Palestinians Need To Eliminate Hamas - Or They Will All Die

My great grandfather made it happen. He was already well-to-do in Europe. It wasnt necessarily a case of "he figured it out". Many people weren't so lucky, not because they couldn't "figure it out". It was because they had sick children and couldnt even afford trainfare to a port let alone a full meal.
I'm sorry for anybody's misfortune, but it is still wrong to put a dishonest spin on another person's post.
I'm sorry for anybody's misfortune, but it is still wrong to put a dishonest spin on another person's post.
Nothing dishonest about it. Your wording very much insinuates that Palestinians who don't support Hamas but not Israel either....can just "figure it out" and move. No big deal.
Palestinians are quickly coming to a life or death crisis. They are now going without food, electricity, and fuel, and perhaps water. Of all these, water is the most critical. People can survive for about 3 weeks without food, but they cannot live for more than 3 days without water.

Unfortunately, for the Palestinians, they live in a desert climate where rainfall is sparse, if there is any at all. They also stand a chance of being killed by Israeli jets firing bomb missles, or being obliterated by hundreds of thousands of heavily armed Israeli troops heading toward Gaza right this minute. To put it plainly, the Palestinians are in BIG trouble.

All this is coming from one cause > Hamas.

It is simple - to survive, the Palestinians need to get rid of Hamas, and fast. Their best hope is to communicate with the Israelis, and capture Hamas leaders, and turn them over to the Israelis. Otherwise they are quite likely doomed.
Israel funded Hamas in 1987 after the first intifada.

Israel funded Hamas in 1987 after the first intifada.

PBS has a VERY low level of credibility. Before I bother to read an article as long as this one, I'd have to have a better source than this. Until then, I don't believe it.

And even if it were true (sort of), 1987 is 36 years ago. Things that happened just 5 years ago, with various changes since then, could be irrelevant to the status of what exists today, but nice try.
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Only insane people accept war as an acceptable behavior.

Lots of these insane people populate the American ruling class.
War is an acceptable behavior on the part of those who have been attacked, such as the US in 1941, Russia in 1941, the US in 2001, Israel in 2023.
Except that when you research those events, you’ll find the conventional historical accounts are full of contradictions.
I don't NEED to research anything. In 1941, the Japs attacked Pearl Harbor, and the Nazis invaded Russia. In 2001, al Qaeda attacked New York City and the Pentagon. In 2023 Hamas attacked Israel.

These are facts, and all on video.. If anybody wants to contradict them, they're free to do so.
I don't NEED to research anything. In 1941, the Japs attacked Pearl Harbor, and the Nazis invaded Russia. In 2001, al Qaeda attacked New York City and the Pentagon. In 2023 Hamas attacked Israel.

These are facts, and all on video.. If anybody wants to contradict them, they're free to do so.
Lol. Yeah sure.
The duped statist can always find a reason for war.

The sad part to me is that even when it comes out later that a certain event that started a war was fake, a complete lie (and this is happened a number of times in history)... sure enough, the next time another war comes along, by golly, we're fully on board with it because we trust the talking heads on the TV!

I just don't even know what to say about this anymore. People never learn.
The Palestine Israel issue is of no importance for the "bosses", just numbers and statistics. They are nothing more than useful toys to consume the energy of this region of the World internally and to facilitate easier control of the area. Its very unlikely for intelligence agencies to be unaware of this attack. Its almost impossible. Israel (Netanyahu govt) which is getting closer to China day by day and has not been able to provide enough confidence to the US in this regard is warned to stop being arrogant and to realize that its not as strong as it thinks.
The sad part to me is that even when it comes out later that a certain event that started a war was fake, a complete lie (and this is happened a number of times in history)... sure enough, the next time another war comes along, by golly, we're fully on board with it because we trust the talking heads on the TV!

I just don't even know what to say about this anymore. People never learn.
The only event that I know of, that started a war that was fake that I know of was the Gulf of Tonkin "incident" in 1964. Maybe there were others. Since you conclude that "this is happened a number of times in history" how about posting some examples ?

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