Opa-Locka Florida repeals racism


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
The white supremacists of this tremendous Florida city have lifted their ban on the African American tradition of wearing saggy pants.

Now, blacks will be able to dress in their traditional way.

I found out from my black friend, that the reason why blacks and now dumbass whites, wear their pants down so their underwear shows, is their solidarity with the inmates of the criminal justice system. In other words, those inmates are called prison bitches,(their terms not mine). It used to amaze me that people would want to be like ass fucked criminals, but from watching a few of the prog posters here, i see why they do it.

....one time I saw a black with half his ass hanging out--no underwear --in 30 degree weather!!!!!!!!!!!!!! = idiocy --wtf?
..so '''we''' go down the moral and cultural ladder --you can only go down so far before you hit bottom
....it's like getting rid of the statues --next you will be able to have your penis flopping around in public

..in the old days, people dressed nicely--now ''our'' [ their ] culture is just going down the ladder
The white supremacists of this tremendous Florida city have lifted their ban on the African American tradition of wearing saggy pants.

Now, blacks will be able to dress in their traditional way.

I found out from my black friend, that the reason why blacks and now dumbass whites, wear their pants down so their underwear shows, is their solidarity with the inmates of the criminal justice system. In other words, those inmates are called prison bitches,(their terms not mine). It used to amaze me that people would want to be like ass fucked criminals, but from watching a few of the prog posters here, i see why they do it.

....for some reason, they LOVE criminals!!!!!!!!!! protest for them, wear crap for them, etc
The white supremacists of this tremendous Florida city have lifted their ban on the African American tradition of wearing saggy pants.

Now, blacks will be able to dress in their traditional way.

So black men in the ghetto can now display the proudest symbol of their manhood - the crack of their ass?

thats progress for you

I found out from my black friend, that the reason why blacks and now dumbass whites, wear their pants down so their underwear shows, is their solidarity with the inmates of the criminal justice system.

If I see a young honky kid appropriating black culture and dressing like this, it does raise my ire.

Young white men really need to dress like they are white. They should look to Obama to see how to dress White.

Although that is something else too, seeing a black guy appropriating white culture like Barry Soetoro aka Obama does.
The white supremacists of this tremendous Florida city have lifted their ban on the African American tradition of wearing saggy pants.

Now, blacks will be able to dress in their traditional way.

I found out from my black friend, that the reason why blacks and now dumbass whites, wear their pants down so their underwear shows, is their solidarity with the inmates of the criminal justice system. In other words, those inmates are called prison bitches,(their terms not mine). It used to amaze me that people would want to be like ass fucked criminals, but from watching a few of the prog posters here, i see why they do it.

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