Palestinians Need To Eliminate Hamas - Or They Will All Die

Hamas is a small minority within Palestine. The only reason they can control Palestinians, is because they are ORGANIZED, and the anti-Hamas people are not.

Palestinians need to organize themselves and capture Hamas terrorists, and turn them over to the Israelis, or just kill them themselves.
Go ahead with plan b, organize a resistance. Are they going to allow you to put up your candidates in an election,
or will the just kill you and steal your family
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Palestinians are quickly coming to a life or death crisis. They are now going without food, electricity, and fuel, and perhaps water. Of all these, water is the most critical. People can survive for about 3 weeks without food, but they cannot live for more than 3 days without water.

Unfortunately, for the Palestinians, they live in a desert climate where rainfall is sparse, if there is any at all. They also stand a chance of being killed by Israeli jets firing bomb missles, or being obliterated by hundreds of thousands of heavily armed Israeli troops heading toward Gaza right this minute. To put it plainly, the Palestinians are in BIG trouble.

All this is coming from one cause > Hamas.

It is simple - to survive, the Palestinians need to get rid of Hamas, and fast. Their best hope is to communicate with the Israelis, and capture Hamas leaders, and turn them over to the Israelis. Otherwise they are quite likely doomed.
I thought mankind had overcome it‘s historical murderous nature. How naive of me. After the appalling slaughter in Ukraine, now Israel will mass murder Gazans on a scale reminiscent of Attila the Hun.
Right now, it looks like many on the Right are unable or unwilling to tell the difference between the two.
Elections have consequences…they voted for Hamas to lead them

I don’t recall having to apologize to Germans for what happened to their country as a result of electing the national socialist party
You sound like you are totally DUPED, to the point of having no idea what's going on. The only reason there is a problem is because the Palestinians et al Muslim nationalities refuse to accept the idea of the Jewish state.

It is commonly thought that Israel is the bad guy imperialist oppressing the poor little Palestinians, and that the Palestinians are entiled to the land of Israel, because they were there first. Actually, the Jews ( & Christians) are entitled to not only Israel, but to all the land of the entire Middle East (Iran, Iraq, SA, Syria, Jordan, etc).

The whole ME was Jewish & Christian for hundreds of years when there was no such thing as Islam or the Palestinians. It was stolen from them by marauding Muslims, who now act like it is rightfully theirs. The attacks on Israel by Hamas, are just a continuation of this 1400 years of Muslim imperialism.
Actually the Arabs of the Bible and in the first sixth centuries after the birth of Jesus of Nazareth were either Abrahamic in their religion, i.e. believed they were descended from Ishmael, the first born of Abraham, or embraced one of the other ancient religions, most of which were polytheistic.

The Jews descended from Isaac the second born of Abraham who fathered Jacob who fathered the sons who would become the patriarchs of the 12 tribes of Israel.

But yes a great deal of the Middle East that was part of the Roman Empire--Judah and lands north and west all the way to what is now the United Kingdom--were largely Jewish and Christian through the Sixth Century A.D. For all practical purposes, the Roman Empire had ceased to exist and there was little to hinder the rise of Islam beginning in the 7th Century though the Christian crusades tried.

But according to the Bible, God gave the land of Canaan to the descendants of Abraham aka the Jews it has been a Holy Land to the Jews for at least 2,000 years before Islam became a thing. And there were Jews living on that land when Britain, possessor of the land at the time, agreed that the U.N. could have it to create a homeland for Jews that had been dispossessed in Europe and Asia as well as the horrors of the Holocaust

And the Jews were happily co-existing with the non-Jewish indigenous people who were there until several Arab nations decided to take out the Jews that Hitler and others had missed. The Israelis prevailed in that and subsequent military conflicts and we can legitimately debate whether their methods of doing so were justified, but it is the unwillingness of the Arabs to accept a tiny country of Jewish people and not the other way around that has caused all the conflict in the area for the last 75 years.
As awful as this all is, Israel has no choice. This is an existential moment for them. It has to respond big.
No it’s not an existential moment for Israel. They are nuclear armed with one of the fiercest militaries in the world. Facing off against people in Gaza with rocks … a few of them having small guns.

Israel now has positive relations with most of the Muslim world. I can’t believe the things you and the pro Israel people are saying.

Please don’t buy the insane propaganda in the American media, including some from Republicans. Do you wanna talk about an existential crisis for Jews look at World War II when the German and Ukrainian Nazis were attempting to wipe them off the face of the Earth. g5000 JimH52

If you’re one of those people who will not entertain a possibility that rogue elements within the IDF allow the attack to happened, there’s nothing that can help you. Understand that Israel is lined up with border walls, guard towers and security cameras covering every inch of the country. It is completely insane that these Hamas and Iran militant were able to not only go into Israel and be there for six hours but then come back with hostages. It’s appalling. The Israeli people are asking the same questions I am. Sixties Fan Rocko

How in the world can you say that Israel is in a existential crisis. It’s probably the most absurd thing that’s been said in recent times the political atmosphere. It makes absolutely no logical sense.

OK if there was an army like from America, or China or Russia, about to invade Israel with hundreds of tanks and an Air Force, like Israel is about to do to Gaza you would have a point…. until then please relax
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So how many of these Palestinians were cheering on Hamas in the streets as babies were being beheaded?
Be patient-----wait for the inevitable BS ----reminiscent of
9-11-01. Celebration WILL BE DENIED. Ayatoallah Khameini
CONGRATULATED the filth-----he is a prominent muzzie
Go ahead with plan b, organize a resistance. Are they going to allow you to put up your candidates in an election,
or will the just kill you and steal your family
I said nothing about any "election", nor am I talking about one. As I said, the Palestinians massively outnumber Hamas. They need to arrest Hamas, and turn them over to the Israelis for execution.

This is their only avenue for survival. The Israelis are ready to kill anybody in Gaza, if necessary to insure that all Hamas are killed. It is like Eisenhower carpet bombing German cities, for a very long time, killing thousands of innocent people, but in war, it is not like normal life.

You do what you have to do. Period.
I thought mankind had overcome it‘s historical murderous nature. How naive of me. After the appalling slaughter in Ukraine, now Israel will mass murder Gazans on a scale reminiscent of Attila the Hun.
War is not like everyday life. What are the set of rules ? There are none. It is kill, or be killed.
Wrong. They have weapons and support of rouge countries like Iran.
True , but you are wrong in saying that I am wrong. Part of the "ORGANIZED" that I mentioned, is having weapons and support of rogue countries.

Another part of it is just having cohesive organized plans of what to do, as opposed to the general population just being scattered about and not even talking to each other. They need to get organized, and fast.

If they stay linked to Hamas, as they are generally seen now, they are likely to be obliterated by the Israelis.
No it’s not an existential moment for Israel. They are nuclear armed with one of the fiercest militaries in the world. Facing off against people in Gaza with rocks … a few of them having small guns.

Israel now has positive relations with most of the Muslim world. I can’t believe the things you and the pro Israel people are saying.

Please don’t buy the insane propaganda in the American media, including some from Republicans. Do you wanna talk about an existential crisis for Jews look at World War II when the German and Ukrainian Nazis were attempting to wipe them off the face of the Earth. g5000 JimH52

If you’re one of those people who will not entertain a possibility that rogue elements within the IDF allow the attack to happened, there’s nothing that can help you. Understand that Israel is lined up with border walls, guard towers and security cameras covering every inch of the country. It is completely insane that these Hamas and Iran militant were able to not only go into Israel and be there for six hours but then come back with hostages. It’s appalling. The Israeli people are asking the same questions I am. Sixties Fan Rocko

How in the world can you say that Israel is in a existential crisis. It’s probably the most absurd thing that’s been said in recent times the political atmosphere. It makes absolutely no logical sense.

OK if there was an army like from America, or China or Russia, about to invade Israel with hundreds of tanks and an Air Force, like Israel is about to do to Gaza you would have a point…. until then please relax
More than a thousand dead Israelis, mostly moms, dads, kids, babies, more than two dozen dead Americans, an unknown number of both taken hostage, was not accomplished with rocks.
Indeed, depriving people of food, water, etc. are acts of genocide.
Israel isn’t depriving the Gazans of anything. They are just not supplying food and water to a country that has just invaded and killed hundreds of Israeli citizens and wounded thousands. Gaza was stupid to depend on Israel for anything when it was launching rocket attacks on Israel on a regular basis. That’s about as smart as North Korea depending on South Korea for food and water,
It’s all the more reason by the way for America to send no money or weapons to Israel. That could be a way for corrupt people to steal money. You can see the pictures Israel is about to send in hundreds of tanks and airplanes. They’ve already done the bombing with the airplanes. And they’re gonna sending tanks and a fully militarize force against an opponent with nothing but AK-47s and pistols.

At least Russia is fighting a military force in the Ukrainian military. Charlie Kirk was pointing out how Russia targets military targets. Hamas targets civilians including Russian Jews. g5000 JimH52 Sixties Fan

There are many Palestinians that oppose Hamas. Remember not too long ago There was a Civil War between Palestinians that support hamas and those who don’t.

The quadriplegic founder of Hamas , who inspired disabled people all over the world himself said he does not oppose Jews. So this current group of hamas people oppose their own founder.

The problem is that the right to bear arms is not respected in Palestine. Your average Palestinian In Gaza cannot get access to even a pistol. It’s only a few thousand people who get AK-47s from Iran and other entities…. And they are mostly the bad guys.

They say that Jesus looked like a Palestinian. So when you look into the eyes of the Palestinian man, woman or child right now, who is suffering in Palestine. They are living, just like our Lord Jesus did… they are trying to spread the message of love and peace. You see it in the very videos posted all over the place.

Somebody needs to figure out how to get weapons to the Palestinian freedom fighters, who want dignity, and to oppose there extremists. That’s the only way they will get rid of Hamas….
You are ignorant. Hamas has rocket artillery, small arms, anti-tank rockets and missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, mines, claymore mines, machine guns, and most other weapons. If Israel hadn’t set up the maritime exclusion zone, Hamas would have tube artillery and tanks as well.
Probably but I bet a lot of them figure out how to make it happen.
Its disturbing watching modern people trivialize the shit that millions of people of all persuasions and walks of life struggled with in Europe in the 1940's. I bet alot of them DON'T find a way out...not because they are stupid but because they were born between a rock and a hard place.
It’s all the more reason by the way for America to send no money or weapons to Israel. That could be a way for corrupt people to steal money. You can see the pictures Israel is about to send in hundreds of tanks and airplanes. They’ve already done the bombing with the airplanes. And they’re gonna sending tanks and a fully militarize force against an opponent with nothing but AK-47s and pistols.

At least Russia is fighting a military force in the Ukrainian military. Charlie Kirk was pointing out how Russia targets military targets. Hamas targets civilians including Russian Jews. g5000 JimH52 Sixties Fan

There are many Palestinians that oppose Hamas. Remember not too long ago There was a Civil War between Palestinians that support hamas and those who don’t.

The quadriplegic founder of Hamas , who inspired disabled people all over the world himself said he does not oppose Jews. So this current group of hamas people oppose their own founder.

The problem is that the right to bear arms is not respected in Palestine. Your average Palestinian In Gaza cannot get access to even a pistol. It’s only a few thousand people who get AK-47s from Iran and other entities…. And they are mostly the bad guys.

They say that Jesus looked like a Palestinian. So when you look into the eyes of the Palestinian man, woman or child right now, who is suffering in Palestine. They are living, just like our Lord Jesus did… they are trying to spread the message of love and peace. You see it in the very videos posted all over the place.

Somebody needs to figure out how to get weapons to the Palestinian freedom fighters, who want dignity, and to oppose there extremists. That’s the only way they will get rid of Hamas….
If there actually was a Palestinian resistance movement, both Egypt and Israel would be smuggling it arms. Hamas causes endless problems to both Egypt and Israel. The “civil war” was between Hamas and Fatah, both groups hated and intended to destroy Israel and kill the Jews. If you want a real world example, look at the civil war in Lebanon. The Christians, armed by Israel fought the Muslims armed by Syria, Libya and Jordan.
Its a hard ask though, Hamas has all the weapons and constantly purge those who speak out for any reason. I'm sure those civilians are living under constant terror and afraid to confide in anyone lest they also be turned in. Very difficult to form a resistance.

Thi sguy was tortured to death for simply complaining about his commander
The Gaza’s civilian elected Hamas as their government in 2006. By the way, that was the first and last election held. They got what they voted for. My sympathy for the Gazans is very limited.
Its disturbing watching modern people trivialize the shit that millions of people of all persuasions and walks of life struggled with in Europe in the 1940's. I bet alot of them DON'T find a way out...not because they are stupid but because they were born between a rock and a hard place.
It's disturbing to me how people so misinterpret what other people post.
Probably but I bet a lot of them figure out how to make it happen.
My great grandfather made it happen. He was already well-to-do in Europe. It wasnt necessarily a case of "he figured it out". Many people weren't so lucky, not because they couldn't "figure it out". It was because they had sick children and couldnt even afford trainfare to a port let alone a full meal.

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