Palestinians Need To Eliminate Hamas - Or They Will All Die

Depriving babies of their heads is genocide.
Also, while I'm sure the do not represent all Palestinians, those cheering, rejoicing, celebrating, kicking, hitting, spitting on the bodies of dead and injured Israelis and Americans being dragged or paraded through the streets of Gaza City did absolutely nothing to generate sympathy from any decent people in the rest of the world.
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Also, while I'm sure the do not represent all Palestinians, those cheering, rejoicing, celebrating, kicking, hitting, spitting on the bodies of dead and injured Israelis and Americans being dragged or paraded through the streets of Gaza City did absolutely nothing to generate sympathy from any decent people in the rest of the world.
In war, there are no trials. Everyone pays a price for these atrocities. Gaza has been left alone by Israel for over 15 years. They have been firing rockets, engaging in suicide bombing and now this. The Palestinians are now going to be held accountable for this WAR. These weren't mere crimes, it was a barbaric act of war.
Your position is morally insane.

You are justifying what Rome did to the Jews of Masada, and what the Nazis did to the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto.

What Israel is now doing constitutes massive antisemitic war crimes, and an extreme escalation of their terrorism and ethnic cleansing.

Israel is on the brink of committing genocide.

You are justifying this.

You are stating that the victims of nearly 80 years of Zionist antisemitic atrocities must cooperate in their own dehumanization and disempowerment or die.

Again, your position is morally insane.
You sound like you are totally DUPED, to the point of having no idea what's going on. The only reason there is a problem is because the Palestinians et al Muslim nationalities refuse to accept the idea of the Jewish state.

It is commonly thought that Israel is the bad guy imperialist oppressing the poor little Palestinians, and that the Palestinians are entiled to the land of Israel, because they were there first. Actually, the Jews ( & Christians) are entitled to not only Israel, but to all the land of the entire Middle East (Iran, Iraq, SA, Syria, Jordan, etc).

The whole ME was Jewish & Christian for hundreds of years when there was no such thing as Islam or the Palestinians. It was stolen from them by marauding Muslims, who now act like it is rightfully theirs. The attacks on Israel by Hamas, are just a continuation of this 1400 years of Muslim imperialism.
Wow, we agree and ones again your views are not reflected by many from the Party you voted for to lead our country. The Squad, with members liked AOC and Omar, would never be elected as Republicans. Notice how it is Biden supporters on this forum that are anti-Israel and even go so far as to defend Hamas.
Leftists/Democrats are generally Israel haters, and Muslim jihad supporters. Just another example of their LUNACY.
The problem with that is if they try to leave they will be killed by Hamas.
This is why there needs to be a civil war inside Palestine. Palestinians need to eliminate Hamas completely, or they will be eliminated themselves by the Israelis.

Every Palestinian who has knowledge of who Hamas personnel are, needs to turn those dirtbags over to Israel. It is like cleaning an infection out of your body.
Indeed, depriving people of food, water, etc. are acts of genocide.
No, they are acts of war and self -defense. The Palestinians need to be pushed to the point of death, if they do not expose the Hamas leadership and GET RID OF THEM. It is the only thing that can happen.
Hamas must be destroyed.
Your position is morally insane.

You are justifying what Rome did to the Jews of Masada, and what the Nazis did to the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto.

What Israel is now doing constitutes massive antisemitic war crimes, and an extreme escalation of their terrorism and ethnic cleansing.

Israel is on the brink of committing genocide.

You are justifying this.

You are stating that the victims of nearly 80 years of Zionist antisemitic atrocities must cooperate in their own dehumanization and disempowerment or die.

Again, your position is morally insane.
Death to Hamas.

Death to those Gazans who support and shield and enable Hamas.

This is war.

Phukk 'em.

And phukk proportionality.

The idiot Palestinian have finally gone too far.

Israel is now acting largely without restraint out of a deep, profound and righteous sense of nationwide rage at Hamas et al.

Israel has declared war and formed a national unity government and war-cabinet and are now fiercely united.

And for once the US is going to sit back and not bother trying to restrain them... time for the popcorn... to watch the show.

Going so far as to move TWO aircraft carrier battle groups into the area to cover their flanks in the event of further trouble.

Not to mention the Royal Navy and others sending ships and assets to the area in order to support Israel's righteous war.

Death to Hamas.

No prisoners.

No mercy.

No worries about collateral damage in a population that teaches their young to hate from the time they're in the crib.

Hamas started this.

Israel is now going to finish it.

Death from above.

Death from the Med.

Death from the ground.

Death to Hamas.
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Outside of a ruthless Dictatorship , no power ever totally eliminates its own Control Opposition .

Unless it has an immediate replacement .
The US has had a string of created control opposition groups .
All part of the Never Ending Wars philosophy .
If Hamas "disappeared" it would allow greater undiluted use of Hezbollah as planet enemy number one .

Yes. They have the Reptiliean Shapeshifters posing as 'Arab Terrorists' now, in a devious plot to steal your cat food and breakfast beer.
If Palestinians get hungry enough....

Trading food, water, and medical supplies for hostages can be arranged....

Humanitarian aide for Humanitarian actions.
Indeed, depriving people of food, water, etc. are acts of genocide.

The fact that HAMAS exists by permission of the people living in the Gaza Strip means that if they are going to house, cloth, feed, resupply the HAMAS then they are part of the war and needs to be taken care of. Israel needs to eliminate the HAMAS organization, relocate tame Philin....whatevers..... to the West Bank, put the West Bank back to the 1967 UN Agreement and move give the Israelis living on the West Bank the choice to move to the Gaza Strip or anywhere they wish inside of the proper Israeli borders. Then allow the PLO to have their own free election to establish a PLO Constitution. I am sure that the EU would volunteer to monitor this.

Until Irael does this there will be no peace. And the Militant Phili....whaters.... will continue to be bad actors with the help of all the other bad actors.
It’s not as easy as open and fair elections. If Hamas controls your water supply, what’s your plan b.
Hamas is a small minority within Palestine. The only reason they can control Palestinians, is because they are ORGANIZED, and the anti-Hamas people are not.

Palestinians need to organize themselves and capture Hamas terrorists, and turn them over to the Israelis, or just kill them themselves.
As awful as this all is, Israel has no choice. This is an existential moment for them. It has to respond big

It’s all the more reason by the way for America to send no money or weapons to Israel.

The fact is, the USA has been their big stick , allowing Israel to be bigots. But It doesn't mater who instigated the conflict, i doesn't matter who the 'bad guys' are any more

What matters is they're nuke capable (despite their denial) , and have no compunction of their usage unless YOU send YOUR kids in to be BOOTS on the ground

Can i have a show of hands ?


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