Our Corrupt DOJ Thinks These People Are A Threat To Overthrow The Government?

§2384. Seditious conspiracy​

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

This would then cover:

1. A mob assaulting LEO trying to stop a riot or putting out a fire.
2. A group forming an Autonomous Zone declaring themselves free from the authority of the government.

Seems to be selective enforcement going on here.
Of course, they did no such thing. They "conspired" only to protest.

Not the people that were just arrested and charged with sedition nor the people forged certificates of ascertainment declaring Trump the winner of 5 states and sent them to the National Archives
Sorry but, i see little sedition in 'we the people' protesting against an inept shill governance that does not respect or represent them

Sorry but, i see little sedition in 'we the people' protesting against an inept shill governance that does not respect or represent them

For that matter....the Democrats were speaking sedition even before Trump took office. Their claims of Russian Collusion for example.
Now they want to make questioning the election results worthy of imprisonment.
Democrats think we will believe that these guys are legitimate seditionists?

Just look at them!!

They look like low paid, extras on a movie set. Their so-called founder looks like a reject from Pirates Of The Caribbean.
You cannot convince me that the Biden Adm actually thinks these guys are a threat.

If they were gonna put on a show.....at least they could have taken the time to find better actors.

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The way it is now everyone wants to overthrow the lousy government.
I don't believe that one act of contrition can make up for a lifetime of sin. The "proud boys" will serve 1000 years to eternity in purgatory at best, and go straight to hell at worst.
I don’t care about your assessment. I don’t belong to the Proud Boys. And even if I did, your belief is just of no importance.

The simple fact remains despite your unwillingness to make a simple declarative statement. It has nothing to do with contrition. I stand in agreement with the anti-fascist position of the Proud Boys.
The fact they could not have succeeded is irrelevant. That they desired and conspired to do so is the issue.
The Left’s selective outrage on this one is comical and disturbing. Go back over the last 50 years and look at William Ayers and Susan Rosenberg seeking to blow up the Capitol. You don’t think those were acts and a conspiracy to overthrow the government? They actually had bombs and today they are tenured professors admired by the Left. How about the man arrested for shooting up a field of Congressional Republicans. How was this act from a Bernie Sanders supporter not rooted in disrupting government?

I have yet to meet or see anyone from Conservative circles that says anyone of these people from January 6 should not be arrested or punished for their act of riot, vandalism, or trespassing. Yet, to play this act up as a legitimate insurrection is pathetic and more disturbing, another “opportunity” by the Left to gain and hold more control.
The Left’s selective outrage on this one is comical and disturbing. Go back over the last 50 years and look at William Ayers and Susan Rosenberg seeking to blow up the Capitol. You don’t think those were acts and a conspiracy to overthrow the government? They actually had bombs and today they are tenured professors admired by the Left. How about the man arrested for shooting up a field of Congressional Republicans. How was this act from a Bernie Sanders supporter not rooted in disrupting government?

I have yet to meet or see anyone from Conservative circles that says anyone of these people from January 6 should not be arrested or punished for their act of riot, vandalism, or trespassing. Yet, to play this act up as a legitimate insurrection is pathetic and more disturbing, another “opportunity” by the Left to gain and hold more control.

This is a new tactic. "People did things 50 years ago so these things are not such a big deal"?
This is a new tactic. "People did things 50 years ago so these things are not such a big deal"?
It’s an observation on the selective outrage from the Left on similar events over the past 50 years including a couple of years ago where the Left had no problem with people who had more significant means to disrupt and overthrow the government. The tactic that is new is from Leftist Rain that you ignore the significance and magnitude of attacks on Congress from your side while playing this one up.

Leftist Radicals use bombs and guns to disrupt or overthrow Congress while Right Wing Conservatives use flagpoles and zip ties.
It’s an observation on the selective outrage from the Left on similar events over the past 50 years including a couple of years ago where the Left had no problem with people who had more significant means to disrupt and overthrow the government. The tactic that is new is from Leftist Rain that you ignore the significance and magnitude of attacks on Congress from your side while playing this one up.

Leftist Radicals use bombs and guns to disrupt or overthrow Congress while Right Wing Conservatives use flagpoles and zip ties.

I do not agree that others had a more significant means to disrupt and overthrow the government. The attempt to stop the certification of the election coupled with the forged certificates of ascertainment declaring Trump the winner of 5 states that were sent to the National Archives shows a coordinated effort involving elected officials and others high up in the administration.

Add to this that a probably 25% or more of the country would have supported the actions, none of the things you have brought up come close.
I do not agree that others had a more significant means to disrupt and overthrow the government. The attempt to stop the certification of the election coupled with the forged certificates of ascertainment declaring Trump the winner of 5 states that were sent to the National Archives shows a coordinated effort involving elected officials and others high up in the administration.

Add to this that a probably 25% or more of the country would have supported the actions, none of the things you have brought up come close.

We were seconds away from this guy becoming President. Sad thing is, we would be better off today considering what a clusterfuck Veggie Joe is.



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Full definition:

"an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government"
That defines the George Floyd Riots or the year long attacks on court houses in Portland Oregon.
I guess arson, murder and mass destruction only counts when our illegitimate "Justice" system says it
Good luck getting insurrection convictions in a fair trial.

So how many people are in jail and how many are NOT charged with insurrection?
The overwhelming majority are NOT being charged with insurrection. Why is that?

All arrested due to the same 1/6 Capitol event. Yet some are charged with insurrection.
And some are not. How does that work?

Go find the formerly most wanted Ray Epps and find out why the DOJ has just lost interest in this
leader of said "insurrection".

And how many so called insurrectionists were armed and capable of overturning our government?
You already claimed it doesn't matter. But that's patently bullshit!
You can't rob a bank without a weapon, much less overthrow the United States Government!

Think about that, imbecile.
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