P.E.T.A Fur Protest


Graeme Kessey

Would these people call our ancestors murderers when they used furs to survive in the last Ice Age?
Probably not, they most likely believe that in this modern era there is no need to use animal products for any human need. But by doing so, we violate the animals rights. Animal rights?:confused:
Ok, so your going to truly hate me after this, but, slaughtering for FOOD is one thing, I just don't believe in slaughter for LUXURY. Back in the cave man days, yeah, they didn't have the means to make the different variety of clothing we do today, or just too stupid, but today, we have enough, say even cotton, to make clothing. Cotton, we don't need to kill an animal for. If it's to hunt to eat the animal and use the fur, that's one thing, but to just kill for the fur is to me disgusting. Sorry!!!!! I like the little foxes, bambi's, dogs, etc.. looking at them run, not on my back.
Why thanks Mntbiker!!! I agree somewhat with hunting, me, I don't like to see it, but I don't disagree with hunting as long as it's being used for FOOD!!!!!!!!!! goes back to the bear thing, I don't agree with that either, I haven't seen not one bear, and I live in NJ. I see a damn possum that when I open the door, the little slimer is sitting right at my doorstep with it's red beaty eyes, but that's about it. Why don't they do something about the HUGE rats that are here in NJ, go to Newark, you can ride there, see something crossing the road that looks like a small dog and it's a HUGE RAT!!!! they are more disgusting and dangerous if you ask me.
Rats! I would like to see PETA lobby for rats rights, that would be hilarous. They must be a big problem, they do spread alot of disease and the size of a dog,yikes. I'm glad there really are no rats around here. I can see you perspective on hunting Janeen, and I appreciate it. I agree when hunting full use of the animal is important. People do eat bear meat, but I doubt very many of those in the New Jeresy hunt did.
To be honest, I don't recall any hunting for bears in NJ period until now. Could be wrong, but I don't really keep up on that too much. Yes, RATS in Newark, can be quite large. Probably a few running around in NY too!!!!!

I would like to see this picture be reality! :D
To be quite honest I have mixed feelings about hunting. I am pro-gun, I think responsible adults should not be denied the right to protect their families, but they should be educated in gun safety, and take every precaution to ensure that children will not harm themselves, a trigger lock on all guns for example. As far as hunting goes, I personally do not have the heart for it. As crazy as this might sound, I find myself having more compassion for animals than quite a few people in this world. Animals to me are innocent creatures just trying to survive while their habitats are shrinking due to our expansion. This said I would not deny the right to hunt to people who desire to, and many times it is necessary for the good of the animals. We used to own property in Upstate NY, in an extremely unpopulated area, and I have personally witnessed deer overpopulation. Like any other natural resource, balanced management is required for the good of all. I just personally do not agree with a lot of the hunting that does go on for other reasons, but again I would not deny any one their rights, unless we are talking about an extreme.

Just my take.
Eric thanks for your thoughts, coming from a occational hunter (I haven't even been this year:( ) I appreciate your feeling on the subject. Hunting is certianly not for everyone, but to allow others to hunt responsibily is a good thing.
Originally posted by janeeng
Ok, so your going to truly hate me after this, but, slaughtering for FOOD is one thing, I just don't believe in slaughter for LUXURY. Back in the cave man days, yeah, they didn't have the means to make the different variety of clothing we do today, or just too stupid, but today, we have enough, say even cotton, to make clothing. Cotton, we don't need to kill an animal for. If it's to hunt to eat the animal and use the fur, that's one thing, but to just kill for the fur is to me disgusting. Sorry!!!!! I like the little foxes, bambi's, dogs, etc.. looking at them run, not on my back.
I don't see a difference between wanting the warmth of a fur coat or a hearty stew. They are both desires, not needs. People can and do successfully live and thrive without meat.

You'll notice that I am no longer vegan so I'm not saying that either one is wrong I just think it's a personal decision how you wish to live life. The message that PETA is sending is that it's not okay to decide for yourself and that's just not compatible with our culture. To pit a child against it's parents like this is wrong, morally (but I guess their morals are kinda screwed up if they think showing images like this to children is okay).
Janeen, you are going to hate me.

I'm on the hunt for a possum. The damn thing keeps coming up on my deck and eating my cat's food, and I don't have the money to feed both the cat and the possum. So I borrowed a bolt-action .22 rifle from my brother-in-law (the only gun I have is a Berreta 9mm - too big).

Last night, I saw it on the deck, ran to the bedroom to get the gun, came back and stepped out onto the deck. It ran down the stairs, and the electric eye on the deck came on. So I was somewhat blinded, but decided to take the shot anyway. Damn safety was on!!! So I quickly took it off of safe, reaimed. and wound up taking a bad shot - it scurried back to the greenbelt and I lost it while I was taking the safety off.

But when I finally do shoot this thing, my cat will be well fed for a week and a half!
Damn Jeff, I should have known you would pop in here and say something! hehe! I can't say I don't blame you, I am not thrilled with that red beaty eye thing looking at me when I open the door, but I don't have the heart to kill it either. I let my dog out, but I do get worried, knowing that he will go after it, that should he get bit, he might wind up with rabies.

Eric, I couldn't agree with you more! I have once said how easy it would be for me to shoot a human rather than an animal. I know eaiser said than done, but I think there are some certain persons living around me that I think I would like to shoot!!!!!!!!
I am pro-gun, I think responsible adults should not be denied the right to protect their families, but they should be educated in gun safety, and take every precaution to ensure that children will not harm themselves, a trigger lock on all guns for example
Couldnt agree more. I have a multitude of guns, all with locks. the only one with no lock is the .38 specail thats under my pillow. I am pro-gun and pro-hunting. Lets put a definitions in there. Hunting being gathering food. Shooting an animal just for trophies isnt hunting. Its shooting.
Now im no Ted Nugent, the guy rocks.... but hes a little screwy int he head when it comes to hunting.
With the prices of beef now days, its alot cheaper to harvest a couple deer to fill the freezer. along with pheasants, squirell, rabbit and so on.

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