Nov-1913: seed of "conflict" Islamist anti-Semitic poem at racist Arab 'Falastin' ('Filastin)

Al-Husseini, in his memories, reveals Himmler's remarks to him July-1943




Ribbentrop promises the Mufti and Arab Palestine full support (1942)

Himmler to the Mufti: strong support for "Arabs – and particularly in Palestine" (1943)



Mufti (with Nazi officials and Rachid al Gaylani and others) at concentration camp


Mufti (right hand side) and the Nazi Arab Legion

Mufti and his Muslim SS units

Murderous Arabs riots in which Jews lost their lives and property, during which Jews were injured and women raped, took place, initiated by Muslim and Christian Arab communal and religious leaders in 1920, 1921, 1929 and for almost three full years during 1936-1939. After 1933, that violence was increasingly funded by both Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. It was purposefully in support of a racial anti-Jewish ideology adopted by local Arab leaders.
And it was successful, politically, in that it convinced the British Mandatory to severely restrict Jewish immigration into the country thus causing Jews to be stranded in Europe, prey to Hitler's genocidal program.
Arabs were actively involved in the Holocaust. The mufti planned crematoria in Dothan Valley.
Jews had been purchasing back their country from a people who had conquered it and disenfranchised the Jews from it for centuries. Arabs only benefited from the Jewish return to the land of Israel. If there had been a sense of willingness to compromise, the Arabs would still be where they were in 1947.

The Arabs in Mandatory Palestine went together like peanut butter and jelly for Nazis.

Morris, Benny. ”1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War.” United States, Yale University Press, p. 21.

🚨 The Palestinians, Khalil al-Sakakini, a .. Jerusalem educator, jotted down in his diary, ”rejoiced [as did ‘the whole Arab world’] when the British bastion at Tobruk fell .. to the Germans.”

🚨 One of the first public opinion polls in Palestine, conducted by al-Sakakini’s son, Sari Sakakini, on behalf of the American consulate in Ierusalem, in February 1941 found that 88 percent of the Palestinian Arabs favored Germany and only 9 percent Britain.

Cohen, Hillel. ”Army of Shadows: Palestinian Collaboration with Zionism, 1917–1948.” United States, University of California Press, 2008, p. 175.
In February 1941, 88 percent of those polled expressed support for Germany, while only 9 percent supported England.

Anti-Semitism and Ignorance.
F. Meiton: The Arabs and the Holocaust.Fredrik Meiton, November 29, 2010.

…the poll carried out by Sari al-Sakakini, which, in February 1941, put the figure at 88 percent.


🚨In general: the major Arab newspapers (Falastin فلسطين, Ad-Difa ’الدفاع, Carmel [Karmel, Karmil], etc.) praised Hitler in the 1930s. [Ehrlich, 2002:81 (Heb.)] Some noticeable: 'Karmel May 14, 1933 : "Will an Arab Hitler appear among us to awaken, unite and lead us to lead us to fight and defend our rights?" And the Falastin called Hitler "noble" [Palestine Post, 22-May-1933].
The editor of 'Al-Jami'a al-Islamiyya' [الجماعة الإسلامية] wrote on May 22, 1933: "When Hitlerism appeared, the Arabs cheered and rejoiced, saying: A blow from heaven in the hands of others..." At Ad-Difa, portions of Mein Kampf were published, its editor Ibrahim al-Shanti, called on Arab youth (in an article from June 1, 1934) to "learn from Hitler's actions and imitate them in order to achieve similar national achievements."
(During the war years, Arab press was under the control of the Brits).

🚨In 1936, T. Wurst, the German consul in Jaffa: “The Muslim Palestinians .. deeply impressed by fascist teachings and views, especially from the National Socialists.” [Mallman, Cüppers, 2010: 38].

🚨The cry of ‘Heil Hitler’ became a key word that rang brazenly throughout Palestine.” [Ziff, 1938:430].

🚨In 1934, an Arab Nazi party was established [ibid]. In 1935 there are groups: Arab-Nazi [JTA, June-25-1935]. Also in Haifa, a Nazi-Arab club ‘The Red Moon’ was established [JTA July-1-1935]. In 1936, the Husseinis' ‘futuwwa’ – modeled on the ‘Hitler youth’. [Rosen, 2005:109].

🚨 New York Times, May 23, 1937, ‘All’ the Arabs of Palestine, [even non-Muslim Arabs] celebrated Muhammad’s birthday with a flying Nazi swastika and pictures of Hitler. [New York Times, May 23, 1937].

🚨Hilda Wilson, a teacher in Beer-Zeit throughout the rebellion of 1936-9, noted that most of her students were pro-Nazis and approved of Hitler. [Segev, 1999:343].

🚨In March 1935, the Templar newspaper wrote: Many Arabs saw Hitler as the most important man of the 20th century and almost every Arab knew his name. Fascism and National Socialism with their anti-Jewish attitude were welcomed by many Arabs. [Canaan, 1968: 53 (Heb.)].

🚨In 1937, Walter Dohle, the German consul in Jerusalem wrote: “Palestinian Arabs in all social strata have great sympathy for the new Germany and its Fuehrer…” [YNet, 7.5.2006]

🚨 Awni Abd al-Hadi (of the Istiqlal institutions and the Supreme Arab Committee) in January 1937 told the Nazi magazine that Arabs like Nazis. [Sentinel, Feb. 25, 1937].

🚨 In 1938, Arabs respond to Hitler’s words with cheers from the newspapers [for example, in the Petersburg Times – Sep 16, 1938].

🚨1938, about a hundred Arabs, including from Palestine, are represented in Nuremberg a.j.n. September 23, 1938 when Fauzi Kaukeji [al-Qawuqji] welcomes them. [Davar, Jan. 5, 1947].

🚨Journalist John Gunther in 1939: “The greatest contemporary Arab hero is – Adolf Hitler.” [Gunther, 1939:528].

🚨Ahmad Shukeyri [Shukeiri, Shukairy], testifies in his book (in 1969, pp. 196, 201; Encounter, vol. 39, p.76. S. Spencer, Irving Kristol, 1972) that they sympathized with the Nazis and “prayed” for their victory, referring to the years 1940-1.
(The same Ahmad Shukeiri helped with propaganda for Hitler [Congressional Record.. Vol. 107, Pt 24, 1961, p.5735 (p.35); Detroit Jewish News, 3-Feb-1967,9], with Jamal Husseini – both justified the holocaust in 1946 [B’nai B’rith, 12-Jul-1946], promoted neo-Nazis in 1962 [JTA, Dec.3.1962; JTA, De.4.1962; Congressional Record : Proceedings and…’ US Congress, 1965, PA15915-6], was associated with Issa Nakhle [Herut, Nov-29-1953 (Heb.)] – who glorified Nazi Germany [DAIA, Apr. 1958], denied the holocaust [Nov.13.1972 at UN; 1978 in his memorandum to Carter, Sadaat ahead of Camp David; etc.] and worked with neo-Nazis for most of his career. [1963 corresponding with A. Arcand; Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, 1969:.425; Anti Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, 1983:49; The American Spectator, 1986:20]).

🚨 August 1942: a German liaison officer based in Syria reported that:
'The friendly mood to the Germans among the Muslim Arabs continues unabated. In general, they express the wish that the Germans might soon arrive and liberate the country from the occupying forces and from its misery. To speak about Hitler publicly, the Arabs use a number of pseudonyms. The newest code name for Hitler is 'Hajj Numur,' the tiger. Wishes for Hitler's victory often serve as a form of greeting.' [Bericht V-Mann "Antonius" v. 13.8.1942, BA-MA, RH 2/1790].

🚨 On 21 Dec, 1942, letter, representatives of the Reich and the NSDAP in Palestine described the Arabs' hope for a great Arab state: "Arabs in Palestine were waiting for Hitler to come to Palestine and expel all the Jews..." [Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD (CdS) VI C 13 an AA v. 21.12.1942, BAB, NS 19/186].

🚨Jaffa Arab activist, Muhammad Abu Sarrari: “Most Arabs in Israel were in favor of Nazi Germany.” [Arbel, 2000:19 (Heb.)].

🚨 Dr. Zaid Hamzeh (who was 9 years old in 1941): “We Arabs supported Hitler during World War II because he hated the Jews.” [Memri, according to an interview with him on 9-Oct-2019].

🚨 "Palestinian" Arab leader, in Jerusalem (then under Jordanian rule), spring, 1967: "We Arabs supported Hitler to get the British out of Palestine and to keep the Jews from taking it over - and that was our big mistake..." [Saturday Review. (1970). vol. 53. United States: Saturday Review Associates, p. 4].

🚨 Arab "Palestinian" leader Farouq Qaddoumi (b. 1931): We supported the Nazis in WWII. [Memri, December 18, 2013].

🚨 Author: "My father ... knew that most of the Palestine Arab leaders supported the Nazis." [Segev, Jerusalem Corner Berlin: Memories, 2022, ("Stay decent"), (in Ger.)].

🚨In 1941, Aref Abd-Razak meets Himmler, meets Goebbels – who, according to his words, made a “great impression on him”, and who suggested that he recruit Arabs for the SS. [Yom Yom, 21-June-1949 (Heb.)].

🚨 1941-1945: infamous Arab Palestine Islamic leader Haj Amin al Husseini, the Mufti: no. 1 Hitller's active Arab helper, very close Himmler. Preached --on Nazi radio-- for genocide and Jihad to the Arab world; oversaw schools for combining radical Islam and Hitlerism; mobilized SS Muslim units; plotted crematorium in Dothan Valey for M.E. and N. African Jews; toured concentration camps with Nazi officials; bragged in his memories about July-1943 Himmler confiding in him telling him they already exterminated more than 3 Million Jews; intervened against rescue of thousands of Jewish children who were to escape the Holocaust to come to Mandatory Palestine. He had a large Arab entourage with him.

🚨Stated in Jan 6, 1942: 'Up until a month or two ago, you would have heard from Englishmen from various circles the "ruled law," that the majority of Arabs are Nazis. One would say 70%, one would say 90% - that was the dispute.' [Political Struggle: A file of speeches and documents. Vol. 1, Iss. 1, ch. 3. Moshe Sharett, Shifra Kolat, 2009, p. 56].

🚨In July 1942 when the rumors came about the fate of the Jews, there was public jubilation among most Arabs. [Cohen, 2014, ch. 17, according to journalist’s testimony].

🚨 August 1942: The CIA reports on the anti-Jewish sentiments of the ‘majority’ of Palestinian Arabs, influenced by propaganda. Expect Rommel… [Herf, 2009:139].

🚨In 1944, ‘in secret ways, Nazi propaganda material, authored by Hajj Amin, was also stolen into Palestine.
Throughout the country his supporters drank in his words with thirst, and the phenomenon of the years of the rebellion returned: in the Arab circles they were already debating the distribution of Jewish property after the victory; And in Jerusalem and Jaffa, in Tiberias and Safed, the fate of the young Jewish women has already been determined: for each one, her future Arab rapist has been determined. [Lebl, 1996:98 (Heb.)].

🚨 Before the 1941 Farhud (in which they threw babies into the water in front of their parents, raped women before killing them), the Palestinian teachers in Iraq incited with the mufti. [Julius, Huffington Post May 25, 2015]. And the Jenin born poet Bohan al-Din al-Abushi called for genocide [Shasha, 2008:6]. He also wrote pro-Hitler poems in 1942-1940. [Hazkani, 2021].

🚨 Ahead of the Nuremberg Trials, the Falastin defended Nazism, saying that "Nazism which is -- as much a way of life as democracy and -- socialism" in a leading article. [The Palestine Post, 31 October 1945].

🚨 The Islamic Ad-Difaa (Al Difa) الدفاع, in honor of the Christian holiday has put at the top of the issue a picture of the "Fuhrer," published the "will" of Hitler with great prominence. [Ad Difaa, Jan 1, 1946; denounced in ha-Tsofeh, Jan 2, 1946].

🚨 An Arab newspaper elaborates about "Hitler the Great (sic) Leader". "Adolf Hitler, the lost European man" - an article of this name with a picture on "the greatest [sic] leader who rose in Germany" was published in the latest issue of "alwahda" (الوحدة) the Arab weekly in Jerusalem. [HaMashkif, June 4, 1946].

🚨According to Edward Said, the pro-Nazi mufti represented the consensus of the Arabs of Palestine. In his book (1983:7): "The Arab Higher Committee; It operated… especially since 1946… This committee, headed by the national leader of Palestine, Haj Amin al-Husseini, represented the Palestinian Arab national consensus, backed by the parties The Palestinian political parties that operated in Palestine, and were recognized in some way by Arab governments as the voice of the Palestinian people, until the PLO…"


Murderous Arabs riots in which Jews lost their lives and property, during which Jews were injured and women raped, took place, initiated by Muslim and Christian Arab communal and religious leaders in 1920, 1921, 1929 and for almost three full years during 1936-1939. After 1933, that violence was increasingly funded by both Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. It was purposefully in support of a racial anti-Jewish ideology adopted by local Arab leaders.
And it was successful, politically, in that it convinced the British Mandatory to severely restrict Jewish immigration into the country thus causing Jews to be stranded in Europe, prey to Hitler's genocidal program.
Arabs were actively involved in the Holocaust. The mufti planned crematoria in Dothan Valley.
Jews had been purchasing back their country from a people who had conquered it and disenfranchised the Jews from it for centuries. Arabs only benefited from the Jewish return to the land of Israel. If there had been a sense of willingness to compromise, the Arabs would still be where they were in 1947.


Ahmad Shukeiri and his group helped Hitler

Ahmad Shukeiri testimony in his 1969 book on Arab palestine for Hitler:


Ahmad Shukeiri and Jamal Hussenii, in 1946, both justify the Holocaust on 6 million Jews



















September 1938

Arabs Hail Hitler

as Liberator



1939, Arab press on Hitler





In his books - "Closed Case" and "The Hidden Side of Nazism and the Holocaust" - he claims that about 9,000 Palestinian and Jordanian Arabs did enlist to the British Army during the war (in comparison with about 27,000 Jews). But, from the moment it became evident the Germans may pass through Egypt and reach Palestine in spring 1942, Palestinian Arabs switched sides.
About 78% of the Arab volunteers deserted the British army, often times stealing weapons for the purpose of helping the Germans fight the Jews when the time came. Additionally, a survey conducted in 1941 shows that 88% of Palestinian Arabs supported Nazi Germany, while only 9% backed the British mandate.

And many of those 9,000 were actually from outside Mandatory Palestine, such as Transjordan and Syria. Link.

Major Lyall Wilkes of the House of Commons quoted the British officer who led the Arab Legion of Transjordan, General Glubb Pasha, as writing in 1944 that all the Arabs trained by the British deserted during World War II. Wilkes stated, the British recognized during the war that the Haganah was the only force the allies could rely on. Link.


Zionists line up fighting Nazis:


Jews fighting the Nazis


God bless you.
Apparently, when "Free Palestine" doesn't see anything extreme
in a call to exterminate all Jews, it has nothing to do with
refugees from Europe or elsewhere.

Arab pogroms initiated Zionism,
not the other way. And now
"Free Palestine" reminds
the world exactly that.

Lolo 🤣 you mean Theodore Herzl?
The Amy Winehouse statue has stood undisturbed and respected for years. It has her Star of David necklace out and proud. Until today when a pro-Palestinian defaced her Jewishness with a sticker. This is GROSS antisemitism.

When Islamists utter the nazi comparisons, it is just a trick, but not an anti-nazi statement at all. On the contrary.

Michael, George. The enemy of my enemy : the alarming convergence of militant Islam and the extreme right. United States: University Press of Kansas, 2006,

We Muslims were fascinated by the Third Reich in the 1930s because Hitler had some ideas at the political level and the economic level , and the cultural field , which were very close to the political, economic, and cultural.

So this man and his movement were fascinating to many Muslim intellectuals all during the 1930s. And since 1945, Muslims have been studying all of these things . And we judge him in a different way. Even if now, of course, when the Muslims protest against America, they say Bush equals Hitler, or Sharon equals Hitler, they say that not for themselves, but [because] they know that it has an impact on Western public opinion. You see Hitler himself had a quite positive attitude towards Islam... He said several times in his table talks that" After the final war the swastika will rule over Europe and will represent a new Europe.

We will help the Muslims in North Africa and the Middle East to reestablish the Caliphate." That means there would be an Islamic civilization. [And Hitler said] "In the Far East , there will be the rising sun " -Japan of course.

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Edgar Ansel Mowrer, December 5, 1966:

Israel was started by the Balfour Declaration of a "Jewish Homeland in Palestine" of 1917 — which Pres. Wilson wholeheartedly supported. As a result more and more Jews flocked to that country, which the victors of WW I took from Turkey and made a British mandate During WW II, the pro-Nazi attitude of nearly all Arabs, and particularly of the Mufti of Jerusalem.. strengthened the world's sympathy with the idea of a Jewish state in the country that had been Jewish long before anyone heard of Arabs.

5 days after 'Oct 7 atrocities', whereby some 3,000 Islamofascist racist-Arab "paLeStInIaN" under Allah Akbar carried out:
  • massacres,
  • rape jihad before and after murdering,
  • obsessive genital mutilation,
  • burning families alive,
  • decapitation..

All while laughing.

Palestinian Businessman And Politician Talal Abu Ghazaleh.
Typical Hitler loving.. and praising their death cult.

Oct 13, 2023


The Mufti wasn't an extremist. Demonizing the Arabs is a tired old tactic.
Nooo. He was declared a Nazi by the U.S. Dept of State and on Hitler’s payroll. He also created a Muslim Nazi army responsible for killing tens of thousands of Jews and Christians across Eastern Europe as well as incited Muslims to commit a second holocaust on Jews in their own holy land. The list goes on with this vermin but other than that he was a nice guy. :cuckoo:

Nazis Agreement With Palestine Arabs. -

The Glasgow Herald · ‎ Jun 28, 1961, p. 7

Adolf Eichmann said in court to-day that an agreement with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem "had influenced the Nazi rulers to ban emigration of European Jews to Palestine...

Daytona Beach Morning Journal, May 19, 1947, p. 2

Meet The Arabianazis

By Walter Winchell.

For many months now the front pages of the world have- been crowded with the blow by blow description of a struggle which has finally reached the United Nations . . .
The problem has been how to find a place under the warm Palestinian sun for the living skeletons who, from 1933, suffered the foul tortures of Hitler's fevered brain.

Arrayed against this pitiful group of human beings is a wicked clique of men who, despite their hostility to the Allies, have been granted powerful voices within the United Nations. Sitting on the sidelines — and whipsawed by the Arabs into hatred for one another— are the United States and Great Britain. . .

This week, a United Nations Committee decided to hear all the facts. The Arabs answered with threats of war. War is a horrible crime ...

Now. then, is the time to point an accusing finger at the real criminals — and to document the charge with incontrovertible evidence.

The whole Arab world is led by a Hitler stooge, a dictator in his own right. His name: Haj Amin El Husseini— otherwise known as the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.

Those who speak for the Arab cause (at the UN) do so under his direct supervision and control. Here, in a capsule, is the political career of this Arabian Fuehrer. In Iraq, Italy and Germany, the Grand Mufti organized Arab legions to foul up the Allies in 'Europe and Africa. He stimulated the Baghdad pogrom (in '4l) resulting in the murder of 400 innocents. He inspired a revolt by the Iraq army against Great Britain in April '41.
When the Iraq revolt flopped he fled to Italy as Mussolini's guest. In December '41 he went to Berlin where Hitler set him up in a special office with branches in Germany and Italy— for propaganda, espionage and sabotage against the Allies.
The Mufti didn't spend his time playing parchesi. 'He had offices in Istanbul and Geneva; in Athens established a sabotage school; in the Hague trained students in wireless transmission, high explosives and demolitions; parachuted agents into Turkey, Syria and Iraq to cut telephone wires, oil pipe lines, and to sabotage railways and bridges . . .

And who has this great "statesman" chosen as his spokesmen beiore the United Nations Assembly?

Have a few looks:​

Dr. F. Jamali:
Chief spokesman for the Arab League and Foreign Minister of Iraq, a country that fought in World War II as an Axis partner. British intelligence describes this Iraqueteer as the principal agitator for the Nazi movement in Iraq. Jamali calls himself an "educator" — but the British Defense Security Office says:
"In 1937 Dr. Jamali. at that time Director-General of Education, visited Germany where he was accorded an official welcome and was lavishly entertained. On his return Dr. Jamali was prevailed upon by the Germans to send a delegation to the Nuremberg Rally of 1938. A delegation was sent and the Iraq youth movement was reorganized on the lines of the Hitler Jugend.
The Iraq Ministry of Education (headed by Jamali) worked actively on behalf of the Germans against the British and against the interests of their own country."

Farrid Zein ed Din:
Syria's gift to the UN Assembly and one of the Arabs' most important representatives. In 1941 this man was arrested as an Axis agent by the Allies in Syria and thrown into prison for three years. When freed he was immediately welcomed back by his pro-Nazi Iraquislings — to become an important spokesman at the U.N. in the U. S.

Emil Ghouri:
He pronounces his name "GORY" (how accurate!) ... This Arabilbo is the chief of the York. three-man delegation sent by the Arab Higher Committee to the UN. . . British Intelligence brands Ghouri as a Chief Advisor to the Grand Mufti—when the master .war criminal was organizing the Iraq Rebellion against the British. B. I nails this Arabum as "responsible for propaganda, intrigue 'and subversive activities inside and outside of Iraq" during the dark -days when the English were being crushed from the East and West by the Nazi blitzkrieg.

Wasef Kamal:
A delegate of the Arab Higher Committee to the UN — and a close pal of the Grand Nazi... This Arabigot was Hitler's honored guest in Berlin.
He was so bad that the British excluded him from the amnesty they granted to other Arab leaders. Which apparently qualified him as an Arabian spokesman. Before the Arab League sent its flunkies to the UN the groundwork for its position was set in the U.S by imported svmpathizers.

Ahmed Hussein:
Arrived in the U S. a few months ago as a "correspondent" for Cairo newspapers, By his own admission he-is a high- pressure Arab press agent. Hussein is the head of the Fascist "Young Egypt" Party and and a pal of the Grand [Mufti]. Was the chief speaker at a recent New York meeting of the German -American Republican League — organized by two convicted hate-peddlers named Kurt Mertig and Ernest Elmhurst.

H. L. Katibah:
Old-time professional Arab propagandist and editor-in-chief for the Institute of Arab-American Affairs. This outfit is the successor to the Arab National League which (prior to Pearl Harbor) cooperated closely with the Nazi German-American Bund. The late president of the Arab National League, Dr. Shatara scurried around, speaking before pro-Nazi organizations in the U. S. Katibah and his Institute of Arab-American Affairs continue feeding the American public the "truth about Palestine."

These are the men who now tell the people of the world (gathered at the United Nations) how to establish "justice for all" in the Holy Land. Since 1935 these Arabandists have been part and parcel of the Nazi propaganda and military machines.

Now, May, 1947, Hitler's,.Fifth Column has emerged from its burrow in Asia to raise its voice in the Boro of Queens. This Arabnoxious clique makes Britain look like a monster, the U. S. a puppet, and the Jewish people (millions of whom died fighting the Axis) carpet-baggers.
Give these Arabs hoods to match their sheets and you've got — that's right!— an Asiatic Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Or in lusty lingo — phony Arabian Knights.

Well, the middle East undercover men are now out in the open. The only thing missing is the goose step, but an Arab's sandal on the neck of freedom feels the same to the people whose face is being pushed into the dirt.
The Arabs, by their own admission, describe the economy of their country as depending upon the unpaid servant class.
In plain English, this means slavery.

Hitler Has New Readers. -
Ocala Star-Banner, Jul 23, 2002, Page 5B

Hitler has new readers.

Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" is as vile as any book ever published.

Written in 1923 while he was in prison, it is the work of a failure, what is more, of a man who knows himself to be a failure. In the book he invents a "racial ladder" with Germans naturally at the top of it and Jews down at the bottom. If only they had been properly German, all those other people would have recognized his greatness. But by definition they couldn't be German, and they stood in his way, and so he had to kill them, stamp them out.

Almost 80 years after its first appearance, "Mein Kampf" remains an international hit. A slew of racists, radicals and Islamists share a frame of mind that the West is selfishly conspiring against them, with the Jews once again secretly .in charge. Catering to such people since the early '60s, editions of "Mein Kampf" have been put out in Lebanon and Saudi Arabia, and it is reported to be a best-seller in tge Palestinian Authority area.

As its Arabic translator Luis al-Haj expresses it, "National Socialism aid not die with the death of its herald. Rather, its seeds multiplied under each star."

Traditionally, Arabs were the masters and Jews were second-class subjects.

European-style anti-Semitism came in during the 19th century. Zionism, another import from Europe, redefined Jews according to nationality rather than religion, and the accompanying improvement in their lowly status abruptly challenged Arab assumptions of superiority. These second-class people could surely never have done it on their own; they could only be obtaining their new power from outside — it had to be a plot. Hitler says so too: They have no thought of building up a Jewish state in Palestine, so that they might inhabit it, but they only want a central organization of their international world cheating, endowed with prerogatives withdrawn from the seizure of others: a refuge for convicted rascals and a high school for future rogues.

Of all the Arabs convinced of Hitler's coming triumph, none was so eager as Haj Amin al- Husseini, the grana mufti of Jerusalem and then-leader of the Palestinian Arabs. Haj Amin converted the Palestinian cause into a local branch of Hitler's worldwide anti-Jewish persecution.
friend and admirer of Himmler's, he raised a division of Bosnian Muslims for the SS. Hitler made grandiose promises to him, but was cautious enough to add that they could be met only after victory.

Fanaticism had led Haj Amin into utter delusion. Hitler, the expected savior, had in reality the settled conviction that Arabs were "Untermenschen" and he had no intention of doing them any favors. On his racial ladder, Arabs occupied a servile place, held in much the same contempt as the Jews.

All sorts of Arab leaders were to follow Haj Amin's example and fall into the racist trap Hitler set for them.

It cannot be proved, but I suspect that many Arabs accept Israel as a fact of life. But the leadership, the intellectuals, particularly, have internalized and perpetuated Hitler's fantasies about Jews and a Jewish state.

In one Muslim country after another, leaders who may describe themselves either as Islamist or secular call for the State of Israel to disappear from the map, and its people to be annihilated. It does not seem in the least shocking to them to be proposing mass-murder.

Ahmad Ragab, a columnist for the Egyptian government paper "Al-Akhbar," is only one among many opinion-makers to "give thanks to Hitler, of blessed memory." The present mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Iknma Sabri, said quite typically before his recent meeting with Pope John Paul II that the numbers of Holocaust victims had been exaggerated.

But if really Hitler and his henchmen are role models, then it is confused and confusing that Arab media regularly publish articles and cartoons caricaturing Israelis as Nazis, twisting the Star of David into a swastika, and so on. In today's Arab world, Hitler and the Holocaust are labels bandied about without regard to historical truth, in order to promote hatred on the one hand, and self-pity on the other — twin signals of intellectual and moral failure.
From JR blog:

Oct 7 atrocities? A continuation of over 100 years of genocidal Arab campaign

On CNN, Apr 11, 2024. 10:42pm with Abby Phillip, Pro Nation of Islam Hitler-fan Farrakhan - Melina Abdullah, Islamist bigot, 'naturally,' refused to denounce Oct 7.

She went on about "75 years ago" and even stated "a state that was founded on G". Nevermind that the --Arab on Jews-- massacres and the genocidal calls of Itbakh [Adbakh] al Yahud began over 100 years ago: in 1920 [Another Tack: A-Dawla ma’ana], 1921, 1929 [October 7 Happened Before, in Hebron], then some 3 years after Arab-Palestine's leader, al-Husseini the Mufti rushed to offer help for the Nazi regime barely 2 months with Hitler ascend to power, that 1936-9 terror with the help of Nazi Germany's weapons, and of course we all know his crimes during WW2 and the consensus among Arab-Palestinians right after that, cheerfully backing his leadership.

As a journalist put it: 'The language of Hamas’ leaders echoes the language of Al-Husseini, who invoked listeners on Radio Berlin in 1944 to "Kill the Jews wherever you find them."'

As to mass-rape, that was already back then in 1929 Hebron massacre: "He learned that they had been living in Hebron for generations, that they knew their Arab neighbors well and regarded many of them as friends. In fact, the Sephardic community had been living in Hebron for eight hundred years, the Ashkenazim for perhaps one hundred. ... Sixty-seven Jews had been killed. Most were Ashkenazic men, but there were also a dozen women and three children under the age of five among the dead." [Year Zero of the Arab-Israeli Conflict 1929] [] on non-Zionist pious Jews, as well as in the other massacre which the aforementioned al-Husseini and Arab-Palestinian teachers instigated ahead of the Al-Muthanna / Futuwwa led Arab-Nazi pogrom in Iraq June-1941, the Farhoud. Author: 'Toddlers and babies were murdered in the arms of their parents. They also attacked girls and women and raped them in front of the men and then abused them, cut them to pieces and spread their organs all over.' [Yehude Bavel].

And what about "75" years ago? Truth must be told about the genocidal calls by Arab leaders, from the Muslim Brothethood (Hassan Al Bana on Aug 1, 1948: "If the Jewish state becomes a fact, and this is realized by the Arab peoples, they will drive the Jews who live in their midst into the sea" [AIM TO OUST JEWS PLEDGED BY SHEIKH; Head of Moslem Brotherhood Says U.S., British 'Politics' Has Hurt Palestine Solution (Published 1948)]) to Arab League (Azzam Pasha on Oct 11, 1947: "a war of extermination and momentous massacrewhich will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacre and the Crusades" [Azzam's Genocidal Threat]), and others. As well as the massive German Nazis, ex SS, training and aiding Arab soldiers to fight in 1947/8.

The first "liberation" guy [PLO], Ahmad Shukeiri [Shukairy] who advocated for Hitler during WW2 [Congressional Record] [Congressional Record] [February 03, 1967 - Image 9] and, with Jamal Husseini, had justified the Holocaust [‎⁨Behind the British Conspiracy ⁩ | ⁨B'nai B'rith Messenger⁩ | 12 July 1946 | Newspapers | The National Library of Israel] less than a year after, declared days ahead of the Six-Day war that "none of them will survive." [‎⁨emtorial ⁩ | ⁨B'nai B'rith Messenger⁩ | 11 August 1967 | Newspapers | The National Library of Israel].

Worth mentioning, that Oct 7 Arab Palestinian sick attackers were laughing [] as they raped and shot people in cold blood, or the large group surrounding hostage girl jeering as she wails [Terrifying new footage shows Noa Argamani being seized by Hamas], or the racist Arab nasses in Gaza rejoicing with jubilation upon receiving the injured hostages and some beating a boy too. I.E. it is the frightening revelation what happnes when just given the opportunity, the twisted groomed masses, to dehumanize Jews, by radical Imams' sermons and official media - burst out in the open.

First Abdullah tried to cop out by saying she is not a member of Hamas, but the anchor replied "I'm also not a member of Hamas and I have no problem to condemn the Oct 7 attacks." Then she began that ranting: "I find it..."

She appeared with Israelophobe Cornell West and reaffirmed proudly BLM's pro-Palestinian statement right on Oct 9.

The issue of Hamas' vision of an only Islamic state was not mentioned.

West (who also repeated that "75" song) seems more misguided seen it in his black liberation lense, than cynical malicious-Melina.

One can fairly assume, these two "activists" would not want to know that the essence of Arab rejection in 1947/8 was explicitly Arab racism. In the words of aforementioned Jamal Husseini representative of the Arab Higher Committee (AHC) at the time, that it would be against "Arab homogeneity." [Israel's Moment]. This same Jamal, on Sep 29 1947 served notice that they would drench the soil of the Holy Land "with the last drop of our blood in the lawful defense of all and every inch of it." [PALESTINIAN ARABS REJECT U.N. PLANS; WARN OF A BATTLE; Jamal el-Husseini Threatens to Drench Holy Land With Blood 'in Lawful Defense' (Published 1947)].
If one seeks the 'perfect' combination of racism and genocide, that is.
No weapons formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgement You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their righteousness is from Me says the Lord (Isaiah 54;17) joining yous in prayers always
'A horror story that you see live': Hamas raped women on October 7 and forced their families to watch.
After near silence from feminist bodies, Israel’s Association of Rape Crisis Groups is urging the world not to look the other way.
By Imogen Garfinkel.
April 19, 2024 12:16

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