Origin of articles in Western European languages

It's better to use the old expression "Indo-Germanic" instead of the modern expression Indo-European, because not all Europeans are speaking an Indo-Germanic language.
Including the Germans do not speak the Indo-European language. Firstly, noone did define what the Indo-European language is, and it does not exist, and secondly, Western languages do not come from Latin. In Germanic, only the atavisms of the Austro-Hungarian Celtic languages, which were Aryan, remained. The grammatical structure and phonetics there are not Aryan.
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If Arans has not been only an idea then they had been ancestors of the Persians (Iranians). Don't trybot tell me now the absurde idiot Hitler had been a Persian.
It has already been said above, idiot, that the Persians are Parsis, they are not Aryans and they are not Iranians. According to the Bible, this is a Semitic tribe. Mediah and Mittani were Aryan countries, their languages and cultures were Aryan. The Persians were not Aryans. Is This clear?
zaangalewa Nowhere in serious sources does it say that the Parsis are an Aryan tribe. They were close to the Elamites both in language and culture, their language was similar to Dravidian and Afrasian. The Achaemenid Empire was formed as a result of the seizure of power by the Parsis of the Medes Empire. It included the areas of Media Ariana and Mittani. But this does not mean that the Parsis were Aryans. This whole circus repeats just the story of Gobineau with his "Germanic aryans". Just appropriation of someone else's history, cheap PR.
Cyrus "the great" was not a Persian either. He was from Media, was the grandson of the Medes king, possibly a bastard. He fell under the influence of the Persian eunuch and organized a coup, which led to the fall of the Median state and the transfer of power to the Parsis.
The Bolsheviks tried to destroy the place where the Aryan culture appeared: the Andronovo region, near Chelyabinsk. They tried to flood these monuments.

And the Bolsheviks are almost the same people who created Germany, the "true Aryans" of the Bismarck empire.
Absurde nonsense.
The Germans are trying to appropriate the history of the Sarmatians

Of who?

, and they tell tales about how they fought with Rome.

"To tell tales" is the same as "to view a look".

In fact, the Rhine Germans were part of Rome,

The Danubian Germans too. Or better to say in both cases: The Germanics of this time had been wanderers between the worlds - and one of the most important ancestors of the Germans today are also the Romans.

and the eastern ones lived in the forests of historical Prussia,

The Prussians are for all other Germans nearly unimportant. Without to use the word "Prussians" you are able to speak about a growing militarism - specially in Prussia and under the Prussians - as a result of the politics of Napoleon Bonaparte.

obeyed their women,

Who obeyed? German women? To the idiots who are called men? ...

wore bast shoes

Bast shoes? ... I heard from. Some Scandinavians used it. They measured distances in "mountains". For every "mountain" someone needed new shoes.

and their nobility was engaged in trade.

Always everyone was doing trades in the last few decades of thousands of years.

The heroic sagas were written by the Old Norse peoples, in the Old Norse language, close to the Celtic ones, and the Germans have nothing to do with them.

The "Saga" (German "sagen"="to say") of this people are nearly the same all over the Germanic tribes from North-East to South-West. Odin (Wotan) drank with her together wine from the golden bowles of old wisdom.
Absurde nonsense
Everything converges in all respects. Muscovy is a fork of the Prussian Mozovia. The Bismarck regime differed little from that of the Bolsheviks. Everywhere there is one and the same idea of a barracks society, which comes from Neolithic Europe with its long houses.
one of the most important ancestors of the Germans

We are talking about historical Germans. What the fuck are you playing with words? Are the Uyghurs Chinese Han? Are the Irish Angles or Saxons or Britons?
The Prussians are for all other Germans nearly unimportant. Without to use the word "Prussians" you are able to speak about a growing militarism - specially in Prussia and under the Prussians - as a result of the politics of Napoleon Bonaparte.
The Prussians created modern Germany.
Bast shoes? ... I heard from. Some Scandinavians used it. They measured distances in "mountains". For every "mountain" someone needed new shoes.

These are the shoes of the woods. It is made from the bark of trees. Now it is considered an element of Russian culture, but in fact, the Horde part of Russia never wore it, this is just Balto-German footwear.
The French partitive articles are confusing. They kind of mean “some”, but not really. Completely unnecessary most of the time. But they’re mandatory in French.

I think unnecessary and superfluous articles are the reason French and Spanish translations on product labels in those languages are always way longer than the original English. English is a much more compact and efficient language. We can pack more meaning into fewer words.
Always everyone was doing trades in the last few decades of thousands of years.
The knights despised the merchants.
It is known, in particular, that the Germans drowned the knights in the swamps. This is probably the very reason why it find out quite complex weapons and armor in their Neolithic culture: these are the weapons of the knights
The French partitive articles are confusing. They kind of mean “some”, but not really. Completely unnecessary most of the time. But they’re mandatory in French.

I think unnecessary and superfluous articles are the reason French and Spanish translations on product labels in those languages are always way longer than the original English.
Articles are not required at all, they don't exist in most Eastern languages.

In general, modern French and English do not differ much in grammar. Including articlites are similar. French un* is english "a"(frome "one"), la it seems "the" and so on.
But in French the articles also has inflexions by the grammatical gender.
English is a much more compact and efficient language. We can pack more meaning into fewer words.
In modern English, articles occupy 8-10% of the text volume
The "Saga" (German "sagen"="to say") of this people are nearly the same all over the Germanic tribes from North-East to South-West. Odin (Wotan) drank with her together wine from the golden bowles of old wisdom.
Some of the Germanic words are borrowings from the Aryan. It doesn't matter. The sagas are not written in Germanic. These are the Old Scandinavian languages of other peoples. If they are considered German, it is only because of politics. Those who wrote the sagas were not Germans.
In any case, this applies to the ancient sagas. Later sagas may have been rewritten by Germanic priests
zaangalewa The language of the Danube region is Proto-Slavic. The closest to it are Polish and Ukrainian. These languages are opposite to Germanic, they are elegant and melodic, have synthetic grammar, Germanic and baltic languages, on the contrary, are rough abrupt and tend to analytical grammar. They are partly mixed. German settlements in the Danube region apparently began to appear only after the plague, it was the colonization policy of the Franks. Even in the 19th century, the Germans did not constitute the majority there
In general, the Germans had even more influence on England and France than on the Danube region. Therefore, there are purely analytical languages, having nothing to do with Slavic. It was in France that Gothic churches and the Gothic style first appeared.
The Danubian Germans too
If you want to call the Danube Celts and Avars "Germans", then how should we call the descendants of the Corded and Linear-Ribbon Pottery culture, the inhabitants of the forested part of Europe?

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