Only MAGA Republicans care about Meaningless Fake Hunter Biden Scandals, the Majority of America Doesn't Care

The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
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After all the repeated nonstop scandals and crimes of Trump including several criminal investigations that could result in criminal charges, the majority of voters and independent voters do not care about more fake made up Hunter Biden scandals that mean little when we have real problems to deal with.
Problems like:
US annual budget deficit in 2016: $587B
US annual budget deficit in 2020: $3.1T
and Putins invasion of Ukraine, and several other serious problems.

If the Republicans think these pointless scandals matter to anybody besides MAGA republicans, they are mistaken like always. Republicans just lost several midterms races that they should have easily won because of this MAGA baloney, nobody cares at all anymore (except MAGA republicans), its not 2016.
They are going to waste millions and maybe billions on fake scandals nobody cares about, and they will gain little politically, and possibley even lose politically, just like in the midterms.

hey dumbfuck,the only thing that is fake is the russia collusion scandal and funny how that FBI investigation into trump has dissapeared and not a peep is being mentioned now after you all were sure he was going to jail.:auiqs.jpg: repeated non stop scandals and crimes that were never proven to be true,THOSE scandals?:auiqs.jpg:
After all the repeated nonstop scandals and crimes of Trump including several criminal investigations that could result in criminal charges, the majority of voters and independent voters do not care about more fake made up Hunter Biden scandals that mean little when we have real problems to deal with.
Problems like:
US annual budget deficit in 2016: $587B
US annual budget deficit in 2020: $3.1T
and Putins invasion of Ukraine, and several other serious problems.

If the Republicans think these pointless scandals matter to anybody besides MAGA republicans, they are mistaken like always. Republicans just lost several midterms races that they should have easily won because of this MAGA baloney, nobody cares at all anymore (except MAGA republicans), its not 2016.
They are going to waste millions and maybe billions on fake scandals nobody cares about, and they will gain little politically, and possibley even lose politically, just like in the midterms.

It's a no-lose situation for them. They have to do it to satiate their base, since MAGA media has them frothing at the mouth (as usual).

If they find something-- and they certainly could -- then they can celebrate. If they don't, they'll just blame the Deep State™ for hiding it, and KA-CHING, the flock keeps tithing.

It's a great racket. Gotta give 'em that.
Because these investigations never go anywhere. Republicans had Hillary. What happened? Nothing. Republicans had Lois Lerner, what happened? Nothing.

I've said the same about Democrats 1/6 committee
If this discussion was taking place 10 years ago i would agree with you.That would be true if you were talking about the OLD GUARD establishment republicans.those republicans were one in the same as the demonrats,there was no difference in the two. The establishment republicans sold out Americans in the clinton investigations.That was like asking a fox to guard the henhouse.

This trollboy banker ignores that BOTH Bush AND his hero Clinton were both in favor of NAFTA and Obama lied to the people about reversing Bushs dreonian policys not only continuing them but expanding them.

However there is a new age republicans like kristy Noem,Desantis and others who are not globalist republicans like the old guard Bushs,romneys,grahams.Murkowski and Reagan when he was around,and others whom are not part of that corrupt ONE party system disguised as two which is why i see things slowly changing and why this time will be different than the past. just recently for example,even the MSM media published Giselle maxwell mentioned clinton was on the flight list over 27 times gong to epsteins island.That would NEVER have been mentioned in the MSM media ten years ago.No way in hell. that is why i see things are going to be different this time.

alternative media people that are not a mouthpiece for the global elite they been saying the last year or two the MSM media is slowly being taken down.well I am one of those people that say SHOW ME,prove it to me before i take it seriously. well the MSM media coming out exposing how evil clinton really is,that DID show me things are changing and that the MSM media IS indeed slowly being taken out sense like i said,ten years ago,the MSM media would NEVER have posted i think you are going to find things are going to be different this time than in years past.
After all the repeated nonstop scandals and crimes of Trump including several criminal investigations that could result in criminal charges, the majority of voters and independent voters do not care about more fake made up Hunter Biden scandals that mean little when we have real problems to deal with.
Problems like:
US annual budget deficit in 2016: $587B
US annual budget deficit in 2020: $3.1T
and Putins invasion of Ukraine, and several other serious problems.

If the Republicans think these pointless scandals matter to anybody besides MAGA republicans, they are mistaken like always. Republicans just lost several midterms races that they should have easily won because of this MAGA baloney, nobody cares at all anymore (except MAGA republicans), its not 2016.
They are going to waste millions and maybe billions on fake scandals nobody cares about, and they will gain little politically, and possibley even lose politically, just like in the midterms.

According to polls knowing hunter Bidens laptop would have effected voting and potentially the election in 2020.

Hunter's corruption is a lot more obvious than Hillary's.

Irrelevant. A mass murderers crimes are more obvious than someone accused of not using their turn signal but both are still charged.
After all the repeated nonstop scandals and crimes of Trump including several criminal investigations that could result in criminal charges, the majority of voters and independent voters do not care about more fake made up Hunter Biden scandals that mean little when we have real problems to deal with.
Problems like:
US annual budget deficit in 2016: $587B
US annual budget deficit in 2020: $3.1T
and Putins invasion of Ukraine, and several other serious problems.

If the Republicans think these pointless scandals matter to anybody besides MAGA republicans, they are mistaken like always. Republicans just lost several midterms races that they should have easily won because of this MAGA baloney, nobody cares at all anymore (except MAGA republicans), its not 2016.
They are going to waste millions and maybe billions on fake scandals nobody cares about, and they will gain little politically, and possibley even lose politically, just like in the midterms.

Are you ready for

Joe Biden is not just a pedophile, he is a traitor to the United States, and a lifelong criminal with its psychopathic hands in virtually every cookie jar available, and as you can see the op, and by far the vast majority of the fascist filth who make up the democrat base, could care less! These people must be dealt with, and I do not mean by that, tolerated, they are fucking evil and unnecessary to the earth, sexual deviants one and all they represent a direct murderous threat to not just our children, but human civilization.... :wink:
If this discussion was taking place 10 years ago i would agree with you.That would be true if you were talking about the OLD GUARD establishment republicans.those republicans were one in the same as the demonrats,there was no difference in the two. The establishment republicans sold out Americans in the clinton investigations.That was like asking a fox to guard the henhouse.

To note, Trump promised to investigate and prosecute Hillary. What happened?

This trollboy banker ignores that BOTH Bush AND his hero Clinton were both in favor of NAFTA and Obama lied to the people about reversing Bushs dreonian policys not only continuing them but expanding them.

However there is a new age republicans like kristy Noem,Desantis and others who are not globalist republicans like the Bushs,romneys,grahams.Murkowski and others whom are not part of that corrupt ONE party system disguised as two which is why i see things slowly changing and why this time will be different than the past. just recently for example,even the MSM media published Giselle maxwell mentioned clinton was on the flight list over 27 times gong to epsteins island.That would NEVER have been mentioned in the MSM media ten years ago.No way in hell. that is why i see things are going to be different this time.

alternative media people that are not a mouthpiece for the global elite they been saying the last year or two the MSM media is slowly being taken down.well I am one of those people that say SHOW ME,prove it to me before i take it seriously. well the MSM media coming out exposing how evil clinton really is,that DID show me things are changing and that the MSM media IS indeed slowly being taken out so i think you are going to find things are going to be different this time than in years past.

We will see but Trump could have investigated Hunter also but did nothing.
The real target as they said is The Biden Crime Family of which Joe is the capo. Thus Joe doing his best impersonation of the Oddfather.
:thankusmile: our trollboy banker kid of course will pretend those non stop scandals ARE real and run away and hide from what you said of course.
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