Orthodox Jews and Zionism

The Palestinians have a choice. They can educate their kids to become doctors and scientists and business men, instead they educate them to die for Allah.

I myself was raised in a war Zone. I lived in southern Israel my entire life. You want to tell me my parents were bad? Well in that case, fuck you! You talk nonsense and this conversation is not worth continuing!

Yes, if you were raised in a settlement, your parents by definition were at fault. You are lucky to be alive.
They DO educate their kids to become doctors and scientist and business men.

George Habash (doctor), Yasser Arafat (engineer) and Nayef Hawatmeh (I THINK he owned a business).

The BEST educated Palestinians constitute the core of armed resistance. I suppose because their vision is even clearer than many.
They DO educate their kids to become doctors and scientist and business men.

George Habash (doctor), Yasser Arafat (engineer) and Nayef Hawatmeh (I THINK he owned a business).

The BEST educated Palestinians constitute the core of armed resistance. I suppose because their vision is even clearer than many.
Yasser Arafat, an educated fellow. Ha ha ha. Born and raised in Egypt, completed his "education" in terrorism and IslamoNazism, by his Nazi uncle the Nazi Mufti. Ho ho ho.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
So where did Arafat get his engineering degree, then?

Stop posting these phony websites that make up history as they go on.
The Palestinians have a choice. They can educate their kids to become doctors and scientists and business men, instead they educate them to die for Allah.

I myself was raised in a war Zone. I lived in southern Israel my entire life. You want to tell me my parents were bad? Well in that case, fuck you! You talk nonsense and this conversation is not worth continuing!

Lipush, like I said you are one of the few Z's on here I could possibly respect on intellectual grounds, and then you say something this b.f. stupid. Palestinians ARE raising their kids to be doctors, etc. This other crap is Israeli propaganda. if someone wants to strap on a bomb and go for it, that is a decision they make. they weren't raised to do it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVHwHAIkkWw]Welcome to Birzeit University - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1t0g8l4Zqc]Al-Quds University ????? ????? - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHS948RG1wo]Faculty of Health Sciences (Islamic University-Gaza) - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWPnLBWfipM]Gaza: Improving the Health Professions lab at Al-Azhar University - YouTube[/ame]
The Palestinians have a choice. They can educate their kids to become doctors and scientists and business men, instead they educate them to die for Allah.

I myself was raised in a war Zone. I lived in southern Israel my entire life. You want to tell me my parents were bad? Well in that case, fuck you! You talk nonsense and this conversation is not worth continuing!

Yes, if you were raised in a settlement, your parents by definition were at fault. You are lucky to be alive.

I'm not a 'settler' per se. Users and friends on board know I am southern Israeli. I lived in southern Israel since before I could crawl.

I'm lucky to be alive, yes, that I know. I was saved twice from rocket attacks, because unlike the popular opinion, Palestinians do see me as "letigimate target" even though I live inside the green line.

All 'settlements' in southern Israel are completely legal. I take to mind that you should at least know this most basic fact.
I'm not a 'settler' per se. Users and friends on board know I am southern Israeli. I lived in southern Israel since before I could crawl.

I'm lucky to be alive, yes, that I know. I was saved twice from rocket attacks, because unlike the popular opinion, Palestinians do see me as "letigimate target" even though I live inside the green line.

All 'settlements' in southern Israel are completely legal. I take to mind that you should at least know this most basic fact.

Look, frankly, the world did not have the right to partition Palestine in the first place. To do so today would be an impossibility. Colonialism is pretty much dead now. In fact, Britain didn't have a right to allow immigration into Palestine in the first place.

But now we are dealing with reality, and I really can't see forcing several million Jews to go elsewhere, that wouldn't be right. And I can't say I ever met anyone who argued for that. But I do know they are out there.

But the problem is the settlers who are "creating reality" by breaking the law and trampling on civil and human rights of another people. If Israel will act in good faith to get the settlers out and abandon its designs on acquiring what little is left of Palestine, IOW resolve this situation equitably, the hard liners will recant or be marginalized. Until then, yes there will be some who think the situation has to go back to the way it was at the time of WW 1 even! If Israel doesn't make concessions, neither will they.
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They DO educate their kids to become doctors and scientist and business men.

George Habash (doctor), Yasser Arafat (engineer) and Nayef Hawatmeh (I THINK he owned a business).

The BEST educated Palestinians constitute the core of armed resistance. I suppose because their vision is even clearer than many.
Yasser Arafat, an educated fellow. Ha ha ha. Born and raised in Egypt, completed his "education" in terrorism and IslamoNazism, by his Nazi uncle the Nazi Mufti. Ho ho ho.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

I was unable to trace this statement about Arafat being related to the Mufti. No one else thinks so, at least. But there were two different clans, one called Husseini and the other Husayni. Arafat was related to the Husayni, so maybe that is where that comes from. You really have to get better sources.

And Arafat wasn't hateful, and he certainly wasn't a Nazi.
I was unable to trace this statement about Arafat being related to the Mufti. No one else thinks so, at least. But there were two different clans, one called Husseini and the other Husayni. Arafat was related to the Husayni, so maybe that is where that comes from. You really have to get better sources.

lol this is getting more ridiculous with every post ...

And Arafat wasn't hateful, and he certainly wasn't a Nazi.

True; he and his fellow gangsters considered the Nazis to be too moderate for their tastes.
Including babies.

Babies are fair game.

As I said earlier, please don't pretend to be a caring person of you keep saying such nonsense.

If you think babies are somehow exempted, please give me chapter and verse. And then devise a strategy for avoidance, given that their foolish parents take them into the front lines of a war zone and then cry "but don't hurt our babies!" If any of them showed any concern for any non-Jewish babies, I would listen, but the truth is, they don't. Since you value Jewish life and devalue Palestinian life, what do you expect Palestinians to do?

Get the babies out. You have a choice, Palestinians don't.

What does the sentence "If you think babies are somehow exempted, please give me
chapter and verse" mean, amity?

Who are the people who do not show concern for any non-Jewish babies, amity? I have
worked in lots of hospitals in my life---where most of the doctors were jewish---
and most of the patients not jewish. ----lots of babies
The Palestinians have a choice. They can educate their kids to become doctors and scientists and business men, instead they educate them to die for Allah.

I myself was raised in a war Zone. I lived in southern Israel my entire life. You want to tell me my parents were bad? Well in that case, fuck you! You talk nonsense and this conversation is not worth continuing!

Yes, if you were raised in a settlement, your parents by definition were at fault. You are lucky to be alive.

"Palestinian'" parents are not FORCED to live in a war zone. In fact the claim is part and
parcel of islamo Nazi propaganda The islamo Nazis have promulgated the myth
that people are FORCED to remain in Gaza by Israel. Such has never been the case.
Gazans can leave Gaza any time they wish------assuming any country would be willing to
have them----there are dozens of muslim countries. Even I have encountered Gazans---
right here in the USA------in and out at will. I do not agree with Amity that living in
Gaza MAKES Gazan parents "bad" I would state that any gazan mother who sends
a child to a school that glorifies children who blew themselves to hell
for the purpose of murdering a jew------is a disgusting animal. I live in the USA----
when my son was little-----a kid who attended his school had his brains blown out by
a person from Gaza. The Gazan did it for allah------the kid was a jew----14 years old---
fair target according to Amity criteria. You want his name and location, Amity?
you can send him some home made pie
They DO educate their kids to become doctors and scientist and business men.

George Habash (doctor), Yasser Arafat (engineer) and Nayef Hawatmeh (I THINK he owned a business).

The BEST educated Palestinians constitute the core of armed resistance. I suppose because their vision is even clearer than many.
Yasser Arafat, an educated fellow. Ha ha ha. Born and raised in Egypt, completed his "education" in terrorism and IslamoNazism, by his Nazi uncle the Nazi Mufti. Ho ho ho.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

I was unable to trace this statement about Arafat being related to the Mufti. No one else thinks so, at least. But there were two different clans, one called Husseini and the other Husayni. Arafat was related to the Husayni, so maybe that is where that comes from. You really have to get better sources.

And Arafat wasn't hateful, and he certainly wasn't a Nazi.
He was Arafat's uncle, and eventually became Arafat's mentor and that is more important than them being related.
They DO educate their kids to become doctors and scientist and business men.

George Habash (doctor), Yasser Arafat (engineer) and Nayef Hawatmeh (I THINK he owned a business).

The BEST educated Palestinians constitute the core of armed resistance. I suppose because their vision is even clearer than many.
Yasser Arafat, an educated fellow. Ha ha ha. Born and raised in Egypt, completed his "education" in terrorism and IslamoNazism, by his Nazi uncle the Nazi Mufti. Ho ho ho.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

I was unable to trace this statement about Arafat being related to the Mufti. No one else thinks so, at least. But there were two different clans, one called Husseini and the other Husayni. Arafat was related to the Husayni, so maybe that is where that comes from. You really have to get better sources.

And Arafat wasn't hateful, and he certainly wasn't a Nazi.

He was an uncontestable crook who stole the future of the WBJs.
I'm not a 'settler' per se. Users and friends on board know I am southern Israeli. I lived in southern Israel since before I could crawl.

I'm lucky to be alive, yes, that I know. I was saved twice from rocket attacks, because unlike the popular opinion, Palestinians do see me as "letigimate target" even though I live inside the green line.

All 'settlements' in southern Israel are completely legal. I take to mind that you should at least know this most basic fact.

Look, frankly, the world did not have the right to partition Palestine in the first place. To do so today would be an impossibility. Colonialism is pretty much dead now. In fact, Britain didn't have a right to allow immigration into Palestine in the first place.

But now we are dealing with reality, and I really can't see forcing several million Jews to go elsewhere, that wouldn't be right. And I can't say I ever met anyone who argued for that. But I do know they are out there.

But the problem is the settlers who are "creating reality" by breaking the law and trampling on civil and human rights of another people. If Israel will act in good faith to get the settlers out and abandon its designs on acquiring what little is left of Palestine, IOW resolve this situation equitably, the hard liners will recant or be marginalized. Until then, yes there will be some who think the situation has to go back to the way it was at the time of WW 1 even! If Israel doesn't make concessions, neither will they.

What is "Palestine", anyway? Was there ever a known state called "Palestine"? No. It was a territory in debate. The Arabs opened a war and have lost. I don't recall any winning nation which faced destruction giving prices to the enemy seeking to destroy it.

What people ask nowdays is for Jews to do to other Jews what was done to them in Europe.

Which is ludicrous.

Settlers don't create reality; the government does. Until the government decide otherwise, the settlers break no law by living in Judea and Samaria.

And the government learned from the mistake of the disangagement. Changing the police won't be easy.

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