Unidentified drones, the size of a car. flying over New Jersey for HOURS AT A TIME. Our "leadership" does NOTHING.

This is starting to reek of an FF....~S~
I’m thinkin that 3-6 Big under the radar Companies could be testing the Flying Car kinda offerings that are seemingly rushed into pre production without adequate prototype testing so they can speed up product launch dates ?
I’m thinkin that 3-6 Big under the radar Companies could be testing the Flying Car kinda offerings that are seemingly rushed into pre production without adequate prototype testing so they can speed up product launch dates ?
yeah but.......wouldn't they have wings or propellers ? ~S~

Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
You can't fly drones around oil storage facilities.

It's protected airspace.
Protected how? can you show me a map that delineates these "protected" regions? how could anyone flying a drone know whether they were in such air space?
Multiple drones now spotted over New Jersey Naval Air Base. Anyone still want to push the "Manned Aircraft" BS anymore???

Doggy Breath and Fort Funny are still sticking to the Regime talking points.
They are spraying a bio/chemical weapon.

Symptoms will start appearing January 21st.

They are spraying a bio/chemical weapon.

Symptoms will start appearing January 21st.

At this point nothing the Democrats or their military command does would shock me.
Here's 3 good reasons to do something about these huge drones flying over New Jersey.

1. They could be equipped with sophisticated data gathering/spy equipment.
2. They could be equipped with weapons.
3. They could fly into the path of civilian aircraft.

Apparently our military/Pentagon thinks that protecting air space and American citizens is not that important. New Jerseyans should start shooting them down.

And people will then start shooting at EVERYTHING

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