Over 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers and 30,000 Ukrainian civilians have died thanks to the US extending the war as of 3 months ago, obviously higher now.

the 'history' i'm referring to is the propaganda , the covert insurgents, and political manipulations

ours is no different than the countries you mention

and it's gone on for over a century (look up banana wars)

So you think we should ignore Soviet and Cuban backed insurgencies and pretend they're 'indigenous independent uprisings' and not foreign enemies trying to destabilize out back doors? Can you find a commie country in South America that turned out well? At our worst we left them better off. See Cuba for the failures, see Haiti for a failed culture that fell entirely on its own.

Do you think the Red Chinese taking over Africa by proxy will turn out well?
And what would be different than swimming in our own Occupied?

Everyone thinks they can sell the moral high ground

It gets old

Our histories are no different

If you go back far enough our histories are no different, but the western democracies have evolved since then and Russia hasn't. There is no longer any imperialism from western democracies, but imperialism is still a core value of Russian culture.
And what would be different than swimming in our own Occupied?

Everyone thinks they can sell the moral high ground

It gets old

Our histories are no different

There's nothing ambiguous here. We knuckle under to a tyrant or we stand firm. That's the stark choices you face when dealing with these people. They only understand force.
If you think the CIA was not involved in the 2014 coup and installed Zelensky, you probably believed Biden when he said the “vax” was SAFE AND EFFECTIVE.

I'd rather live here Dudley, thx

the 'history' i'm referring to is the propaganda , the covert insurgents, and political manipulations

ours is no different than the countries you mention

and it's gone on for over a century (look up banana wars)

we just cloak it all in the guise of self righteous 'freedom'


It’s a cult. They will never change their minds. Not even when they are no longer useful idiots and they are put into boxcars.

These are the type of assholes who claimed we do not need police.

They are brainwashed cult fucks. No different than Scientologists. They do not think for themselves
If you go back far enough our histories are no different, but the western democracies have evolved since then and Russia hasn't. There is no longer any imperialism from western democracies, but imperialism is still a core value of Russian culture.
Yeah the US isn’t an imperialist power. LMFAO!
There's nothing ambiguous here. We knuckle under to a tyrant or we stand firm. That's the stark choices you face when dealing with these people. They only understand force.
Fourth grade thinking.
The Pentagon is giving intel to Ukraine. Identifying targets for Ukraine.

The US and NATO are legally cobelligerents in this war.

We are giving them intel for targets. We have CIA AND SPECIAL FORCES ON THE GROUND IN UKRAINE.


We are sending long range missiles and tanks, and soon warplanes.

Hopefully Poot doesnt melt us all. We are provoking the fuck out of that psycho.

We are literally poking the bear.

We entered this war because we like Ukraine as our puppet government and we wash money through Ukraine like crazy.

Ukraine was involved the FTX Crypto Ponzi scheme. The Dems made millions off of FTX.

Why do you cult fucks trust the same government that told you Iraq had WMDs? Werent you guys against that war? Why do you now love war?
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Yeah the US isn’t an imperialist power. LMFAO!

We get Ukraine destroyed, then Haliburton and Bechtel can rebuild the nation and make billions.

THE MIC BLOWS UP NATIONS, THEN WE REBUILD WHAT WE BLOW UP! Get paid to destroy and get paid to rebuild…all with US taxpayer money.

You didn't answer my question. How many Ukrainian civilians need to die for your war?........
It's their war and they want to fight it.
Whose? Who are they? The "Ukrainian civilians"?
Who would we be as a nation to just stand by and watch a repeat of what has happened so many times before?
"We"? Do you mean the US? In that case maybe 'standing by' is the wrong expression. And the part about "a repeat of what has happened so many times before" refers to what ... Vietnam? Cambodia? Laos? Bosnia? Grenada? Irak? Iran? Cuba? Syria? ie. the wars the US initiated in order to stifle Democratic principles? Yeah, that must mean what you are talking about ... what sort of nation would the US be if it stopped creating wars.
While the right is lining up to betray Ukraine I'll call them traitors to their faces.
So, in your political wisdom, you see the American "right" as traitors to ..... uh ..... urm .... Ukraine? Something is lacking in your political savvy.
All our talk of being leader of the free world means nothing unless we are willing to protect freedom anywhere.
The problem here is an enormous disinformation campaign defining "freedom" and to who it applies. In just this tiny dialogue I have proved to you that the US is not the leader of the free world. And as far as the NAZI-pampering regime of Ukraine being the victim .... Well, it is nothing more than a dupe, a stooge in the service of the American Empire. :spank:
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The US overthrew a democratically elected government in Ukraine and installed Zelensky as their anti-Democratic puppet. That is an attack.
When? Show the evidence...
Zelensky won an election in 2019, the Corrupt Russian Puppet was thrown out in 2014...
The US has no business in Ukraine. Russia created Ukraine from nothing and it is affected by what happens in its neigbour. The US destroyed Democracy in Ukraine just like it did in Cuba, Iran, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, etc.
Ukraine is an independent country.. Russia killed 1/5th of its population...
"The U.S. leads all countries with $196 billion in total military, financial and humanitarian aid to Ukraine between January 24, 2022, and November 20, 2022."

Almost 2 Ukrainian GDP

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