose wounded body you are so eager to use as a human shield for your repugnant filth attacks, had been a Republican and gotten shot, would you be rushing in to indict the Democrats as co-conspirators for THEIR map? In a fucking pig's eye, and don't even try to say otherwise.

What Jared Loughner did to my Congresswoman and my neighbors was horrific, but at least HE had the excuse of being insane. What excuse do YOU have for the horror YOU are perpetrating on my community and the rest of the nation? And how do you look yourself in the mirror without wanting to vomit?

It isn't about whether or not Jared Loughner was motivated to do what he did in Tucson by Sarah Palin. It doesn't matter whether he was motivated by her or not. The point is that there are plenty of other cuckoos out there that take what they hear from people like Palin very seriously. And Beck and Limbaugh, too. It's just a matter of time.

And nobody really knows why Loughner did what he did. Why did he pick on a member of Congress??? If it was not political, he could have gone anywhere and started shooting off his stupid gun. I hope that eventually we will know the reason.

In any case, it's common sense that things Palin says are inappropriate and do incite violence in the minds of the crazies:

"Your leaders will be in the enemy’s crosshairs. You never win playing defense, get on offense! The crossfire is intense, so penetrate enemy territory. Use your weapons. Shoot with accuracy; aim high and remember it takes blood, sweat and tears to win. No matter how tough it gets, never retreat, instead reload!"

- Sarah Palin's Biography, America by Heart

If that's not a good example, I don't know what is. How much clearer can she make her true feelings known???

It isn't about whether or not Jared Loughner was motivated to do what he did in Tucson by Sarah Palin. It doesn't matter whether he was motivated by her or not. The point is that there are plenty of other cuckoos out there that take what they hear from people like Palin very seriously. And Beck and Limbaugh, too. It's just a matter of time.

And what you said made absolutly no sense How can something affect someone if they are not aware that it exsist?
You actually believe that Palin has a better chance to be elected president than President Obama?

Did I say that? But what the hell with a failed economy under his belt if people want to continue supporting him more fucking power to them
You didn't answer the question, Rebecca. Yes or no.

If people can support a president who has a failed economy and has not made an effort to fix it yes I beleieve Palin has a better chance than obama. Cyndie
By all means, name me a Democrat candidate for national office that has been given the Palin Treatment recently. (I say recently because I'm really not interested in the leftist debate tactic of reaching back over a century to try to find equivalency.)

Were you breathing during the Clinton Administration?

The right attacked every single facet of the Clintons, to include Limbaugh calling Chelsea the "White House Dog" on national television. We even got to hear about Hillary's cankles. The right wing smear machine must have been pissed when Obama won the nomination. The already had their Hillary playbook ready.

Hell, there was even a co-ordinated smear and funded (by Richard Mellon Scaife) campaign to go into Arkansas and dig up every single conspiracy they could. Everything from the patently ridiculous (Bill Clinton was running cocaine out of Mena, Arkansas and had two school aged boys who caught him stabbed seven times) to the salacious (troopergate) to the stretches (Whitewater) to the blatant lies (Vince Foster).

Arkansas Project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Two players from the Arkansas Project who were Scaife's political hitmen, Farah and Ruddy went on to create "World Net Daily" and Newsmax respectively.

More recently, you can look at the talking points about "Speaker Pelosi".

At least most of the attacks against Palin are limited to rebuttals of things that actually fall out of her mouth. I do agree accusing her of provoking the Tucson shooting was a low blow.

Politics ain't beanbag. I am not denying that the left plays hardball. If you think the right is any different, that's just comical.
Geaux and Right and their sleazy, trashy smear attempts are just proving my point: nothing Sarah did would have been right in their eyes. Before she responded, she was "hiding and obviously guilty". But when she responded, she was "injecting herself into the story"; nevermind the fact that even imbeciles as deranged as Geaux and Right can figure out that if she's RESPONDING, then someone else has obviously ALREADY injected her into the story. It was the LEFT that made the Giffords/Loughner story all about Sarah Palin, so they have no one to blame but themselves . . . which somehow has never stopped them from blaming other people, anyway.

Actually no. I said she should have stopped with the initial press release. The "blood libel" speech was a "bridge too far". That's when she started to piss people off. The poll numbers I have stuck on here (twice now) illustrate that.

If I was going to be blindly partisan towards Palin, I would state that she was responsible for the shooting. I've never done that. I've defended her on that aspect.

I know this is hard to believe, but in the adult world, sometimes it takes the bigger person to not dignify nastiness with a response.
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I'm not sure that Palin was ever intended to be a serious presidential candidate. She is an electoral "Hail Mary" turned celebrity. She was designed as a populist firebrand for low-information, often poorly educated, rightwing voters.

The left used to provide the rural "Palin Demographic" with economic hope, but they dropped the ball in the 60s with social movements that alienated this demographic -- famously dubbed Nixon's silent majority (the white silent majority who resented the Civil Rights movement, the sexual revolution, the antiwar movement, and multiculturalism. Like the Germans of the 1930s (whose religion and traditions were being undermined by liberal secular humanism, cosmopolitanism, and modernism), America's silent majority feels like its values and culture are under siege. This is also why we are seeing so many scapegoats: liberals, gays, terrorists, communists, socialists, and illegals --all of them have replaced the Jew as the shadowy invisible force threatening the social fabric). Therefore, it is understandable why these people are so easily manipulated by the plain spoken patriot who claims to represent "real" blood-&-soil Americans. I'm talking about rugged individualist cowboys like Reagan and Bush, as opposed to northeastern devil-tongued preppy-policy-wonks like Dukakis and Kerry.The Palin Demographic resents the smug pseudo-sophiticated metropolitan liberal elites, with their Ivy league educations and fancy highbrow culture.

The common man is sick of being told that his Bible and Gun are premodern anachronisms. He doesn't want no fancy talk about the geopolitics of oil. He wants simple stories about good versus evil. When Ronald Reagan says "Evil Empire", the common man feels deep pride. Why? Because he trusts Dear Leader deeply.

[The common man loves and trusts Government. That's his dirty little secret. When Dear Leader speaks about evil Soviets or Islamo-terrorists, the common man runs to the store to buy a flag. The common man believes what Government says. If George Bush (aka Government) says something about Saddam Hussein, the common man believes him. The common man trusts government deeply]

Palin was constructed to agitate honest simple folk with quasi-Biblical rhetoric about "evil-doers" who have come to destroy our Sacred Nation.

(This is the oldest trick in the book. Every time a small group of people consolidate power, they manipulate the common man with tales of evil doers who are destroying the country)

Good post, and spot on about the appeal of populism. Palin is nothing new under the son. She'll be a fraction as successful as Huey Long was (though will live much longer, I am sure).

As someone who grew up in a very red part of the country, I get the appeal of Palin and populism. However, populists candidates always trend towards demagoguery and lust for power. They aren't good for the nation. That's why they always fall short of the brass ring.

Can anyone imagine how bad it would have been if Huey Long would have won the Presidency instead of FDR?

I think Palin is smart enough to know that she wants no part of the Presidency. She's just playing for the money at this point.
Palin chances in 2012 are over

This statement implies that she had a chance.

Ive enjoyed being towed in the snow on a sled, and skiing on a canal bank in Arizona. :eusa_angel:


That actually looks pretty fun. Not the Amish part. The skiing part.
The facts are simple..

Palin put her crosshairs on Giffords

Giffords objected to the violence themed rhetoric

Palin laughed and said "Don't retreat....RELOAD"

Whether she likes it or not, Palin is tied to Giffords. Her callous response will come back to haunt her. Her facebook response after the shooting showed she does not have what it takes to be president. Making the Giffords shooting about the further victimization of Palin will not bode well with the voters

Good post, thank you. Why is it so hard for some people to grasp what you said above?? It's just amazing.

hahahaham, why is so hard for people to grasp. because the MAJORITY of the American people don't AGREE with you useful tools.

The poll numbers disagree with you. That suggests the majority of Americans do, in fact, agree with us.
By all means, name me a Democrat candidate for national office that has been given the Palin Treatment recently. (I say recently because I'm really not interested in the leftist debate tactic of reaching back over a century to try to find equivalency.)

Were you breathing during the Clinton Administration?

The right attacked every single facet of the Clintons, to include Limbaugh calling Chelsea the "White House Dog" on national television. We even got to hear about Hillary's cankles. The right wing smear machine must have been pissed when Obama won the nomination. The already had their Hillary playbook ready.

Hell, there was even a co-ordinated smear and funded (by Richard Mellon Scaife) campaign to go into Arkansas and dig up every single conspiracy they could. Everything from the patently ridiculous (Bill Clinton was running cocaine out of Mena, Arkansas and had two school aged boys who caught him stabbed seven times) to the salacious (troopergate) to the stretches (Whitewater) to the blatant lies (Vince Foster).

Arkansas Project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Two players from the Arkansas Project who were Scaife's political hitmen, Farah and Ruddy went on to create "World Net Daily" and Newsmax respectively.

More recently, you can look at the talking points about "Speaker Pelosi".

At least most of the attacks against Palin are limited to rebuttals of things that actually fall out of her mouth. I do agree accusing her of provoking the Tucson shooting was a low blow.

Politics ain't beanbag. I am not denying that the left plays hardball. If you think the right is any different, that's just comical.

On an aside, remember when Susan Smith strapped her kids into the back of a car and drowned them in a pond, then Newt Gingrich blamed the Democrats?

"Slightly more moving our way. I think that the mother killing the two children in South Carolina vividly reminds every American how sick the society is getting and how much we need to change things." Gingrich concluded, "The only way you get change is to vote Republican. That's the message for the last three days." Two days later, less than 24 hours before the polls opened, Gingrich defended his comments on the Smith case as no different than what he'd been saying for years -- that violence and related ills arise from a Democratic-controlled political system: "We need very deep change if we're going to turn this country around." Asked if the change he was offering the country would stop killings like those in South Carolina, he replied, "Yes. In my judgment, there's no question."

Gingrich & The Susan Smith Case | | AlterNet
The longer Gabrielle Giffords remains a sympathetic figure in the public eye, the more it weakens Palin and the Tea Party.

Right or wrong, the map with the rifle scope targeting Giffords' district in the crosshairs will link the 2 women forever in the public's consciousness.

Palin, like Obama, had a golden opportunity to rise above the criticisms and appear "presidential" in her remarks to the nation, but chose to lecture her opponents on "blood libel" instead.

An even bigger problem for Palin right now is overexposure. She is not the type of personality that endears herself the more you come in contact with her. She is becoming a one trick pony and the public is tiring of the Palin act.

While I would love to see her get the GOP nomination, I think even mainstream Republicans are growing tired of the Palin act
The facts are simple..

Palin put her crosshairs on Giffords

Giffords objected to the violence themed rhetoric

Palin laughed and said "Don't retreat....RELOAD"

Whether she likes it or not, Palin is tied to Giffords. Her callous response will come back to haunt her. Her facebook response after the shooting showed she does not have what it takes to be president. Making the Giffords shooting about the further victimization of Palin will not bode well with the voters

Good post, thank you. Why is it so hard for some people to grasp what you said above?? It's just amazing.

Maybe because it's horseshit?

Do you have any proof that Jared Loughner ever even SAW that map, Miss Cleo, or did you just divine it in your psychic connection to him?

And that's leaving aside the PAINFULLY obvious - to anyone with the emotional maturity of a ten-year-old, anyway - that psychos don't run out and shoot someone because they're targeted FOR ELECTION DEFEAT. While we're talking about things that some people find hard to grasp, which amazes other people, why do you and your pustulent ilk find it so hard to grasp the concept of "metaphors"? What, your mommy skipped the lecture everyone else got on literal and figurative?

By the way, as everyone except you and your friends in the psych ward dayroom knows by now, that little map you consider such a heinous smoking gun was actually a copy of a similar one put out by DEMOCRATS. If my Congresswoman, whose wounded body you are so eager to use as a human shield for your repugnant filth attacks, had been a Republican and gotten shot, would you be rushing in to indict the Democrats as co-conspirators for THEIR map? In a fucking pig's eye, and don't even try to say otherwise.

What Jared Loughner did to my Congresswoman and my neighbors was horrific, but at least HE had the excuse of being insane. What excuse do YOU have for the horror YOU are perpetrating on my community and the rest of the nation? And how do you look yourself in the mirror without wanting to vomit?

So your verdict is not guilty by reason of insanity??
On an aside, remember when Susan Smith strapped her kids into the back of a car and drowned them in a pond, then Newt Gingrich blamed the Democrats?

"Slightly more moving our way. I think that the mother killing the two children in South Carolina vividly reminds every American how sick the society is getting and how much we need to change things." Gingrich concluded, "The only way you get change is to vote Republican. That's the message for the last three days." Two days later, less than 24 hours before the polls opened, Gingrich defended his comments on the Smith case as no different than what he'd been saying for years -- that violence and related ills arise from a Democratic-controlled political system: "We need very deep change if we're going to turn this country around." Asked if the change he was offering the country would stop killings like those in South Carolina, he replied, "Yes. In my judgment, there's no question."

Gingrich & The Susan Smith Case | | AlterNet

There you go.

Hey, remember when Dan Quayle blamed Murphy Brown for the moral breakdown of our country?

At least Newt was smart enough to blame an actual person and not a fictional character.
On an aside, remember when Susan Smith strapped her kids into the back of a car and drowned them in a pond, then Newt Gingrich blamed the Democrats?

"Slightly more moving our way. I think that the mother killing the two children in South Carolina vividly reminds every American how sick the society is getting and how much we need to change things." Gingrich concluded, "The only way you get change is to vote Republican. That's the message for the last three days." Two days later, less than 24 hours before the polls opened, Gingrich defended his comments on the Smith case as no different than what he'd been saying for years -- that violence and related ills arise from a Democratic-controlled political system: "We need very deep change if we're going to turn this country around." Asked if the change he was offering the country would stop killings like those in South Carolina, he replied, "Yes. In my judgment, there's no question."

Gingrich & The Susan Smith Case | | AlterNet

There you go.

Hey, remember when Dan Quayle blamed Murphy Brown for the moral breakdown of our country?

At least Newt was smart enough to blame an actual person and not a fictional character.

yes, he used Murphy Brown as an analogy....and? You deny that examples of such are not commonly used?

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