One big thing that confuses about Islam and perhaps someone can explain it.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
One thing of many things that confuse me in regards to Islam among their followers. Muhammad by their own admission isn't God. The term blasphemy is a term reserved only for God. So, why are they claiming it is blasphemy if anyone even depicts Muhammad in a picture of any kind but not any of their other Muslim warlords?

Meaning people can show pictures, photographs or paintings of the Sultans or Ayatollah etc and no problem.

You can even criticize them, but if anyone paints a painting or drawing or speaks out against Muhammad it is considered blasphemy.

That makes little sense and that reaction of exalting Muhammad as God (which they all say he wasn't) is a blasphemy unto itself.

How am I wrong?
One thing of many things that confuse me in regards to Islam among their followers. Muhammad by their own admission isn't God. The term blasphemy is a term reserved only for God. So, why are they claiming it is blasphemy if anyone even depicts Muhammad in a picture of any kind but not any of their other Muslim warlords?

Meaning people can show pictures, photographs or paintings of the Sultans or Ayatollah etc and no problem.

You can even criticize them, but if anyone paints a painting or drawing or speaks out against Muhammad it is considered blasphemy.

That makes little sense and that reaction of exalting Muhammad as God (which they all say he wasn't) is a blasphemy unto itself.

How am I wrong?
Mohammad has been granted all the powers of deity while, at the same time, casually disavowing his deity.


Mohammad is Islam.
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One thing of many things that confuse me in regards to Islam among their followers. Muhammad by their own admission isn't God. The term blasphemy is a term reserved only for God. So, why are they claiming it is blasphemy if anyone even depicts Muhammad in a picture of any kind but not any of their other Muslim warlords?

Meaning people can show pictures, photographs or paintings of the Sultans or Ayatollah etc and no problem.

You can even criticize them, but if anyone paints a painting or drawing or speaks out against Muhammad it is considered blasphemy.

That makes little sense and that reaction of exalting Muhammad as God (which they all say he wasn't) is a blasphemy unto itself.

How am I wrong?
Muhammed should most definitely opine lol
One thing of many things that confuse me in regards to Islam among their followers. Muhammad by their own admission isn't God. The term blasphemy is a term reserved only for God. So, why are they claiming it is blasphemy if anyone even depicts Muhammad in a picture of any kind but not any of their other Muslim warlords?

Meaning people can show pictures, photographs or paintings of the Sultans or Ayatollah etc and no problem.

You can even criticize them, but if anyone paints a painting or drawing or speaks out against Muhammad it is considered blasphemy.

That makes little sense and that reaction of exalting Muhammad as God (which they all say he wasn't) is a blasphemy unto itself.

How am I wrong?

Sunni Man

In Persian art they did have depictions of Muhammed. In Islam Muhammed is a messenger.. He is NOT worshipped.. and the prohibition against depictions of him is a stand against idolatry.

Sunni Muslims do not worship graves and such. Even kings are buried in unmarked graves.

We need a Muslim to weigh in on this.. someone who knows more than I.
Sunni Man

In Persian art they did have depictions of Muhammed. In Islam Muhammed is a messenger.. He is NOT worshipped.. and the prohibition against depictions of him is a stand against idolatry.

Sunni Muslims do not worship graves and such. Even kings are buried in unmarked graves.

We need a Muslim to weigh in on this.. someone who knows more than I.
for the record----muslims refer to that which we call "prophets" as
"messengers" when speaking english. The concept is that prophets
get "messages" from allah. Jesus was a "messenger" too. As to
BLASPHEMY, this is a fascinating topic. An accusation of
BLASPHEMY against a non-muslim in a shariah adherent society is
akin to a BLOOD LIBEL in medieval europe. It justifies massive
pogroms and even invasion and conquest of other lands because
muslims never fight except in "DEFENSE" Defense includes
defense of islam or muslims against "blasphemy" Hubby was
born in a shariah adherent land as a dhimmi-----and carries that legacy. He will not TOUCH a koran----or go NEAR a mosque.
Doing so in the land of his birth would have endangered his
entire community
The justification for 9/11/01 IS OUR BLASPHEMY and the defense
of islam. (ps---saruda knows this stuff, IMO)
for the record----muslims refer to that which we call "prophets" as
"messengers" when speaking english. The concept is that prophets
get "messages" from allah. Jesus was a "messenger" too. As to
BLASPHEMY, this is a fascinating topic. An accusation of
BLASPHEMY against a non-muslim in a shariah adherent society is
akin to a BLOOD LIBEL in medieval europe. It justifies massive
pogroms and even invasion and conquest of other lands because
muslims never fight except in "DEFENSE" Defense includes
defense of islam or muslims against "blasphemy" Hubby was
born in a shariah adherent land as a dhimmi-----and carries that legacy. He will not TOUCH a koran----or go NEAR a mosque.
Doing so in the land of his birth would have endangered his
entire community
The justification for 9/11/01 IS OUR BLASPHEMY and the defense
of islam. (ps---saruda knows this stuff, IMO)
They refer to both Jesus and Mohammad as a prophet

However, when Jesus is blasphemed people don't die, it is only when Mo is blasphemed do people start dying.

This shows us that they say one thing, but really mean another when it comes to how they view Mo.
One thing of many things that confuse me in regards to Islam among their followers. Muhammad by their own admission isn't God. The term blasphemy is a term reserved only for God. So, why are they claiming it is blasphemy if anyone even depicts Muhammad in a picture of any kind but not any of their other Muslim warlords?

Meaning people can show pictures, photographs or paintings of the Sultans or Ayatollah etc and no problem.

You can even criticize them, but if anyone paints a painting or drawing or speaks out against Muhammad it is considered blasphemy.

That makes little sense and that reaction of exalting Muhammad as God (which they all say he wasn't) is a blasphemy unto itself.

How am I wrong?
They refer to both Jesus and Mohammad as a prophet

However, when Jesus is blasphemed people don't die, it is only when Mo is blasphemed do people start dying.

This shows us that they say one thing, but really mean another when it comes to how they view Mo.

They refer to both Jesus and Mohammad as a prophet

However, when Jesus is blasphemed people don't die, it is only when Mo is blasphemed do people start dying.

This shows us that they say one thing, but really mean another when it comes to how they view Mo.

Muslims are like Christs enemies worshiping Jesus with their mouth, having their heart far from Christ​

Matthew 15:8-9King James Version​

8 This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.
9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

Isaiah 5:20 20Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
A blasphemer will be that way.

Matthew 12:31 Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven."
John 5:22“For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son:”
knowing that the Unseen Father will not judge in a condemning way, why then are Muslims Judging in a condemning way? Jesus praised people who were like him,.
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for the record----muslims refer to that which we call "prophets" as
"messengers" when speaking english. The concept is that prophets
get "messages" from allah. Jesus was a "messenger" too. As to
BLASPHEMY, this is a fascinating topic. An accusation of
BLASPHEMY against a non-muslim in a shariah adherent society is
akin to a BLOOD LIBEL in medieval europe. It justifies massive
pogroms and even invasion and conquest of other lands because
muslims never fight except in "DEFENSE" Defense includes
defense of islam or muslims against "blasphemy" Hubby was
born in a shariah adherent land as a dhimmi-----and carries that legacy. He will not TOUCH a koran----or go NEAR a mosque.
Doing so in the land of his birth would have endangered his
entire community
The justification for 9/11/01 IS OUR BLASPHEMY and the defense
of islam. (ps---saruda knows this stuff, IMO)
The word blasphamy feels good to a sinful tongue, aimed at a person wanting them to die. Those people are born of fornication, just like Christs enemies. Fornicating people like giving death. Death giving is sweet to them. That is how Satan thinks.

Muslims are like Christs enemies worshiping Jesus with their mouth, having their heart far from Christ​

Matthew 15:8-9King James Version​

8 This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.
9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

Isaiah 5:20 20Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
A blasphemer will be that way.

Matthew 12:31 Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven."
John 5:22“For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son:”
knowing that the Unseen Father will not judge in a condemning way, why then are Muslims Judging in a condemning way? Jesus praised people who were like him,.

You don't know anything about Islam.
You don't know anything about Islam.
I know everything that Muslims will not say. You are foolish rejecting my words. Muslims are peace and safty, with sudden destruction. Muslims rejoice in iniquity, when non Muslims die. They hate Jesus saying, Isa. They hate Melchizedek in their books. A substitute is used. All other human names are used, not substituted with another. Satan is talking through those names. Both are the same. Empty headed demons are heard when they give false praise to Jesus. You cannot hear it? Blasphemers will say that Jesus is heard when a Muslim talks. That is even more evident when they act like they are praising Jesus.
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I know everything that Muslims will not say. You are foolish rejecting my words. Muslims are peace and safty, with sudden destruction. Muslims rejoice in iniquity, when non Muslims die. They hate Jesus saying, Isa. They hate Melchizedek in their books. A substitute is used. All other human names are used, not substituted with another. Satan is talking through those names. Both are the same. Empty headed demons are heard when they give false praise to Jesus. You cannot hear it? Blasphemers will say that Jesus is heard when a Muslim talks. That is even more evident when they act like they are praising Jesus.

You are a moron.
The term blasphemy is a term reserved only for God.

In Islam, Mohammed is the prophet of G-d. The last and most important of the prophets, according to Islam.

According to some Muslims, there are different schools of thought in Islam just as there are in other religions, showing disrepect to Mohammed is analogous to showing disrespect to G-d.
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In Islam, Mohammed is the prophet of G-d. The last and most important of the prophets, according to Islam.

According to some Muslims, there are different schools of thought in Islam just as there are in other religions, showing disrepect to Mohammed is analogous to showing disrespect to G-d.

Muslims also become angry if you show disrespect for Jesus.
Muslims also become angry if you show disrespect for Jesus.
OH? what sort of disrespect "angers" them? Muslims like
to knock plaster statues of Mary apart in my town. That
seems like "disrespect" to me. As to the putative teachings
of Jesus-----like the "turn the cheek thing" I have heard muslims
mock that one broadly, several times. Of course the NT is a
big time filthy lie------I heard that one in a mosque (the muslims
nodded and smiled)
OH? what sort of disrespect "angers" them? Muslims like
to knock plaster statues of Mary apart in my town. That
seems like "disrespect" to me. As to the putative teachings
of Jesus-----like the "turn the cheek thing" I have heard muslims
mock that one broadly, several times. Of course the NT is a
big time filthy lie------I heard that one in a mosque (the muslims
nodded and smiled)

Sounds like your environment is pretty low class and violent for most people including Muslims.

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