Oklahoma Republican Senator James Lankford says he will "step in" if President-elect Biden doesn't have access to intelligence briefings by Friday

Yeah, another disgrace is the way the congressional Republicans have played along with this.

So much disgrace from this administration and those who enable it.
China Joe is a security risk. HE does not deserve access to anything... He is COMPROMISED!
This is a lie as well.
But he heard it on the radio!
I know we aren't supposed to blame the victims of propaganda and brainwashing but these people seem so eager and willing to be victims it's hard not to.
I know. I just remind myself that there is, in fact, historical precedence for group pathology like this.

And these people are absolutely fucking terrified. They've bought it all. We're going full commie any day now, and we're all gonna suffer and die. So you do want to show some empathy. It's just tougher when they behave like this.
The problem is the historical precedent you're referencing led to world war two.

The attack on Pearl Harbor led to WW2. But we were preparing to help Britain. My Dad worked in a Defense plant before the war started. We were gearing up. Then he went into the fight.
No. Attack on pearl harbor stimulated our involvement, it did not "lead to world war two".

You lived then? If so you can argue,if not you only know what you learned in History.
Biden is NOT PRESIDENT ELECT YET... He has no right to that information.
Of course Biden is entitled to this information. Biden is president-elect. He won the election. Put your partisan hat aside and just think for the moment what is in the best interests of the nation. It is to have a president-elect familiar with our national security issues the day he is sworn in. As much as Obama despised Trump, Trump was never denied access or funds. Obama put nation before politics. Trumpers should do the same.
He’s media “projected winner”, which doesn’t mean much at this point. Ballots are still being counted, provisional ballots have to be gone through. No election has been certified. No electors have cast ballots. No one has conceded.

They never are until the last of November. But right now around 10 Members of the Senate have said Biden needs the Security briefings. That includes Grassley, Rubio, Portman, Langford and guess who? Lindsey Graham!

Also a huge Republican donor was just on CNN saying Biden won and start the transition. Told Trump he was only hurting the brand now!
want some? COME GET SOME!

/----/ When did Dementai Joe win the election? What were the final EC votes? When were those recounts finished?
View attachment 415119

Biden has the Electoral votes.. that is all that matters. Plus over 5 million popular vote.

There is no such thing as the "popular vote"
Yes, there is but the Electoral vote is the decider.

No, there is no such thing as a popular vote. There is no runs total in the world series, there is only who won the most games. Beating the other team 18-17 in runs is irrelevant if they beat you 4-2 games. And the run total changes because each game is different. If they were playing for total runs in the world series, the entire strategy would be different.

Adding up the vote totals from every State is irrelevant because everyone voting knows that doesn't matter.

Candidates spend and go to different States differently and the voters there all know their vote only matters if they are in a battleground State.

You win the World Series by winning four games.

You win the Super Bowl with points, not yards or first downs.

You win the Presidency with the EV.

There is no such thing as a "popular vote"
Live in your dream world. I prefer mine where facts matter.

What wasn't factual about what I said?

What you're claiming is bull crap. You're claiming that campaigns are irrelevant. It doesn't matter where candidates spend money. It doesn't matter where they campaign. All irrelevant. It doesn't matter if you live in a battleground State or a solid red or blue State, you will or won't show up at the polls unaffected by that.

It's a load of crap, you don't know what you are talking about
You said there was no popular vote. Tell that to the 75 million that voted for Biden, 71 million for Trump. I had already posted the Electoral vote is what counts.
/——/ NY Radio WOR reported Trump is up to 73.2 million votes. Time to update your talking points.
He is still behind and as you guys say the electoral vote is the thing. I have not heard that number any place else.

want some? COME GET SOME!

WTF is he going to do about it?
Pass the information on.
That’s illegal.
Yes, it is.

Do you want to bet anyone holds him to task should he do it though?

Do you guys actually not understand that Biden is not president elect yet? As in it is a basic fact that he has not won the election?

That is an actual fact. He becomes president elect when the electors cast their ballots. The election that decides the presidency has not actually taken place - just the election to select electors in the individual states.

That we know he is going to win is not what makes Biden the president elect.
This is apparently to hard of a concept to grasp.
Wait, let me retort in brilliant Crepitus fashion... “you’re lying”
Boom!!!! Got’eeeem!!!
I am just taken back that it seems so many do not only misunderstand the process but are demanding they are correct at the same time.
Biden is NOT PRESIDENT ELECT YET... He has no right to that information.
Of course Biden is entitled to this information. Biden is president-elect. He won the election. Put your partisan hat aside and just think for the moment what is in the best interests of the nation. It is to have a president-elect familiar with our national security issues the day he is sworn in. As much as Obama despised Trump, Trump was never denied access or funds. Obama put nation before politics. Trumpers should do the same.
He’s media “projected winner”, which doesn’t mean much at this point. Ballots are still being counted, provisional ballots have to be gone through. No election has been certified. No electors have cast ballots. No one has conceded.

They never are until the last of November. But right now around 10 Members of the Senate have said Biden needs the Security briefings. That includes Grassley, Rubio, Portman, Langford and guess who? Lindsey Graham!

Also a huge Republican donor was just on CNN saying Biden won and start the transition. Told Trump he was only hurting the brand now!
Tough shit, let the Senator “step down” then. He’s a liar.
Yeah, another disgrace is the way the congressional Republicans have played along with this.

So much disgrace from this administration and those who enable it.
China Joe is a security risk. HE does not deserve access to anything... He is COMPROMISED!
This is a lie as well.
But he heard it on the radio!
I know we aren't supposed to blame the victims of propaganda and brainwashing but these people seem so eager and willing to be victims it's hard not to.
I know. I just remind myself that there is, in fact, historical precedence for group pathology like this.

And these people are absolutely fucking terrified. They've bought it all. We're going full commie any day now, and we're all gonna suffer and die. So you do want to show some empathy. It's just tougher when they behave like this.
The problem is the historical precedent you're referencing led to world war two.

The attack on Pearl Harbor led to WW2. But we were preparing to help Britain. My Dad worked in a Defense plant before the war started. We were gearing up. Then he went into the fight.
No. Attack on pearl harbor stimulated our involvement, it did not "lead to world war two".

You lived then? If so you can argue,if not you only know what you learned in History.
You can't be serious. The history of WWII is well documented and not in any doubt.

I mean, seriously. What a stupid thing to say.
I understand President Trump's pain.

I, too, am disappointed that he apparently lost.

But he should definitely let former VP Biden be briefed.

When Mr. Biden (or even possibly Ms. Harris) is inaugurated as President on January 20, he (or she) must be as fully informed as possible.

I can understand if President Trump does not attend the Inauguration. It is the understatement of the century to say that the crowd would be less than courteous toward him. So nothing should detract from the happy day when Mr. Biden & Ms. Harris take their oaths before possibly the biggest crowd in Inauguration history.

It is a very sad ending to a presidency that I admired -- for at least two reasons: He kept us out of foreign wars and he refused to kowtow to BLM.

I wish him well.

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