Our President supports returning to talking filibuster


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
President Biden supports the effort to return the Senate Filibuster to require Senators to actually talk rather than requiring 60 votes on all legislation

Good way to end Senate Gridlock and actually work.

Republicans in recent years have effectively weaponized the practice, and some Democrats, newly and narrowly empowered in the Senate, have called to reform the procedure or do away with it altogether.

"It's getting to the point where, you know, democracy is having a hard time functioning," Biden said in the ABC interview.
let this be a lessen to McConnell and the rest of the RINO's in the swamp.....when you hold the key use it....
If Mitch McConnell didn’t abuse the filibuster and turn it from a rarely used tool to a requirement on every piece of legislation, we would not need to revive old rules
So tear the system up. That is always a good idea, right?

The tears when the next right wing government takes over because that WILL happen and the democrats are utterly ignored while every major giveaway the republicans want sails right into law.

I swear, if Kavanaugh and ACB did not teach you a hard lesson about how shitty of an idea this is, I have no idea what will.
President Biden supports the effort to return thSenate Filibuster to require Senators to actually talk rather than requiring 60 votes on all legislation

Good way to end Senate Gridlock and actually work.

Seems like a 50-50 Senate it would be foolhardy. We've got 3 SCOTUS justices to prove it.
President Biden supports the effort to return thSenate Filibuster to require Senators to actually talk rather than requiring 60 votes on all legislation

Good way to end Senate Gridlock and actually work.

Seems like a 50-50 Senate it would be foolhardy. We've got 3 SCOTUS justices to prove it.

SCOTUS will not involve itself in Senate rules.
Especially when those rules were used for a hundred years previously
The tears when the next right wing government takes over because that WILL happen and the democrats are utterly ignored while every major giveaway the republicans want sails right into law.

Never would have been necessary if Mitch had not abused the filibuster.

But I will worry about Republican revenge if they ever take the White House, Senate and House again
President Biden supports the effort to return the Senate Filibuster to require Senators to actually talk rather than requiring 60 votes on all legislation

Fine by me. I've been advocating for this for a while. If they want to filibuster then go back to the real deal. Make them stand up there and talk endlessly until one side gives in. None of this simply declaring "we're filibustering, no vote for you."

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