OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Graham complaining about the political climate that he helped create

Where was his outrage over what was done to Merrick Garland?
It is hypocrisy. Graham has went from McCain's shadow to Trump's buttboy. Graham is playing politics to the hilt. In 2020 he is up for re-election and knows a challenge from the right is coming.
Brett keeps trying to use the I went to Yale card as if that counts to Republicans.

Remember Republicans think college is bad for America.

They don’t like the elites.
Two of the MOST UNHINGED persons in this hearing today are
1. Kavanaugh
2. Graham

The term 'drama queen' is now owned by Lindsey Graham.

OH FUCK!! Now Kav is asking the questions! WTF?
Oh that's /not/ okay, but it's okay for Ford's unpaid lawyers to stop her testimony to tell her what to say and/or tell the committee they can't ask that?

They stopped the clock each time. Are you even watching? Grassley said MANY times to stop the clock.

So you want them (D's) to have extra time? I don't have a problem with that...

How is it more time? Strawman much? I just destroyed your argument and then you tried a strawman. Congrats.

Grassley asked to stop the clock many times while Ford was answering questions.

Where did you "destroy" my argument? So your complaint is not the clock should have been stopped, so what is your complaint?

YOU complained about Ford going off topic or talking to her lawyers wasting time. That was a lie. Grassley stopped the clock many times to keep from time being wasted. By do go on... tell me how this is being unfair to not allow Kavanaugh to waste times.

Just like now he is asking Senator Whitehouse what HE DRINKS. What does that matter?

Uhm no. ya'll bitched about Kavanaugh wasting time (not answering questions) - I said turn-about was fair play. Then you flipped your shit about stopping the clock you fruit loop....
Doubtful, Trump understands family and career.
He has had so many of them

Are you saying that people shouldn't be allowed to divorce if one of them decides they're not in love anymore?

What are you a religious fruit loop?

Or if one of them flaunts an affair in the media ?

Why does it matter? Trump fell for someone else. Happens every fucking day in this nation, it's why we have a 50% divorce rate in the nation, it's why something like 65% of people have affairs.

Are you actually surprised by this shit? You must be young...
Trumps old wife was getting old........time to trade her in

Fine with me, not my wife/husband so I really have no say in his personal life decisions. You think you should have a say in it?
They stopped the clock each time. Are you even watching? Grassley said MANY times to stop the clock.

So you want them (D's) to have extra time? I don't have a problem with that...

How is it more time? Strawman much? I just destroyed your argument and then you tried a strawman. Congrats.

Grassley asked to stop the clock many times while Ford was answering questions.

Where did you "destroy" my argument? So your complaint is not the clock should have been stopped, so what is your complaint?

YOU complained about Ford going off topic or talking to her lawyers wasting time. That was a lie. Grassley stopped the clock many times to keep from time being wasted. By do go on... tell me how this is being unfair to not allow Kavanaugh to waste times.

Just like now he is asking Senator Whitehouse what HE DRINKS. What does that matter?

Uhm no. ya'll bitched about Kavanaugh wasting time (not answering questions) - I said turn-about was fair play. Then you flipped your shit about stopping the clock you fruit loop....

Do you have memory issues? YOU said this:

"Oh that's /not/ okay, but it's okay for Ford's unpaid lawyers to stop her testimony to tell her what to say and/or tell the committee they can't ask that?"
as the lawyer kept asking those questions, Dr Ford became unglued. the lawyer tried to comfort her by praising her for reporting Kavanaugh. "i can see why you're upset. you're a strong gal, and you probably have good judgement most of the time. there's some kleenex there if you need it"
Kavanaugh has gone off the deep end.
This has now gone far beyond Kavanaugh's guilt or innocence. What has happened today is the public exposure of how rotten the current political system is. Both sides are guilty of perverting what should have been a routine confirmation hearing into a tawdry media circus. Republican senators are too gutless to question Dr. Ford directly but hide behind the skirts of a female attorney. Democrats have destroyed the reputation of a long time Federal judge and treated his accuser as if she were the Virgin Mary. The only thing missing here is someone scattering rose petals in front of Dr. Ford as she took her seat!

Kavanaugh MIGHT squeak through the committee vote tomorrow, but at this point there is no way that 51 Republican senators will vote for confirmation. In November, expect the Republicans to lose the house and quite possibly the Senate as well. Why? Because I think that a large portion of Trump's conservative base (like myself) are appalled at his mishandling of this nomination and his failure to deliver on other key issues he was elected to do and will just stay home on election day.

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