RINO Republican Gets Kicked Out Of Trump Merchandise Store - Libs Are Triggered


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

" A video showing Congressman Bob Good (R-5th District) arguing and getting kicked out of a business is going viral. According to Senator John McGuire (R-10th District), Karen Angulo opened the doors to her new Trump store in Farmville on February 17. McGuire said Angulo invited him. McGuire and Bob Good will face off for the Republican nomination for the 5th District. McGuire said Good went into the store to buy a hat. Good then got into a disagreement with Angulo. She asked Good to leave, and he eventually did.

"I think the big story is MAGA Republicans at a Trump store kicked out a guy who is not supporting the MAGA agenda and not respecting property rights," Sen. McGuire said. Angulo released a statement through McGuire that reads in part: "After being told the night before he was not welcome, Bob showed up uninvited, and attempted to make the day about himself, instead of President Trump," Angulo said. She claims he then stood outside the store for four hours, trying to keep people from going inside. We also got this recording from the 911 call made to Farmville Police on Saturday. In part, you can hear a woman calling who says she works with the congressman [Rep. Good].. claiming folks were harassing him"

This is the only way you can hold these RINO republicans accountable. It doesn't matter that Good repeatedly goes on right-wing media and professes his fealty to Trump and proclaims him to be the greatest president of his lifetime; he also has a 100% voting score from the Heritage foundation - but these RINOS will soon see that policies are not enough to win over the Republican base as they are not motivated by policies; they are motivated by revenge and did Bod vow to get revenge on these libtards? No, he didn't.

In fact, he endorsed DeSantis, not Trump - that should be a death sentence for any Republican candidate this year. DeSantis is basically a Democrat, anyone supporting that guy is as radical of a leftist as Biden is. Then to make matters worse, his campaign lied and called 911 to claim they are being harassed? How much of a snowflake do you have to be to do something like that? And who are the most triggered by Good being primaried? Democrats. These tactics that Dems are trying to use to keep RINO republicans in office to do their bidding are disgusting.

" A video showing Congressman Bob Good (R-5th District) arguing and getting kicked out of a business is going viral. According to Senator John McGuire (R-10th District), Karen Angulo opened the doors to her new Trump store in Farmville on February 17. McGuire said Angulo invited him. McGuire and Bob Good will face off for the Republican nomination for the 5th District. McGuire said Good went into the store to buy a hat. Good then got into a disagreement with Angulo. She asked Good to leave, and he eventually did.

"I think the big story is MAGA Republicans at a Trump store kicked out a guy who is not supporting the MAGA agenda and not respecting property rights," Sen. McGuire said. Angulo released a statement through McGuire that reads in part: "After being told the night before he was not welcome, Bob showed up uninvited, and attempted to make the day about himself, instead of President Trump," Angulo said. She claims he then stood outside the store for four hours, trying to keep people from going inside. We also got this recording from the 911 call made to Farmville Police on Saturday. In part, you can hear a woman calling who says she works with the congressman [Rep. Good].. claiming folks were harassing him"

This is the only way you can hold these RINO republicans accountable. It doesn't matter that Good repeatedly goes on right-wing media and professes his fealty to Trump and proclaims him to be the greatest president of his lifetime; he also has a 100% voting score from the Heritage foundation - but these RINOS will soon see that policies are not enough to win over the Republican base as they are not motivated by policies; they are motivated by revenge and did Bod vow to get revenge on these libtards? No, he didn't.

In fact, he endorsed DeSantis, not Trump - that should be a death sentence for any Republican candidate this year. DeSantis is basically a Democrat, anyone supporting that guy is as radical of a leftist as Biden is. Then to make matters worse, his campaign lied and called 911 to claim they are being harassed? How much of a snowflake do you have to be to do something like that? And who are the most triggered by Good being primaried? Democrats. These tactics that Dems are trying to use to keep RINO republicans in office to do their bidding are disgusting.
Deffo a dem set up job. Why doesnt biden sort out proper shit like the border and israel instead of playing games like this. ?

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