~Opposite Sex Question~

You do bring up an interesting point, in that there is still something of a double standard on that; a guy gets around a lot, that's expected, while if a woman does the same she's a slut. I think that perception is beginning to change, but slowly. Partly because of that double standard, women who have a lot of relationships tend to be far more discrete about it, so when one isn't, that stands out even more.

On the second part, one failed marriage or relationship is one thing; a continuing string of them quite another. A lot of women apparently still feel considerable social pressure to be married, or at least in a relationship with a man, and will tolerate a less than satisfactory relationship far longer than most of us guys would. Couple that with the fact that women's sexuality is just plain more complicated than ours, and more than a few perfectly normal women think they are sexually dysfunctional. Most of the time just a little more attention to their needs (especially on the emotional side) is all that's needed; but if I'm to believe the stories I've heard from women (and I have no reason to doubt them), there are quite a few guys who will not even try to do that much. I suppose I should be grateful, as I have found more than one jewel among the supposedly "frigid bitches" they eventually tired of, or ran off.
Speaking of penis size, I talked to a girl that was on the game, and she said she hates really large penises. 10 inches or more. She said she ended up in the hospital for a week after trying to take on some guy with a massive penis.

I've heard girls talking about some guy with a penis the width of a coke can. They have this fascination with extremely large penises yet most can't handle one. I even had one tell me that you can fit a bigger one in your ass easier then you could the vag. I admire her for at least trying to make it work. More power to her.

The truth is not every woman can handle even 8 inches much less 10 or 14. Course if you've only got 6 or less you'll find out there's some positions you can't do. A friend of mine said he only had one the size of my thumb. He said his wife likes anal only. Hey, if she's happy with that, cool.
You do bring up an interesting point, in that there is still something of a double standard on that; a guy gets around a lot, that's expected, while if a woman does the same she's a slut. I think that perception is beginning to change, but slowly. Partly because of that double standard, women who have a lot of relationships tend to be far more discrete about it, so when one isn't, that stands out even more.

On the second part, one failed marriage or relationship is one thing; a continuing string of them quite another. A lot of women apparently still feel considerable social pressure to be married, or at least in a relationship with a man, and will tolerate a less than satisfactory relationship far longer than most of us guys would. Couple that with the fact that women's sexuality is just plain more complicated than ours, and more than a few perfectly normal women think they are sexually dysfunctional. Most of the time just a little more attention to their needs (especially on the emotional side) is all that's needed; but if I'm to believe the stories I've heard from women (and I have no reason to doubt them), there are quite a few guys who will not even try to do that much. I suppose I should be grateful, as I have found more than one jewel among the supposedly "frigid bitches" they eventually tired of, or ran off.

Nice post. After 2 failed marriages, I was a celibate person by choice for 3 years. It didn't bother me much, I had other things in life to keep me busy. Still do. I'm not looking for a husband number 3, if it happens, it will- if it doesn't, oh well. I'm independent, come and go as I please, answer to no one and if I meet a nice gent that asks me out, I can say Yes and go, and see what happens from there. What I definitely am not looking for- is a fuck buddy. Hell I can go 9 miles down the highway and get that- but that's not me. If I get involved with sex, I want to also be involved with the one gent, in a relationship. Call me odd, but I kind of like the old fashioned romance thingie, does that make sense??
Speaking of penis size, I talked to a girl that was on the game, and she said she hates really large penises. 10 inches or more. She said she ended up in the hospital for a week after trying to take on some guy with a massive penis.

I've heard girls talking about some guy with a penis the width of a coke can. They have this fascination with extremely large penises yet most can't handle one. I even had one tell me that you can fit a bigger one in your ass easier then you could the vag. I admire her for at least trying to make it work. More power to her.

The truth is not every woman can handle even 8 inches much less 10 or 14. Course if you've only got 6 or less you'll find out there's some positions you can't do. A friend of mine said he only had one the size of my thumb. He said his wife likes anal only. Hey, if she's happy with that, cool.

I joke around a lot about Size Matters, but that's bullshit. It really doesn't. If the guy has the personality and charm and is a super gentleman, his penis size does not matter to me. (He has a tongue too, right??) He could be a 6 incher or an 8 incher. Altho from experience, the larger ones hurt, and I've never had a 10 incher, don't care to. Sounds painful. And while we are talking up the ass- no penis belongs there :lol: That sounds like some pretty shitty sex to me!
LOL... i hate it when men dont get it when you are telling them something in black and white, cold steal no fucking around simple English. No hinting at all.

When the hell did that ever happen? Certainly not in my life time!

Or mine! Ladies for heaven's sake, say what you mean, and mean what you say. Contrary to apparently popular feminine belief, men are NOT mind readers; we will, therefore, take anything you say LITERALLY. Please phrase any questions, comments or requests accordingly.

This brings me to my number one all time pet peeve with regard to women; it's called, "The Question", and it invariably comes up the first time we go to bed with one of you ladies. Why do some of you find it so necessary to ask (usually after removing clothing) "What will you think of me in the morning?" Look, lady, whether we are in my bed, or your bed, we are here for the same thing: to get laid, and have an orgasm (more than one, if you're lucky), and I will do everything I can to facilitate just that. However, I am not here, to validate for a lady beyond the age of consent that it is OK for her to have sex, or to promise that I will not think she is a slut, or whatever the hell else it is you're looking for when you ask "The Question". Several smartass responses have occurred to me, and I have used them on occasion. They are, in no particular order: "Honey, if you have to ask, what are you doing in bed with me?" or "That, my dear, depends on just how good you are tonight", or (if I really am irritated),"Exactly what I think of you now...slut! Now get busy!" If you want some other answer, DO NOT ask "The Question".

How many times have you really been asked this question? I can honestly say that I have never once even thought about that...or cared. :cool:
You do bring up an interesting point, in that there is still something of a double standard on that; a guy gets around a lot, that's expected, while if a woman does the same she's a slut. I think that perception is beginning to change, but slowly. Partly because of that double standard, women who have a lot of relationships tend to be far more discrete about it, so when one isn't, that stands out even more.

On the second part, one failed marriage or relationship is one thing; a continuing string of them quite another. A lot of women apparently still feel considerable social pressure to be married, or at least in a relationship with a man, and will tolerate a less than satisfactory relationship far longer than most of us guys would. Couple that with the fact that women's sexuality is just plain more complicated than ours, and more than a few perfectly normal women think they are sexually dysfunctional. Most of the time just a little more attention to their needs (especially on the emotional side) is all that's needed; but if I'm to believe the stories I've heard from women (and I have no reason to doubt them), there are quite a few guys who will not even try to do that much. I suppose I should be grateful, as I have found more than one jewel among the supposedly "frigid bitches" they eventually tired of, or ran off.

Nice post. After 2 failed marriages, I was a celibate person by choice for 3 years. It didn't bother me much, I had other things in life to keep me busy. Still do. I'm not looking for a husband number 3, if it happens, it will- if it doesn't, oh well. I'm independent, come and go as I please, answer to no one and if I meet a nice gent that asks me out, I can say Yes and go, and see what happens from there. What I definitely am not looking for- is a fuck buddy. Hell I can go 9 miles down the highway and get that- but that's not me. If I get involved with sex, I want to also be involved with the one gent, in a relationship. Call me odd, but I kind of like the old fashioned romance thingie, does that make sense??

Makes sense. Course that kind of attitude won't get you any extra rep from the guys.

(Just kidding)

I think that's what most people want. Sex without a little romance sucks.

I don't want wine and roses all of the time, but I will settle for at least mutual respect any day.......

.......but if her butt looks like Jaylo's all bets are off.
Cougars do that all the time....... If I don't respond to their grabbing I'm a fag.....

I used to play those games but with those cougars but I'm conservative now.

So females can be quite the aggressors.

I'm not gay, nor do I have any interest boning a chick over 50. Nor do I like them feeling me up - I'm flattered but...........

Which is why I hate bars..... Its always slut city. I love pool/billiards and darts tho.

How very silly of you. Women over 50 can be very attractive.... and very sexy.... as can men over 50. The problem is when an fugly dude hits on me and takes offense at getting told a polite but firm 'no'.

I'm not saying they cant be hot over 50, I'm just saying there comes a time when that type of shit gets boring...

What type of shit? :confused:
What pisses me off the most... when a guy asks me out and I say 'no thanks' (politely) and that makes me a lesbian.

Get the fuck over yourselves.

Cougars do that all the time....... If I don't respond to their grabbing I'm a fag.....

I used to play those games but with those cougars but I'm conservative now.

So females can be quite the aggressors.

I'm not gay, nor do I have any interest boning a chick over 50. Nor do I like them feeling me up - I'm flattered but...........

Which is why I hate bars..... Its always slut city. I love pool/billiards and darts tho.

Damn. Where the heck is this place?

I like older women. The difference is you have more to talk about between sessions.

Young girls are great but they always get bored. It's like you're there to entertain them. The only solution is to keep sticking it to them till they get tired of it and go home. It may take a few days but life is short.

Sure it is

A little ultramarine and prussian blue, some alizarin crimson, and a bit of titanium white.

Sounds like good ideas for member I.D.s.

'Hi....I'm Titanium White.' Sounds pretty bad-ass.

Alizarin Crimson.....not so much.

I actually know someone who named her daughter that. She was an artsy fartsy type. :)

Wow!!! For a girl that's a cool name. Better then Dweazle or Moonunit.
What pisses me off the most... when a guy asks me out and I say 'no thanks' (politely) and that makes me a lesbian.

Get the fuck over yourselves.

Cougars do that all the time....... If I don't respond to their grabbing I'm a fag.....

I used to play those games but with those cougars but I'm conservative now.

So females can be quite the aggressors.

I'm not gay, nor do I have any interest boning a chick over 50. Nor do I like them feeling me up - I'm flattered but...........

Which is why I hate bars..... Its always slut city. I love pool/billiards and darts tho.

Damn. Where the heck is this place?

I like older women. The difference is you have more to talk about between sessions.

Young girls are great but they always get bored. It's like you're there to entertain them. The only solution is to keep sticking it to them till they get tired of it and go home. It may take a few days but life is short.

Older women make good lovers :)
And I'm not just saying that because I'm (a-hem) an older woman.Younger girls seems to want the sex , sex, sex, all the time. Maybe most guys like that. But come on gents, there comes a point in your life, when you don't have all that get-up-and-go anymore, you have to slow down.
That's where the romance comes in. Nothing wrong with walking hand in hand at the park. Talking and whispering over a nice dinner. Just lying under the stars at night. Running thru sprinkers. Sitting curled up on the sofa and watching a good flick. Of course, sex is great too. And I will go as far to say, I hate boring sex. The kind where he gets on and then gets his rocks off, then gets off. I like the tenderness, the foreplay (YESSSS), the talks, the touches, the playing with hair. Oh shit- it's too early in the morn for this stuff :lol:
But I have dated gents who have been 10 to 12 years younger than me, thinking they could keep up, they would have stamina. Most of them proved me wrong. I'm better off with a gent my age or older, or someplace pretty close.
On another board I was in a discussion with this college kid telling me about his prowess with women and as an example of how gorgeous he was he posted a pic of himself and some other guy with their shirts off. I didn't go there but I could have.

Instead I pretty much let into him. I said first of all, only an egomaniac sends pics of himself all over the internet without a shirt......and secondly the guy he was posing with seemed to at least hit the weights every once in awhile because he had muscles to show off. I think he put me on ignore because he stopped talking to me. :(

What pisses me off the most... when a guy asks me out and I say 'no thanks' (politely) and that makes me a lesbian.

Get the fuck over yourselves.

Cougars do that all the time....... If I don't respond to their grabbing I'm a fag.....

I used to play those games but with those cougars but I'm conservative now.

So females can be quite the aggressors.

I'm not gay, nor do I have any interest boning a chick over 50. Nor do I like them feeling me up - I'm flattered but...........

Which is why I hate bars..... Its always slut city. I love pool/billiards and darts tho.

Damn. Where the heck is this place?

I like older women. The difference is you have more to talk about between sessions.

Young girls are great but they always get bored. It's like you're there to entertain them. The only solution is to keep sticking it to them till they get tired of it and go home. It may take a few days but life is short.

I don't think that is a quality limited to young girls...as much as the "type" of girl some men seem to gravitate toward. For some reason men like to hook up with the girls who are used to having lots of attention,given "things" and being fawed over (because of their looks). Thrill of the chase maybe?? The hot/sexy/aggressive types could be a fun challenge for awhile...but they are also extremely superficial and demanding. At any rate...when you make superficial choices...you end up with a superficial result.
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Cougars do that all the time....... If I don't respond to their grabbing I'm a fag.....

I used to play those games but with those cougars but I'm conservative now.

So females can be quite the aggressors.

I'm not gay, nor do I have any interest boning a chick over 50. Nor do I like them feeling me up - I'm flattered but...........

Which is why I hate bars..... Its always slut city. I love pool/billiards and darts tho.

Damn. Where the heck is this place?

I like older women. The difference is you have more to talk about between sessions.

Young girls are great but they always get bored. It's like you're there to entertain them. The only solution is to keep sticking it to them till they get tired of it and go home. It may take a few days but life is short.

Older women make good lovers :)
And I'm not just saying that because I'm (a-hem) an older woman.Younger girls seems to want the sex , sex, sex, all the time. Maybe most guys like that. But come on gents, there comes a point in your life, when you don't have all that get-up-and-go anymore, you have to slow down.
That's where the romance comes in. Nothing wrong with walking hand in hand at the park. Talking and whispering over a nice dinner. Just lying under the stars at night. Running thru sprinkers. Sitting curled up on the sofa and watching a good flick. Of course, sex is great too. And I will go as far to say, I hate boring sex. The kind where he gets on and then gets his rocks off, then gets off. I like the tenderness, the foreplay (YESSSS), the talks, the touches, the playing with hair. Oh shit- it's too early in the morn for this stuff :lol:
But I have dated gents who have been 10 to 12 years younger than me, thinking they could keep up, they would have stamina. Most of them proved me wrong. I'm better off with a gent my age or older, or someplace pretty close.

In a nut-shell......

It's the journey, not the conclusion that matters to me.

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