Every argument for gay marriage can be applied to marriage between relatives


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2017
The only exception is gay marriage is legal. But that's besides the point, because gay marriage was illegal as well.

Some might suggest well, no, because any off-spring between close relatives invites genetic concerns. That's not going to work, because one of the arguments for gay marriage is marriage doesn't concern reproduction. And besides, what if you wanted to marry your gay first cousin? Additionally, we don't prevent marriage or reproduction for couples with genetic disorders.

Some might suggest "it invites child molestation". Hmm, perhaps in some cases, but that's not going to work either, because study's show a large percentage of gays were molested as children, and victims are more likely to become predators.

Can't use none of your business what happens between two consenting adults.

Can't use govt. must stay out of marriage. Which was always BS, they afford certain rights and benefits to married couples, you really want them to stay out of it? And besides, marriage used to be intended to support reproduction, nation-building, families, natural order, and even the bible. Thanks to gay-marriage, it's become more subjective.

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