Street Juice
Platinum Member
Jews have never shied away from slaughtering their own to achieve what they felt to be overarching goals. Here’s David Ben Gurion in the late 1930’s: “If I knew that it was possible to save all the [Jewish] children in Germany by transporting them to England, but only half by transporting them to Palestine, I would choose the second.”
I think you could add something to that. Jews don’t take things lying down. There was no threat to Jewish lives in Germany in the 30’s. There was discrimination and the Jews, particularly international Jewry, strongly objected to this and ratcheted up propaganda around the world against Germany in an effort to start WW II. This goal was achieved in 1939. In addition to everything else they were doing, the Jewish leadership in Great Britain began paying Winston Churchill huge sums of money to make war on Germany in 1937. Germany was aware of many of these things, as the propaganda was for everyone to see. Jews played a huge role in pushing the world to war so when for instance 50,000 Germans were killed in 5 days of bombing in 1943 in Hamburg, Germans might not be so inclined to speak out on Jews behalf, considering they paid Churchill to do that.
David Irving has copies of the original correspondence between Winston Churchill and Chaim Weizmann, the leader of British Jewry and later, first President of Israel. In a letter to Churchill in the late 30’s, Weizmann says Jews are the most united force in the USA in their firm determination that there should be a war against Germany. He says from the poor peddler to the rich banker, they are united in this belief. He also adds Jews played a big role in pulling the USA into WW I on the allies side and they can do it again if Churchill is more helpful to them. Germany was not oblivious to Jewish propaganda and politicking and when Germans were being burned alive in their cities I’m sure they wanted to hit back at those that did that to them.
But Jews insist they were just innocent bystanders with no power and they played no role in anything that might explain why numerous countries in Europe considered Jews a hostile enemy. Just like they would claim the Jews had no responsibility for anything bad that happened in the Soviet Union. The fact that they made up 80 to 85% of the Soviet government, which genocided 66 million Russian Christians by the time all was said and done, is irrelevant to them. Obviously, informed people don’t swallow their lies.