Only MAGA Republicans care about Meaningless Fake Hunter Biden Scandals, the Majority of America Doesn't Care

Another paid poster earning his daily dolla! Good boy!
Naw I don’t think banker is a paid shill like kissmy,he acts far too juvenile and childish,he can’t be more than 10 years old.kissmy on the other hand works fir langley so he is paid very well by them. MarathonMike he is just a kid who hears what the idiot box in the living room tells him all the time when his family turns it on and swallows all that garbage,btw did you notice he is socking under another user name that he just registered under recently?:auiqs.jpg:
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The fact our resident paid shill from Langley kissmy was triggered by your post proves you are onto something HereWeGoAgain :abgg2q.jpg: He can’t even own up to being wrong when he said the rams would never come back to LA and even gets triggered over that.notice how banker baby has no answers for the corruption of the evidence in that video of the Clinton’s?:auiqs.jpg:

It's the same old shit with them.
No matter what you post they'll just call it lies even when they know it's true.
They're dishonest to the core.
here is a realiy banker baby troll will never accept. when challeneged to debunk it,he will do this-:scared1:


How many here noticed disinfo agent kissmy like the coward he is,put a thumbs down to post #22 of mine and then ran off? :abgg2q.jpg:
Facts prove it's fake.

You mean like the facts in post 22 of mine of Clinton’s corruption you did this on :scared1:when you were unable to refute them?:abgg2q.jpg::auiqs.jpg:those facts?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Or how about thst theory of yours you consider a fact still thst the rams are never going back to wouldn’t know what a fact was if it bit you in the ass shill. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
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You mean like the facts in post 22 of mine of Clinton’s corruption you did this on :scared1:when you were unable to refute them?:abgg2q.jpg::auiqs.jpg:those facts?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Or how about thst theory of yours you consider a fact still thst the rams are never going back to wouldn’t know what a fact was if it bit you in the ass shill. :auiqs.jpg:

You are still a lying idiot.

Your own video link at time stamp 21:00 stated Barry Seal first visited Terry Capehart in Arkansas in late 1981 & moved to Mena Arkansas in spring of 1982 under Arkansas Republican Gov. Frank D. White January 19, 1981 - January 11, 1983 for Republican Reagan/Bush CIA January 20, 1981 - January 20, 1993. Republican President Reagan's Iran-Contra training, money, gun & drug running operation that caused the explosion in crime.

Bill Clinton became US president on January 20, 1993 when he slashed the crime rate by more than any president in history.
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You are still a lying idiot. Your own video link at time stamp 21:00 stated Barry Seal first visited Terry Capehart in Arkansas in late 1981 & moved to Mena Arkansas in spring of 1982 under Arkansas Republican Gov. Frank D. White January 19, 1981 - January 11, 1983 for Republican Reagan/Bush CIA January 20, 1981 - January 20, 1993.
Stupid. ^^^

Someone here thinks we"re ignorant.

But we're not.

"Seal became obsessed with aircraft and took his first solo flight at the age of fifteen and was soon making a living towing advertising banners. In 1955 Seal joined the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) in Baton Rouge. Soon afterwards Seal took part in a CAP joint training mission with the New Orleans unit that was run by David Ferrie. According to John Odom, a fellow CAP member, Seal met Lee Harvey Oswald during this training"

Hunter isn’t in government. His corruption, if any, is irrelevant.

Ya stupid canuck!!
Of course it matters,especially when biden was involved with hunters dirty dealings which hunter would have never had the opportunity to engage in if his father wasn't in a position of power in the first place.
You're either a total moron or dishonest.
His dirty dealings put biden in a position to be blackmailed even if biden had nothing to do with it. Of course thats ludicrous since again hunter wouldnt have been able to get a job paying $80k a month doing something he had zero experience in.

I find it hard to believe even you are so stupid not to understand the implications.
After all the repeated nonstop scandals and crimes of Trump including several criminal investigations that could result in criminal charges, the majority of voters and independent voters do not care about more fake made up Hunter Biden scandals that mean little when we have real problems to deal with.
Problems like:
US annual budget deficit in 2016: $587B
US annual budget deficit in 2020: $3.1T
and Putins invasion of Ukraine, and several other serious problems.

If the Republicans think these pointless scandals matter to anybody besides MAGA republicans, they are mistaken like always. Republicans just lost several midterms races that they should have easily won because of this MAGA baloney, nobody cares at all anymore (except MAGA republicans), its not 2016.
They are going to waste millions and maybe billions on fake scandals nobody cares about, and they will gain little politically, and possibley even lose politically, just like in the midterms.

I thought it was already investigated and found nothing.
Stupid. ^^^

Someone here thinks we"re ignorant.

But we're not.

"Seal became obsessed with aircraft and took his first solo flight at the age of fifteen and was soon making a living towing advertising banners. In 1955 Seal joined the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) in Baton Rouge. Soon afterwards Seal took part in a CAP joint training mission with the New Orleans unit that was run by David Ferrie. According to John Odom, a fellow CAP member, Seal met Lee Harvey Oswald during this training"

Bill Clinton Lowered Crime by 3 times more than any president in history!

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