Trans activists stage bathroom sit-in at Capitol Hill


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

another protest for the day. who wants transgender make in girls rom so he can rape the girls. or transgender girl going in boy rooms looking at there body parts lol lol. these people need to give it up and use the bathroom of sex they were born.
The easy fix is, instead of stalls you build walls

Each bathroom should be private.

But no, we have to watch more insanity as people fight each other over bathrooms as the Titanic sinks.

another protest for the day. who wants transgender make in girls rom so he can rape the girls. or transgender girl going in boy rooms looking at there body parts lol lol. these people need to give it up and use the bathroom of sex they were born.

Uh oh. Better give them what they want before they shoot up another school.
another protest for the day. who wants transgender make in girls rom so he can rape the girls. or transgender girl going in boy rooms looking at there body parts lol lol.
It sounds like you are projecting your own sick fantasies.

another protest for the day. who wants transgender make in girls rom so he can rape the girls. or transgender girl going in boy rooms looking at there body parts lol lol. these people need to give it up and use the bathroom of sex they were born.
I just can't care. We're going to be bickering over bathroom etiquette when the Chinese march in.

another protest for the day. who wants transgender make in girls rom so he can rape the girls. or transgender girl going in boy rooms looking at there body parts lol lol. these people need to give it up and use the bathroom of sex they were born.
Send them to Guantanamo to mingle with any Islamic Terrorists still there.

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