Oklahoma Republican Senator James Lankford says he will "step in" if President-elect Biden doesn't have access to intelligence briefings by Friday

So according to the far right on this board trump wasn't president elect the day after the election when everyone on fox news and right wing media was calling him president elect.

According to the far right on this board trump should never have had any access to PDBs or any of the transition funds required to be released by law the day after the election when everyone was calling him president elect.

None of our previous presidents should have been given access to information or the transitional funds required by law.

Or is it that every president before Biden should have been called president elect the day after the election and had proper access to the information the needs and funds he needed except for Biden. All others can but Biden can't.

The far right on this board have always had mental and emotional problems but this has sent them totally over the edge.
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Biden is NOT PRESIDENT ELECT YET... He has no right to that information.

Yes he is. And yes he's entitled to it. At least a few Republicans are beginning to recognize that not only is Trump starting to jeopardize the peaceful transition of power, he's also creating a national security risk.
Republicans dodged a bullet last Tuesday. The last thing they want to do is piss away their good fortune on the altar of Donald John Trump. He's got no future. Except trying to keep him and his family members
out of prison.
No, he is not the president elect yet. The electoral college has not voted yet.
This isn’t a hard concept to grasp. So what’s your problem?

The electors will vote with their states. I know you're hoping otherwise but it won't happen.
Yes. Joe Biden won. He is the President elect. All the crying and whining won't change that.
I understand you're upset that your great white hope lost. But please, a little dignity.
You have no idea what I’m hoping, you ignorant asshat.
As has been stated several times, most recently by FA_Q2... he isn’t the president elect yet.
Despite Crepitus’ claiming “lies. You lie. You lie” and on and on, joe Biden has not had the EC vote him in. Therefore he is merely the presumptive winner at this point. He is not the president elect, no matter how hard YOU wish it.
Now, with that said... I can understand why their is bitching and moaning. It sure looks like it will soon be president Hoe Hidin. It likely will. But as of right now, he isn’t the president elect, so whatever he and his supporters think he is entitled to is irrelevant.

Your beloved google defines it like this...
  1. a person who has been elected president but has not yet taken up office.

Do you guys actually not understand that Biden is not president elect yet? As in it is a basic fact that he has not won the election?

That is an actual fact. He becomes president elect when the electors cast their ballots. The election that decides the presidency has not actually taken place - just the election to select electors in the individual states.

That we know he is going to win is not what makes Biden the president elect.
This is apparently to hard of a concept to grasp.
Wait, let me retort in brilliant Crepitus fashion... “you’re lying”
Boom!!!! Got’eeeem!!!
want some? COME GET SOME!

trump didn't face any of this when he was called as president elect. He was given what every other president elect had access to so they can transition for the next administration. It's called continuity.
You’re right, we should give Biden all the courtesy extended to trump as he was taking office. Trump should conspire with other officials to falsify evidence to get a fisa warrant to begin spying on everybody around Biden in order to undermine his presidency and set up an impeachment over absolute lies.
want some? COME GET SOME!

Indeed all senile people need intelligence briefings
Trump's going ballistic

IT is currently being laid out in court... The data files from 50 Dominion machines shows the fraud. I fully expect SCOTUS to demand hand counts... This is far from over..

It's over. SC doesn't even take it up. No credible evidence of fraud.
Honestly, this is just embarrassing.
Trump's going ballistic

Donald's handlers or perhaps Don Junior found something to cheer him up on OANN so they forwarded it. :laugh:

Project veritas?

Are they serious?

The guy who has lied through his teeth for years and has faced legal problems for breaking the law?

james o'keefe? That guy?

LOL. These people are really scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Trump's going ballistic

Donald's handlers or perhaps Don Junior found something to cheer him up on OANN so they forwarded it. :laugh:

Project veritas?

Are they serious?

The guy who has lied through his teeth for years and has faced legal problems for breaking the law?

james o'keefe? That guy?

LOL. These people are really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Thankfully Jimmy is a convicted felon who can no longer vote. :)

want some? COME GET SOME!

Biden is not entitled to any briefings until after the electors meet and the election is certified.
Yet another lie.
Yeah, another disgrace is the way the congressional Republicans have played along with this.

So much disgrace from this administration and those who enable it.
China Joe is a security risk. HE does not deserve access to anything... He is COMPROMISED!
This is a lie as well.
But he heard it on the radio!
I know we aren't supposed to blame the victims of propaganda and brainwashing but these people seem so eager and willing to be victims it's hard not to.

Not if the level of voter fraud is found we beleive is in Geopriga and Michigan.. IF the counting devices were scraping votes for biden it will soon come out and then all bets are off for your idiot... I wouldn't use a new rope for his execution....
Give it a friggin rest, will ya.

Voter fraud is a lie. Trump has proves nothing in court. Georgia and Arizona are Pub states. This has been the most transparent election in history. Take a break and clear your head.

LOL, you're a true moron.
Yeah, another disgrace is the way the congressional Republicans have played along with this.

So much disgrace from this administration and those who enable it.
China Joe is a security risk. HE does not deserve access to anything... He is COMPROMISED!
This is a lie as well.
But he heard it on the radio!
I know we aren't supposed to blame the victims of propaganda and brainwashing but these people seem so eager and willing to be victims it's hard not to.
I know. I just remind myself that there is, in fact, historical precedence for group pathology like this.

And these people are absolutely fucking terrified. They've bought it all. We're going full commie any day now, and we're all gonna suffer and die. So you do want to show some empathy. It's just tougher when they behave like this.
Oklahoma Republican Senator James Lankford says he will "step in" if President-elect Biden doesn't have access to intelligence briefings by Friday

Stepping in it.PNG

Perhaps voting machines in Oklahoma need looked at too. Someone commented that ESS is used if the preferred candidate is an R.
Biden is NOT PRESIDENT ELECT YET... He has no right to that information.
Of course Biden is entitled to thsi information. Biden is president-elect. He won the election. Put your partisan hat aside and just think for the moment what is in the best interests of the nation. It is to have a president-elect familiar with our national security issues the day he is sworn in.
Trump was invited the next day by Obama.

These sycophants don't care.

Obama invited Trump? Trump was not his opponent in the election, was he?

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