On Fat People


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
I have nothing against the obese, per say. Believe me when I say that I'm quite lazy when it comes to exercise, and I enjoy food as much as the next guy.

But the point is, that fat people should recognize the consequences of their actions, and not expect the rest of us to love and celebrate and help them. This makes no sense. They were gluttonous, they refused to restrain their appetites while the rest of us did.

So yes, I do have a problem with all of these fat people taking up so much space everywhere, and driving up healthcare costs etc. They just persist and persist in their obesity, like kings. The rest of us are the healthy peons who serve them.

Well, no more from me. I don't hate you, but I'm not helping you anymore. My life does not consist in always helping fat people, anymore than I'm interested in always being there for the drunk alcoholics, smokers, and people who engage in risky behaviors. I'm not interested in this "everyone is special" "we are all awesome" BS. You make the choices and live or die by them. I'm interested in healthy, normal people who can help themselves.
...... fat people ..... were gluttonous, they refused to restrain their appetites while the rest of us did. ...... You make the choices and live or die by them. I'm interested in healthy, normal people who can help themselves.
Are you the same person who said that homosexuals CHOSE to be gay?
I have nothing against the obese, per say. Believe me when I say that I'm quite lazy when it comes to exercise, and I enjoy food as much as the next guy.

But the point is, that fat people should recognize the consequences of their actions, and not expect the rest of us to love and celebrate and help them. This makes no sense. They were gluttonous, they refused to restrain their appetites while the rest of us did.

So yes, I do have a problem with all of these fat people taking up so much space everywhere, and driving up healthcare costs etc. They just persist and persist in their obesity, like kings. The rest of us are the healthy peons who serve them.

Well, no more from me. I don't hate you, but I'm not helping you anymore. My life does not consist in always helping fat people, anymore than I'm interested in always being there for the drunk alcoholics, smokers, and people who engage in risky behaviors. I'm not interested in this "everyone is special" "we are all awesome" BS. You make the choices and live or die by them. I'm interested in healthy, normal people who can help themselves.

Really? I suspect you are just looking for an excuse to be nasty to other people. Whoever told you it was okay for you to make "lifestyle" choices for others? In the end we all are headed for the same destination: death. While we live let us live!
I have nothing against the obese, per say. Believe me when I say that I'm quite lazy when it comes to exercise, and I enjoy food as much as the next guy.

But the point is, that fat people should recognize the consequences of their actions, and not expect the rest of us to love and celebrate and help them. This makes no sense. They were gluttonous, they refused to restrain their appetites while the rest of us did.

So yes, I do have a problem with all of these fat people taking up so much space everywhere, and driving up healthcare costs etc. They just persist and persist in their obesity, like kings. The rest of us are the healthy peons who serve them.

Well, no more from me. I don't hate you, but I'm not helping you anymore. My life does not consist in always helping fat people, anymore than I'm interested in always being there for the drunk alcoholics, smokers, and people who engage in risky behaviors. I'm not interested in this "everyone is special" "we are all awesome" BS. You make the choices and live or die by them. I'm interested in healthy, normal people who can help themselves.
I don't think obesity should be celebrated and don't believe in 'fat acceptance.' Being obese is unhealthy and usually (if not always) is a result of bad habits, habits that are harmful to your health. But, if we are to express disapproval of obesity, we must also express disapproval of smoking, heavy drinking, and other unhealthful habits. Those also result in higher health care costs.
I have nothing against the obese, per say. Believe me when I say that I'm quite lazy when it comes to exercise, and I enjoy food as much as the next guy.

But the point is, that fat people should recognize the consequences of their actions, and not expect the rest of us to love and celebrate and help them. This makes no sense. They were gluttonous, they refused to restrain their appetites while the rest of us did.

So yes, I do have a problem with all of these fat people taking up so much space everywhere, and driving up healthcare costs etc. They just persist and persist in their obesity, like kings. The rest of us are the healthy peons who serve them.

Well, no more from me. I don't hate you, but I'm not helping you anymore. My life does not consist in always helping fat people, anymore than I'm interested in always being there for the drunk alcoholics, smokers, and people who engage in risky behaviors. I'm not interested in this "everyone is special" "we are all awesome" BS. You make the choices and live or die by them. I'm interested in healthy, normal people who can help themselves.

Really? I suspect you are just looking for an excuse to be nasty to other people. Whoever told you it was okay for you to make "lifestyle" choices for others? In the end we all are headed for the same destination: death. While we live let us live!
It is a misstatement of fact that following a healthful lifestyle means you aren't 'living.' Life is better if you feel better; food and drink that promote good health are just as good as other kinds of food, and they make you feel healthier and stronger.

Much of the problem, especially for Americans, is over eating and eating a lot of junk food. People in other countries eat more reasonable portions. The French eat a lot of butter, cream, sugar, etc., and drink regularly. But they eat smaller portions and take regular exercise as part of their daily lives. They lead perhaps fuller lives than Americans and are healthier and live longer.
I have nothing against the obese, per say. Believe me when I say that I'm quite lazy when it comes to exercise, and I enjoy food as much as the next guy.

But the point is, that fat people should recognize the consequences of their actions, and not expect the rest of us to love and celebrate and help them. This makes no sense. They were gluttonous, they refused to restrain their appetites while the rest of us did.

So yes, I do have a problem with all of these fat people taking up so much space everywhere, and driving up healthcare costs etc. They just persist and persist in their obesity, like kings. The rest of us are the healthy peons who serve them.

Well, no more from me. I don't hate you, but I'm not helping you anymore. My life does not consist in always helping fat people, anymore than I'm interested in always being there for the drunk alcoholics, smokers, and people who engage in risky behaviors. I'm not interested in this "everyone is special" "we are all awesome" BS. You make the choices and live or die by them. I'm interested in healthy, normal people who can help themselves.

Democrats and Democrat Lites want their peons coddled.
Fat people endlessly circle the parking lot looking for a spot ten feet closer thus causing even MORE damage to the environment. I see it all the time.

I park far away and walk.
Fat people are disgusting. Most especially fat women. BBW my ass! I can tell just by looking at you that you're a lazy fucking slob.
I have nothing against the obese, per say. Believe me when I say that I'm quite lazy when it comes to exercise, and I enjoy food as much as the next guy.

But the point is, that fat people should recognize the consequences of their actions, and not expect the rest of us to love and celebrate and help them. This makes no sense. They were gluttonous, they refused to restrain their appetites while the rest of us did.

So yes, I do have a problem with all of these fat people taking up so much space everywhere, and driving up healthcare costs etc. They just persist and persist in their obesity, like kings. The rest of us are the healthy peons who serve them.

Well, no more from me. I don't hate you, but I'm not helping you anymore. My life does not consist in always helping fat people, anymore than I'm interested in always being there for the drunk alcoholics, smokers, and people who engage in risky behaviors. I'm not interested in this "everyone is special" "we are all awesome" BS. You make the choices and live or die by them. I'm interested in healthy, normal people who can help themselves.

Really? I suspect you are just looking for an excuse to be nasty to other people. Whoever told you it was okay for you to make "lifestyle" choices for others? In the end we all are headed for the same destination: death. While we live let us live!

This is interesting. Being fat is not live and let live, because everybody around a fat person must live and work around her/his fatness.
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I have nothing against the obese, per say. Believe me when I say that I'm quite lazy when it comes to exercise, and I enjoy food as much as the next guy.

But the point is, that fat people should recognize the consequences of their actions, and not expect the rest of us to love and celebrate and help them. This makes no sense. They were gluttonous, they refused to restrain their appetites while the rest of us did.

So yes, I do have a problem with all of these fat people taking up so much space everywhere, and driving up healthcare costs etc. They just persist and persist in their obesity, like kings. The rest of us are the healthy peons who serve them.

Well, no more from me. I don't hate you, but I'm not helping you anymore. My life does not consist in always helping fat people, anymore than I'm interested in always being there for the drunk alcoholics, smokers, and people who engage in risky behaviors. I'm not interested in this "everyone is special" "we are all awesome" BS. You make the choices and live or die by them. I'm interested in healthy, normal people who can help themselves.

Really? I suspect you are just looking for an excuse to be nasty to other people. Whoever told you it was okay for you to make "lifestyle" choices for others? In the end we all are headed for the same destination: death. While we live let us live!
It is a misstatement of fact that following a healthful lifestyle means you aren't 'living.' Life is better if you feel better; food and drink that promote good health are just as good as other kinds of food, and they make you feel healthier and stronger.

Much of the problem, especially for Americans, is over eating and eating a lot of junk food. People in other countries eat more reasonable portions. The French eat a lot of butter, cream, sugar, etc., and drink regularly. But they eat smaller portions and take regular exercise as part of their daily lives. They lead perhaps fuller lives than Americans and are healthier and live longer.

I can tell you from here in France, that you are absolutely right with your point. Everyone can spot an American tourist a mile away here. And that is not because the outfit.

It appears that Americans, especially American women, have now been castrated. They are unable to control anything in their lives, the American chemical food just flows through them daily, they can't get out of their cars, they have no time for anything, they are constantly stressed nervously, so they demand even more food, preferable chemical food. And most of all, American women are proud of this.
It is wrong to make fun of typical Americans simply because they have hormonal problems.


Americans from the Deep South
I have nothing against the obese, per say. Believe me when I say that I'm quite lazy when it comes to exercise, and I enjoy food as much as the next guy.

But the point is, that fat people should recognize the consequences of their actions, and not expect the rest of us to love and celebrate and help them. This makes no sense. They were gluttonous, they refused to restrain their appetites while the rest of us did.

So yes, I do have a problem with all of these fat people taking up so much space everywhere, and driving up healthcare costs etc. They just persist and persist in their obesity, like kings. The rest of us are the healthy peons who serve them.

Well, no more from me. I don't hate you, but I'm not helping you anymore. My life does not consist in always helping fat people, anymore than I'm interested in always being there for the drunk alcoholics, smokers, and people who engage in risky behaviors. I'm not interested in this "everyone is special" "we are all awesome" BS. You make the choices and live or die by them. I'm interested in healthy, normal people who can help themselves.
I don't think obesity should be celebrated and don't believe in 'fat acceptance.' Being obese is unhealthy and usually (if not always) is a result of bad habits, habits that are harmful to your health. But, if we are to express disapproval of obesity, we must also express disapproval of smoking, heavy drinking, and other unhealthful habits. Those also result in higher health care costs.

Why do you have to express disapproval at everything if you choose to disapprove one thing? I don't understand your logic.

By the way, fat acceptance is a very deeply engrained and belligerent dogma in American society. An American friend showed me one of her clinical psychology research paper references, and one of them wrote, that the American national physical health body mass index system needs to be modified and advertised differently. The paper argued that women should be happier when fat, and that men are manipulated into unhappiness when they are not attracted to fat women.

This is unhealthy the same way as homosexuality and is forced down the throat of the entire world, every country, as part of worldwide Americanization. So France too has an increasingly difficult problem protecting its girls.
I have nothing against the obese, per say. Believe me when I say that I'm quite lazy when it comes to exercise, and I enjoy food as much as the next guy.

But the point is, that fat people should recognize the consequences of their actions, and not expect the rest of us to love and celebrate and help them. This makes no sense. They were gluttonous, they refused to restrain their appetites while the rest of us did.

So yes, I do have a problem with all of these fat people taking up so much space everywhere, and driving up healthcare costs etc. They just persist and persist in their obesity, like kings. The rest of us are the healthy peons who serve them.

Well, no more from me. I don't hate you, but I'm not helping you anymore. My life does not consist in always helping fat people, anymore than I'm interested in always being there for the drunk alcoholics, smokers, and people who engage in risky behaviors. I'm not interested in this "everyone is special" "we are all awesome" BS. You make the choices and live or die by them. I'm interested in healthy, normal people who can help themselves.
I don't think obesity should be celebrated and don't believe in 'fat acceptance.' Being obese is unhealthy and usually (if not always) is a result of bad habits, habits that are harmful to your health. But, if we are to express disapproval of obesity, we must also express disapproval of smoking, heavy drinking, and other unhealthful habits. Those also result in higher health care costs.

The paper argued that women should be happier when fat, and that men are manipulated into unhappiness when they are not attracted to fat women.
Ain't this the truth! Talk about some bullshit...? How about when you hook up with a woman who is very attractive, fall in love, and all that shit; only to have her plump out; then bitch at you when things just don't feel the same... No shit! It's not the same. You got fat, and lazy! I can literally tell my exes relationship status from nothing more than a recent photo. She slims down to looking downright hot, when on the prowl. When she feels comfortable in the relationship, she starts packing on the fat like there's a famine coming. What the fuck? And it seems to be this way with the majority of women.
I have nothing against the obese, per say. Believe me when I say that I'm quite lazy when it comes to exercise, and I enjoy food as much as the next guy.

But the point is, that fat people should recognize the consequences of their actions, and not expect the rest of us to love and celebrate and help them. This makes no sense. They were gluttonous, they refused to restrain their appetites while the rest of us did.

So yes, I do have a problem with all of these fat people taking up so much space everywhere, and driving up healthcare costs etc. They just persist and persist in their obesity, like kings. The rest of us are the healthy peons who serve them.

Well, no more from me. I don't hate you, but I'm not helping you anymore. My life does not consist in always helping fat people, anymore than I'm interested in always being there for the drunk alcoholics, smokers, and people who engage in risky behaviors. I'm not interested in this "everyone is special" "we are all awesome" BS. You make the choices and live or die by them. I'm interested in healthy, normal people who can help themselves.
I don't think obesity should be celebrated and don't believe in 'fat acceptance.' Being obese is unhealthy and usually (if not always) is a result of bad habits, habits that are harmful to your health. But, if we are to express disapproval of obesity, we must also express disapproval of smoking, heavy drinking, and other unhealthful habits. Those also result in higher health care costs.

The paper argued that women should be happier when fat, and that men are manipulated into unhappiness when they are not attracted to fat women.
Ain't this the truth! Talk about some bullshit...? How about when you hook up with a woman who is very attractive, fall in love, and all that shit; only to have her plump out; then bitch at you when things just don't feel the same... No shit! It's not the same. You got fat, and lazy! I can literally tell my exes relationship status from nothing more than a recent photo. She slims down to looking downright hot, when on the prowl. When she feels comfortable in the relationship, she starts packing on the fat like there's a famine coming. What the fuck? And it seems to be this way with the majority of women.

What scares me is that this specifically American behavior and the related chemicals is now exported to all other countries. I don't know about the Americans, but we don't want to put women on the endangered species list.
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Our fat broads get demoted to "slam pig" status. We pawn them off onto the blacks. It's a win-win. Moth to a flame. We get rid of our fatties, the groids "git dem a white girl"; And society wins as we breed out the ferals.
I have nothing against the obese, per say. Believe me when I say that I'm quite lazy when it comes to exercise, and I enjoy food as much as the next guy.

But the point is, that fat people should recognize the consequences of their actions, and not expect the rest of us to love and celebrate and help them. This makes no sense. They were gluttonous, they refused to restrain their appetites while the rest of us did.

So yes, I do have a problem with all of these fat people taking up so much space everywhere, and driving up healthcare costs etc. They just persist and persist in their obesity, like kings. The rest of us are the healthy peons who serve them.

Well, no more from me. I don't hate you, but I'm not helping you anymore. My life does not consist in always helping fat people, anymore than I'm interested in always being there for the drunk alcoholics, smokers, and people who engage in risky behaviors. I'm not interested in this "everyone is special" "we are all awesome" BS. You make the choices and live or die by them. I'm interested in healthy, normal people who can help themselves.
I don't think obesity should be celebrated and don't believe in 'fat acceptance.' Being obese is unhealthy and usually (if not always) is a result of bad habits, habits that are harmful to your health. But, if we are to express disapproval of obesity, we must also express disapproval of smoking, heavy drinking, and other unhealthful habits. Those also result in higher health care costs.

The paper argued that women should be happier when fat, and that men are manipulated into unhappiness when they are not attracted to fat women.
Ain't this the truth! Talk about some bullshit...? How about when you hook up with a woman who is very attractive, fall in love, and all that shit; only to have her plump out; then bitch at you when things just don't feel the same... No shit! It's not the same. You got fat, and lazy! I can literally tell my exes relationship status from nothing more than a recent photo. She slims down to looking downright hot, when on the prowl. When she feels comfortable in the relationship, she starts packing on the fat like there's a famine coming. What the fuck? And it seems to be this way with the majority of women.
The theory behind an attractive woman getting fat after marriage is that the man is not satisfying her sexually. I guarantee you that if a woman is sexually satisfied, feels sexy because of the way her man treats her, feels womanly all the time, etc.,she will not get fat. Food is a source of solace and comfort. If she is satisfied by her man, if she feels sensual and that her man longs for her sexually, she will not be looking for comfort or solace in food. When I see a fat married woman (or fat woman in a long term relationship), my belief is that he is not satisfying her sexually.

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