Zone1 Opinion Page


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
May we have a new sub entitled Opinion Page? This is for people to post ideas and their rationale behind them, not cutting and pasting stories to take up bandwidth, this is the opinion of each individual, hopefully backed by supporting data to help buttress the point they are trying to make, no matter how flimsy it might be.

No links! Just opinion. No basement dwelling! Offenders go to the basement. Zone 1.
May we have a new sub entitled Opinion Page? This is for people to post ideas and their rationale behind them, not cutting and pasting stories to take up bandwidth, this is the opinion of each individual, hopefully backed by supporting data to help buttress the point they are trying to make, no matter how flimsy it might be.

No links! Just opinion. No basement dwelling! Offenders go to the basement. Zone 1.
I like your idea, but having to support their opinions is a big ASK for 90% of the membership here. Just think "alternative facts".
So, ok. Trump used to be a democrat and friend of the Clintons, explain that Hugenourmus flip flop on Trump.
Wasting electrons? ...

We can do this ourselves ... without any software fix ... and many here do in fact post their own opinions rather than copy/pasting ... and these folks are kinda sorta obvious, if you're looking for them ... and it helps to be that type of poster (and I could always improve in that regard) ... and the time of day ...

I won't give a fuck about your opinion after I've had to eat my own cooking ... yeech ...

ETA: Sorry about the course language, didn't notice this was Area 1 ...
So, ok. Trump used to be a democrat and friend of the Clintons, explain that Hugenourmus flip flop on Trump.
Trump realized he was not going to win as an Independent so he needed to run as a Republican or a Democrat. Hillary had the Democratic nomination sewed up so Trump decided to hijack the Republican Party. He rode the tired old GOP Elephant to victory over the Democratic donkey.

Clearly, offering informed opinion has never been your strong suit.
Ah, so it's "informed opinion" now. What about your former desire for all these walking, talking fountains of "supporting data"?
Ah, so it's "informed opinion" now. What about your former desire for all these walking, talking fountains of "supporting data"?
Either you can back it up, or you can't. In the old days, that's how it was done. In the public square, before the crowd. They had it right back then.
Running water? Can't we at least have a gas stove in this opinion page? Sorta cold outside here!
May we have a new sub entitled Opinion Page? This is for people to post ideas and their rationale behind them, not cutting and pasting stories to take up bandwidth, this is the opinion of each individual, hopefully backed by supporting data to help buttress the point they are trying to make, no matter how flimsy it might be.

No links! Just opinion. No basement dwelling! Offenders go to the basement. Zone 1.
I believe you are describing the General Discussion forum.
May we have a new sub entitled Opinion Page? This is for people to post ideas and their rationale behind them, not cutting and pasting stories to take up bandwidth, this is the opinion of each individual, hopefully backed by supporting data to help buttress the point they are trying to make, no matter how flimsy it might be.

No links! Just opinion. No basement dwelling! Offenders go to the basement. Zone 1.

I believe you are describing the General Discussion forum.
No. This is not general discussion, general discussion is topical and light, this is idea oriented and offered for general consumption. A place where you express your ideas without the need for "proof" from a source that could possibly be shit in its own right. You are responsible to be credible, or not.
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