Oklahoma/Utah 10th Circuit May Lean To State Choice On Gay Marriage

Logically, which way shoudl the US Supreme Court Decide?

  • States get to choose via consensus, except California

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • All states get to choose via consensus but starting now

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • All states get to choose via consensus but retroactive to nation's founding

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Only federal courts can decide if gay marrriage is legal.

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Only legislatures can decide if gay marriage is legal

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
More diversions. Let me know when you find evidence that refutes what science knows: deviant sexuality fetishes are learned.

I'll wait.
More diversions. Let me know when you find evidence that refutes what science knows: deviant sexuality fetishes are learned.

I'll wait.

You can wait forever, since that's not what science has found about homosexuality.

So JUST homosexuality is born that way while shoe fetishes, necrophilia, S&M, autoerotic asphixiation etc are all learned?

Exactly how do you know this? I'll wait for actual documentation and links from you.
Dude, give it up. Gay marriage is happening. It's not a cult as in they do not have a leader.

The simple fact is this. There are laws on the book that two adults can enter in a contract to have their lives together and handle the affairs of that other person. Their is a certain group of people that are completely shut out of the benefits of that law because of who they decide to spend their life with.

Plain and simple discrimination which is unconstitutional. Its over. You can't discriminate against a group of people.
More diversions. Let me know when you find evidence that refutes what science knows: deviant sexuality fetishes are learned.

I'll wait.

You can wait forever, since that's not what science has found about homosexuality.

So JUST homosexuality is born that way while shoe fetishes, necrophilia, S&M, autoerotic asphixiation etc are all learned?

Exactly how do you know this? I'll wait for actual documentation and links from you.

Shoe fetishes? Seriously?

Is that what Imelda Marcos suffered from?
You can wait forever, since that's not what science has found about homosexuality.

So JUST homosexuality is born that way while shoe fetishes, necrophilia, S&M, autoerotic asphixiation etc are all learned?

Exactly how do you know this? I'll wait for actual documentation and links from you.

Shoe fetishes? Seriously?

Is that what Imelda Marcos suffered from?

She might have. The foot is the most frequently fetishized (say that three times fast) part of the body.

Foot Fetishes Kept Us Free of STDs

But of course, sexual orientation isn't a fetish. Is that Sil's new angle? We've dropped cult and are now going with fetish? She is creative. :cuckoo:
I love how Seawytch alludes as how shoe fetishes are a learned sexual tweak [aka orientation] and then says "Of course that doesn't meant that wanting my lesbian partner to strap on an artificial penis is a learned fetish"..lol... Or a man using another man's anus as an artificial vagina.

Personally I think if they weren't molested and learned it that way, "gay" is merely the avoidance of mingling with the opposite gender on any intimate level simply because of fear or revulsion or some other associative childhood trauma.

Psych 101. Everyone should be required to take it [old school, not the new non-science gay-approved books] in highschool.

Dude, give it up. Gay marriage is happening. It's not a cult as in they do not have a leader.

The simple fact is this. There are laws on the book that two adults can enter in a contract to have their lives together and handle the affairs of that other person. Their is a certain group of people that are completely shut out of the benefits of that law because of who they decide to spend their life with.

Plain and simple discrimination which is unconstitutional. Its over. You can't discriminate against a group of people.

You mean like polygamists or adult brothers and sisters marrying?
And if not them, wouldn't you be discriminating?

Actually you can discriminate against people. LGBT isn't a group. Not a complete one. And if you're going to open the door to them you need to open it to all anticipated "others" in that loose category.
So JUST homosexuality is born that way while shoe fetishes, necrophilia, S&M, autoerotic asphixiation etc are all learned?

Exactly how do you know this? I'll wait for actual documentation and links from you.

Shoe fetishes? Seriously?

Is that what Imelda Marcos suffered from?

She might have. The foot is the most frequently fetishized (say that three times fast) part of the body.

Foot Fetishes Kept Us Free of STDs

But of course, sexual orientation isn't a fetish. Is that Sil's new angle? We've dropped cult and are now going with fetish? She is creative. :cuckoo:

I swear to C'Thulhu, I don't get the Foot Fetish thing.

Nice to see someone else is a fan of Cracked.com.
All sorts of artificial vaginas and penises are out there. For some they condition themselves to be aroused by shoes. For others it's an anus. For others it's a strapon penis.

I just see compulsions and imprinted behavioral issues. Not "race". That 14th thing. That's going to be a real hurdle for the LGBT cult.
All sorts of artificial vaginas and penises are out there. For some they condition themselves to be aroused by shoes. For others it's an anus. For others it's a strapon penis.

I just see compulsions and imprinted behavioral issues. Not "race". That 14th thing. That's going to be a real hurdle for the LGBT cult.

So here's the big question.

Why do you care?

Why does it matter what two consenting adults are turned on by in the privacy of their own homes?

NOne of your usual horseshit trying to conflate homosexuality with pedophilia, why would you care what two consenting adults who aren't you are doing in their own bedrooms?

Because the GOP has used homophobia to get stupid people like you to vote against your own economic interests for years. We could have been rid of that idiot Bush in 2004 if it weren't for the homophobes.
All sorts of artificial vaginas and penises are out there. For some they condition themselves to be aroused by shoes. For others it's an anus. For others it's a strapon penis.

I just see compulsions and imprinted behavioral issues. Not "race". That 14th thing. That's going to be a real hurdle for the LGBT cult.

So here's the big question.

Why do you care?

Why does it matter what two consenting adults are turned on by in the privacy of their own homes?

NOne of your usual horseshit trying to conflate homosexuality with pedophilia, why would you care what two consenting adults who aren't you are doing in their own bedrooms?

Because the GOP has used homophobia to get stupid people like you to vote against your own economic interests for years. We could have been rid of that idiot Bush in 2004 if it weren't for the homophobes.

Sorry. You're going to hear "my horseshit" again. And you will never stop hearing it either.

First of all, the cult of LGBT doesn't want to keep it in their homes. They are currently forcing kids in California as a matter of law to "explore and celebrate" homosexuality in schools via the Harvey Milk celebration day and the "moments of silence" etc. Like gays were some great slave class of the Roman emperor Caligula, suddenly freed in their "civil rights movement"...instead of a bunch of sexual deviants anxious to pitch what they do to the little kiddies...

And as for Harvey Milk, when you bring him up and what he did to those homeless teen boys on drugs, one after the other, instead of recoiling, every gay person I know says what you just did "I don't want to hear your horseshit"...as if saying that erases your knowing what Milk did and choosing to iconize him anyway. That last bit is significant, and very telling, and very disturbing when considering granting LGBTs "equal status access" to vulnerable orphans for adoption.

Utah has made it clear that they are paramount about their children. They are about their orphans being protected. You don't let a cult who worships and defends a known pedophile into the orphanage to adopt kids with the legal shoehorn of marriage.

If it were only kept in the bedroom, but alas it wants in the schoolyard. It wants in the orphanage. And it seems to want in those places very very very avidly. You know, with a pedophile messiah.

And hense "my horseshit"...and the key and crucial problem with LGBT marriage...

Don't even get me started on the appropriateness of this legal shoehorn for people who have had healthy body parts amputated in order to role-play the opposite gender and insist the rest of society play along...or else...[Piers Morgan]. They don't belong within a country mile of a child in their formative years...
Troll on, Silly...troll on.

Do you retype the BS every time, or do you have Word files saved, so you can just copy-paste when you re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-repost your BS?
Troll on, Silly...troll on.

Do you retype the BS every time, or do you have Word files saved, so you can just copy-paste when you re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-repost your BS?

I was going to ask you the same thing about your kneejerk ad hominems when you don't have a lucid rebuttal....and want very badly to change the subject from what I'm answering..
So here's the big question.

Why do you care?

Why does it matter what two consenting adults are turned on by in the privacy of their own homes?

None of your usual horseshit trying to conflate homosexuality with pedophilia, why would you care what two consenting adults who aren't you are doing in their own bedrooms?

Because the GOP has used homophobia to get stupid people like you to vote against your own economic interests for years. We could have been rid of that idiot Bush in 2004 if it weren't for the homophobes.

Sorry. You're going to hear "my horseshit" again. And you will never stop hearing it either.

First of all, the cult of LGBT doesn't want to keep it in their homes. They are currently forcing kids in California as a matter of law to "explore and celebrate" homosexuality in schools via the Harvey Milk celebration day and the "moments of silence" etc. Like gays were some great slave class of the Roman emperor Caligula, suddenly freed in their "civil rights movement"...instead of a bunch of sexual deviants anxious to pitch what they do to the little kiddies...

And as for Harvey Milk, when you bring him up and what he did to those homeless teen boys on drugs, one after the other, instead of recoiling, every gay person I know says what you just did "I don't want to hear your horseshit"...as if saying that erases your knowing what Milk did and choosing to iconize him anyway. That last bit is significant, and very telling, and very disturbing when considering granting LGBTs "equal status access" to vulnerable orphans for adoption.

guy, it wasn't like the straight folks were lining up to adopt the drug-using teenager who had a lot of problems long before he ever encountered Milk. Puh-lease.

Milk is an icon because he was murdered by a homophobe.

Utah has made it clear that they are paramount about their children. They are about their orphans being protected. You don't let a cult who worships and defends a known pedophile into the orphanage to adopt kids with the legal shoehorn of marriage.

Utah has one of the highest teen suicide rates in the country. It isn't LGBT "cult" they need to be protected from, it's Mormonism.

If it were only kept in the bedroom, but alas it wants in the schoolyard. It wants in the orphanage. And it seems to want in those places very very very avidly. You know, with a pedophile messiah.

And hense "my horseshit"...and the key and crucial problem with LGBT marriage...

You mean, gasp, you are upset that children are going to be told not to hate? OH MY GOD, we totally need to tell kids to hate gays, just like Jesus did!

Next you're going to tell me Jesus wasn't for tax cuts for rich people!

Don't even get me started on the appropriateness of this legal shoehorn for people who have had healthy body parts amputated in order to role-play the opposite gender and insist the rest of society play along...or else...[Piers Morgan]. They don't belong within a country mile of a child in their formative years...

again, are you this upset bout plastic surgery, boob jobs, hair transplants or a lot of other things people do to themselves to not be what nature made them?

Or do you only get upset when people do surgical things to their junk?
I get to sell Oranges, as Lemons. I can make more money this way, and all Citrus is the same, and definitions mean nothing, so if you pay more thinking you're buying lemons, when I sold you oranges, its all good, yes?

marriage? gayrriage? are two men the same as a man and a woman?

why are we being dictated to, that we are to call things that are different the same thing?

Why are you dumber than a bag of rocks?
Dictated too lol....the day that happens you won't be on the internet.
again, are you this upset bout plastic surgery, boob jobs, hair transplants or a lot of other things people do to themselves to not be what nature made them?

Or do you only get upset when people do surgical things to their junk?

Plastic surgery doesn't change ones gender. One's gender is determined by DNA, the presence or absence of a womb or penis & testicles at birth. The other stuff is enhancement. And for the record, no, I don't approve of vanity unless there is horrible disfiguring like a cleft palate or burn scars...things of that nature.

I am absolutely against amputation of healthy organs and the rendering thereby of a person as sexually numb and with urinary incontinence all in an assist to their delusions that they aren't what gender they were born as. Mental issues aren't solved by amputating healthy organs.
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again, are you this upset bout plastic surgery, boob jobs, hair transplants or a lot of other things people do to themselves to not be what nature made them?

Or do you only get upset when people do surgical things to their junk?

Plastic surgery doesn't change ones gender. One's gender is determined by DNA, the presence or absence of a womb or penis & testicles at birth. The other stuff is enhancement. And for the record, no, I don't approve of vanity unless there is horrible disfiguring like a cleft palate or burn scars...things of that nature.

I am absolutely against amputation of healthy organs and the rendering thereby of a person as sexually numb and with urinary incontinence all in an assist to their delusions that they aren't what gender they were born as. Mental issues aren't solved by amputating healthy organs.

Frankly, I don't recommend it, but I don't let the 1%ers use it to distract me from the shit they are up to, either.

someone wants to mutilate their junk, just not seeing why that's your problem.
again, are you this upset bout plastic surgery, boob jobs, hair transplants or a lot of other things people do to themselves to not be what nature made them?

Or do you only get upset when people do surgical things to their junk?

Plastic surgery doesn't change ones gender. One's gender is determined by DNA, the presence or absence of a womb or penis & testicles at birth. The other stuff is enhancement. And for the record, no, I don't approve of vanity unless there is horrible disfiguring like a cleft palate or burn scars...things of that nature.

I am absolutely against amputation of healthy organs and the rendering thereby of a person as sexually numb and with urinary incontinence all in an assist to their delusions that they aren't what gender they were born as. Mental issues aren't solved by amputating healthy organs.

Frankly, I don't recommend it, but I don't let the 1%ers use it to distract me from the shit they are up to, either.

someone wants to mutilate their junk, just not seeing why that's your problem.

Ahh and the singularity angle rears its head again.

We aren't talking about what normalizing a grotesque and disfiguring manifestation of deep mental issues will do to just one person here or there. We are talking about what society's stamp of approval as a WHOLE on the practice means to the next few generations and where that will lead all of us.

I for one do not want to see a serious mental condition be called, held out and represented to youngsters en masse, as "normal, healthy, OK". I'm not keen to see stark mental illness become "normal" in any human society. That's how barbaric practices take root and overtake a society. Check your history books for examples.
again, are you this upset bout plastic surgery, boob jobs, hair transplants or a lot of other things people do to themselves to not be what nature made them?

Or do you only get upset when people do surgical things to their junk?

Plastic surgery doesn't change ones gender. One's gender is determined by DNA, the presence or absence of a womb or penis & testicles at birth. The other stuff is enhancement. And for the record, no, I don't approve of vanity unless there is horrible disfiguring like a cleft palate or burn scars...things of that nature.

I am absolutely against amputation of healthy organs and the rendering thereby of a person as sexually numb and with urinary incontinence all in an assist to their delusions that they aren't what gender they were born as. Mental issues aren't solved by amputating healthy organs.
Genetics, and Genitals, do not make Gender. The organ that works that out is the real sex organ, the brain. The body just moves it around.

Your concerns, like your knowledge of this, are invalid.